Posts Tagged ‘Middle East’

Evangelicals are not trying to bring on Armageddon, just protect Israel

October 30, 2013

This is in reaction to the article written by one Dr. Manion, just a comment about your reference to dispensationalists. In general I agree with his criticism of the warmongers among Christians, but have one small “correction” on one point in the interest of understanding them:

I’ve been irritated by the crazy dispensationalist doctrines since I became a Christian again as an adult. Some of my blogs about it, in case you have interest in such things:

You wrote this:

During the Bush years, Thomas served as a critical intellectual intermediary between the president and American Evangelicals, especially the Dispensationalists. This curious group supported war not only in Iraq but throughout the Middle East.

Why? Because Dispensationalists thought that war would bring on Armageddon, and thus the Second Coming, in their lifetimes — allowing them to rule over all the Earth with Jesus Christ for a thousand years in the Millennium.

But this is not the case, in my opinion, and many people misunderstand them, just like your statement about misunderstanding the MIddle East when people say they “hate us for our freedom”.

But it is also a mistake to say Muslims do suicide bombings just because they want those 72 virgins!

Along the same lines, evangelicals are not just interested in hastening Armageddon, although you might think so from some literature if you don’t try to understand them. I’m a Christian, but such labels do not fit me, I was against the Vietnam War in the 1960s as the young Communist I was, but ever since I came back to Christ in 1971, I have been against every single war the US has engaged in to date.

Most evangelicals in the pews are more motivated by thinking they are supposed to be friends to Israel, help protect Israel against the world. This is indeed due more to the dispensationalist influence than anything else, and “dispensationalists” will agree with this, but most people in their pews in church do not understand this well.

It’s all about helping Israel right up to the pre-Tribulation moment (another false doctrine) when they are raptured out of the Earth, and the world is left behind for the Antichrist to take over.

The main historical devil responsible for “dispensations” getting a false interpretation is Cyrus Scofield, and then there’s his own mentor, Charles Darby in England. Scofield’s notes gave special twists and turns to scripture, made many of them seem backwards from what they were. In other words, he hated the Bible but knew that Americans would not be so easily fooled as to new false “translations” like Darby’s, so he just wrote copious notes that did the job.

Gullible Christians;

Luke 16:8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

I wrote more about Scofield here:

Thanks for listening

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Syrian Christian woman wipes the floor with Senator John McCain at a Townhall meeting

September 7, 2013

MUST SEE! Syrian Christian woman wipes the floor with Senator John McCain at a Townhall meeting | BARE NAKED ISLAM…

Okay, now the truth is out. They were beating the drums of war in our faces, in spite of the entire world being against it, and now, a Syrian-American woman who is also a Christian, has put it back in the face of the war mongers, with John McCain as their stand-in.

American interventions in the Middle East, like the lady said, has been disastrous most of all for the Christians in the region. Why is it that Christians get the worst of all the American interventions. Even Hiroshima and Nagasaki had the highest concentration of Christians in Japan at the time…

Some of the oldest continuous Christian populations in Iraq and Syria are now being ethnically cleansed.. And by the way, Muslims are being slaughtered too, not just Alawites…

The Crusades, Terrorism and the Middle East

April 28, 2013

The Crusades were an effort to take BACK by force that which had been taken by FORCE by Islamic conquest.
Wars are brutal and what’s missed in that is (1) the Crusades were opposed by many Christians of the day, including (2) St. Francis of Assisi, who brokered a peace between the two sides on one occasion.

The Inquisition was run by a *political* hierarchy that used the name of Christ for cover, just as today in the West the most vile of corrupt rulers use “democracy” as a cover, and a tyrannical Hugo Chavez used “majority vote” –and even God– as a cover (never mind the fraud).

How can anybody call the Inquisition period a “Christian” thing when a central issue was to BAN THE BIBLE AND BURN ITS ADVOCATES as witches? An identity thief can call himself anything. Kris Kringle or Santa Clause by any other lying name, no matter how much you paint lipstick on that pig.

Recently one Anders Behring Breivik shot 77 peaceful –and unarmed– campers dead in Norway (the first one was the only one armed security man) had advocated “Christian” culture on his web site. As soon as they saw the word “Christian”, CNN ran a feed at the bottom of the screen for hours on end, days, that said “Christian fundamentalist” — a criminally negligent and slanderous accusation against a great number of peaceful Christian fundamentalists. Because on the same web site where they got the word “Christian”, the shooter said that he did NOT believe the Bible and he did NOT believe in Jesus. CNN shows itself again to be “fundamentally” bigoted against the name of Jesus Christ.

It is also a sign of truncated thinking and anti-Christ bigotry to equate Christian and Islamic holy books or actions. Even militant Islamists –as they are painted in the Western media image of them–are no doubt offended at this irrational equivalency-by-monotonous-repetition equivalency meme. Atheists who do not have the need to invent such contortions, are appalled by this too. The worst horrors of history were done by officially and enforced atheist regimes that banned all religious faiths from any public expression.

In one of them, both the central figure (Christ) laid down his life to the death for unbelievers at the beginning, and millions of his followers have done the same since. In the other, the founding figure laid down the lives of unbelievers at the beginning, and 100s of thousands, maybe millions, of his followers have done the same thing since.

Most Muslims want to live in peace, and support their families. I have cultivated close friendship with Muslim co-workers, and we have talked about the principles of our faiths without even raising our voices. Many Muslims risk beheading for accepting Jesus Christ as risen Savior and many Christians risk beheading in many parts of the world for being Christians.

“Terrorism” is a very broad category of tactics used by small groups to leverage such tactics where the proponent is otherwise weak in power.We see the “blowback principle” take effect when the people targeted by such actions become enraged.

The unconstitutional undeclared “war against terrorism” was a Newspeak tactic to propel the U.S.A. and the world into a permanent state of war. All the easier to take away the “freedoms” that “they” supposedly hate us for. It all too easily expands into asking the subjects of the rulers to tell authorities about anybody who “hates the government”. We have seen this movie before.

Michael Scherer said it well, something like, They’re not over here because we’re free to enjoy a few beers at night, they don’t like us bombing and invading them. Nobody can accuse Mr. Scherer of gullibility. He was the head of the team that sought Osama bin Laden all those years and set it up for the next team to find him. I doubt he is portrayed in the Hollywood movie about the search.

He has explained many times in media interviews the established principle of “blowback”, a term often used within the CIA for such a phenomenon, where your actions have reactions. This is *NOT* a “blaming America” thing.

Who decided to bomb and invade over there? Was there ever any debate in Congress, as constitutionally required in the U.S., about a declaration of war? Was it “America”, or was it America’s rulers?

Was there ever a debate in Congress over whether to declare war on Libya? Or did America’s *rulers” decide to send in military force (Special Forces) on the ground while denying it? When the “rebels” began losing, who decided to bomb the crap out of Libyan government forces?

There were lots of talking heads that declared Gaddafi was murdering civilians. But the best evidence of massacre of civilians are the pictures of the town that is no more, obliterated, its inhabitants wiped out and “cleansed”, that the entire town of Tawarga.

It’s not that the murderers who perpetrated this racist atrocity hid anything. They bragged about it, they bragged that they were not going to let it rebuild, they bragged about wiping out the 10,000 black-skinned Africans who built it up. Towarga burning:


Frightened Towarga refugee:

Syrian “rebel”: ‘Die slowly, Christian dog’

October 30, 2012
English: photograph of the town of , in the Be...

English: photograph of the town of , in the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Zahle, Lebanon

Zahle, Lebanon (Photo credit: Wikipedia) – Syrian “rebel”:

God damned meddling Yankees and their leaders, the ones trying to wipe out the Christians and the Alawites from Syria, the ones who are sending them arms from the rulers of the Yankees.

Just like during the Crusades, the Christians who actually are natives of the MIddle East hate the fighting and only want reconciliation. It’s too bad they look to Europe to arrange peace there, they forget that France gladly charged into Libya carrying NATO colors and pulled America in with them, and the result is tens of thousands dead at the hand of the Muslim version of Lenin‘s gullible “useful idiots”.

And as each side becomes more entrenched, the possibility of reconciliation becomes ever more remote, and paranoia begins to spread. ‘You’ve got to ask, who benefits most from this war?’ says Dr B’s wife to me in a stage whisper, across the table one night in Beirut. OK, who does benefit? ‘Israel,’ says Dr Bassam instantly, then relays a complicated theory about the benefit to Israel of weakening Syria and Lebanon through partition.

But Assad’s Syria is now a client state of Russia.

Does this sound weird to western ears? In the Middle East, it’s not an uncommon view. In Zhaleh, the Archbishop of the Bekaa Valley, the Most Revd John Darwish, gives us an audience to stress how important it is that we Europeans don’t follow America’s lead and consider arming the rebels. ‘We must have reconciliation, not war. And only Europe can achieve peace,’ he says. ‘If they don’t, the war will spread first to Lebanon and then even to Europe. The jihadis won’t stop. How much will England be affected in ten or 15 years?’ The question hangs in the air, almost like a threat. ‘This war is not between Syrians, it is between the powers of the world,’ says the archbishop darkly……

The greatest tragedy for Syria:

Whether the cause is local or global, one sad fact is that the Christians are leaving Syria, and once they’ve left, most won’t come back. This is the least examined tragedy of the conflict — the exodus of Christians from their holy land.

Left and right media both were wrong on Libya

September 26, 2012

Sources: Slain U.S. ambassador recruited jihadists:

Oh yeah.

The guy Gaddafi said to his own Parliament and to his whole country, blacked out by the media in the West, that his nation had become a pariah in the world for supporting terrorism and they were renouncing it and denouncing it.

He stopped his nuclear program and invited the UN (yep, NATO too) into the country to take out the nuclear material.

Almost alone among Arab countries, he his speeches and writings told the Arabs and the Muslims to learn to live in peace with their Jewish neighbors in Israel and envisioned a nation where they could learn to live as such and with his talk of an Isrealtine, and the world called him crazy for this. Don’t listen to such crazy talk.

He established a new currency based on gold, meaning the “dictator” could not control the currency or willy-nilly print money and rob purchasing power from the poor and middle class as happens in the Western “democracies” and in Communist countries too.

He became the worst enemy of al Qaeda in the entire Middle East.

For all this, America and NATO, led by Obama at France’s desperate prodding, waged war on him, financed fighters “formerly” of al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood, to help them overthrow him.

Now they have mobs led by those al Qaeda militia and their spiritual counterparts engaging in operations to destroy diplomatic missions and assassinate the ambassadors. Surprise.

Some people are going to ask if I’m “defending” him. That’s an indoctrinated automatic reaction on their part. It should be obvious I’m not.

But you have to ask yourself some things. Syria’s Assad was watching. Ahmadinejad was watching. He was also watching Obama and the U.S. and the West when 100s of 1000s of Iranians hit the streets to demand change and more freedom.

It sure looks like the times of “The End” are here. (Which is also not the Hollywood idea, nor the “Left Behind” idea either)

Some of know the end. Of the prophecies, none shall lack her mate.

One Zionist Israeli settler speaks out about America and Iran

May 23, 2012

Far from me to say Dick understands anything about Iran or about foreign policy, since he also doesn’t understand that sanctions easily fall under the category of “acts of war” themselves, and more often than not cause a blowback effect like that of war:

But at the website you can read what a Zionist settler says about Iran and sanctions and aid to Israel:

Vote Ron Paul and let my people go once again! Stop meddling here and stop trying to buy influence by giving me money. Stop trying to be the all powerful Peace Maker and let us work out the problems here on our own! If we think Iran is a threat, we can handle it and we’ll take the consequences. It’s not America’s problem and you can’t afford another war.

Now repeat after me (him): “If we think Iran is a threat, we can handle it and we’ll take the consequences. It’s not America’s problem and you can’t afford another war.”

Rafi Farber lives in “Samaria” (that’s occupied Syrian land by the way) and he also manages the “World of Judaica” website:

What I question is they hypocrisy of many who claim they are for peace in the Middle East and question supposedly “pro-Israel” positions. George W Bush dictated at Israel just as much as Obama does.

Were they bothered by Clinton’s bomb-throwing at pharmaceutical factories in the Sudan and some hillside in Afghanistan, or his bombing of civilians in Serbia and later the civilian caravans of “Kosovars”? No, they cheered wildly when Obama sent bombs raining on Libya, and when it didn’t work fast enough because so many Libyans loved him so much and enthusiastically went to the front to defend him, they started demanding more bombs and even ground troops.

And they themselves demanded that we throw away our own natural rights by shredding the constitutional ban on wars without declarations of war from Congress.

But maybe we’re just jaded, and our brain cells faded.

Why Jews should Support Ron Paul: from a Jewish settler:

March 18, 2012
Ron Paul supporters at a pre-debate rally in M...

Image via Wikipedia

Why Jews should Support Ron Paul:

The reason his statements don’t bother me all that much are that even though he’s wrong, I know full well that he doesn’t hate or love Israel. He really just doesn’t care and doesn’t want anything to do with it or my problems. And I don’t WANT him to care or have anything to do with it either, so Lew and I basically agree. I want to be independent, I don’t want any charity, and I want to take care of my own problems in Israel.

Why Jews should support Ron Paul (from a Jewish settler who lives in “Samaria“):

The worst thing Israel can possibly do for itself is to continue to take foreign aid from America. Aside from any other of Paul’s positions, his ending foreign aid would be the best thing for Israel since…I don’t know…sliced pita. There are three reasons for this. The first, and least important, is economic. The second, more important reason is psychological, which perpetuates the middle east conflict. The third, and most important, is moral. Let us deal with the least important first.

I think Bible prophecy indicates that it will not end very well for Israel, but clearly America should step back. The world today is NOT the Old Testament world, where nations are blessed for making peace with King David or leaving Israel alone. Besides, we are living in a post-Christian, even pagan nation that is just beginning its persecution against Biblical Christians and where we have rulers that promote apostasy world-wide, and promotes theft by majority.

How can God bless a nation or a culture that allows such rulers?

How can God bless a nation where even the leaders that call themselves “Christians” say nothing about the money changers at the Fed that have made our economy into a den of thieves and vipers?

Glenn Beck is losing credibility, Ron Paul knows his subject

January 20, 2012
Ron Paul Revolution design
Ron Paul at a rally in the Nashville War Memor...

Image via Wikipedia

Ron Paul presidential campaign, 1988

Image via Wikipedia

Ron Paul's blimp
Image via Wikipedia

This does not pass the smell test:

This sounds like the media playbook that pretended it was a Ron Paul supporter that said “Let him die!” when a moderator asked him about somebody without insurance that died of cancer.

I told my brother I thought it was most likely somebody who did not like Ron Paul yelling that.

And that was the Ron Paul who treated such cases in his private practice free of charge when they could not pay, and worked for a while at a Catholic hospital that treated for free many patients who could not pay.

Nowadays, the people who were generally treated for free before, now get Medicare and Medicaid, so the demagogues can now say there’s all these people who depend on it. Blah blah. How much wealth would be freed up if you eliminated the zillion-dollar federal “health care” bureaucracy?

Now Glenn Beck wants to discredit Ron Paul by saying this crap? And why is HE the ONLY one supposedly getting all these “death threats”?

I’ll bet you, there are so many trillions of corrupt dollars at stake for some interests it would surprise me greatly if it is Ron Paul who was not getting death threats!

So big deal, Glenn Beck! And go have your logic examined for reality!

The thing you say is crazy about Ron Paul’s perspective on the Middle East is the same thing the CIA experts on the subject are saying, that American meddling has a blowback principle.

What, you think American bases on Saudi Arabian soil doesn’t irk some Saudis and Arabs? How about an Arab whose grandfather or cousin  was killed in Deir Yassin? You don’t think American support for Israel would not bother Arabs?

We Americans complain about United Nations authorities telling us what to do here.

And why not try the same thing that worked for so long in American foreign policy, the Founding Fathers version, be friends with all with entangling alliances with none. How about that? Speak softly but carry a big national defense stick?

Like the respected international security analysis company Stratfor said when we went into Afghanistan, they predicted this too. They said if the USA goes in and overthrows the Taliban and chases al Qaeda into the nooks and crannies and then gets out and leaves it to the Afghans, they would be able to declare a victory and destroy their credibility, as in “Don’t tread on me”, and don’t mess with this tiger.

But instead, they made al Qaeda into this big evil monster that was going to overthrow the United States of America and take us over if we didn’t invade Afghanistan and Iraq and suspend the Fourth and Fifth Amendments with the Patriot Act and put out yellow and red threat alerts and check our genitals at the airports.

Give me a break! It would be a comedian’s laugh line if it weren’t such a real threat to us!

Our biggest threat right now to our freedoms is our own federal government and a looming unconstitutional police state that has full arbitrary confiscatory powers over all our production, it’s not those Arabs, jihad or no!

Rather than paying to have troops in 150 countries around the world in 900 bases with money we do not have, better to have them spend their money here and strengthen national defense here at home, protect our own borders instead of Afghanistan’s, use the savings from cutting out useless and burdensome federal bureaucracies to pay for the nuclear submarines (which Ron Paul strongly supports).

And that way they will have to take notice: You attack us here, or you attack our ships carrying freight or passengers, we will not hesitate to defend ourselves…

And hey Glenn Beck! Since when does a Mormon oppose the Golden Rule?

Michael Savage loses credibility and respect attacking Ron Paul

January 9, 2012

Michael Savage has had my respect for a long time because he calls the corrupt powers-that-be for what they are and has exposed the complicity of Republican Party hacks with the dismantling of America. But with his unwarranted and misguided attacks on Ron Paul, he has lost a LOT of credibility. He knows he has a lot of Ron Paul listeners, so he doesn’t go crazy wild, and he hasn’t gone into the personal lies that some of the shills have put out on him, so give him credit for that. Except for when he said Ron Paul hates Jews. Michael Savage KNOWS that Ron Paul does NOT hate Jews, and I say that because I cannot believe Michael Savage is stupid or ignorant, because he’s not. It’s hyperbole, sure, but it’s not a fair thing to say either.

Savage: Romney can’t stop Obama:

He says Romney is in over his head, but when Savage criticizes Ron Paul foreign policy or his views on the crazy drug wars, Savage is the one in over his head.

The CIA says we get blowback for meddling in the affairs of regions like the Middle East, the head man who was in charge of tracking down Osama bin Laden said it. Active military personnel are saying it. A great number of retired military officers are speaking out this way, when Conformist Media gives them a chance.

Foreign Aid? Ask almost anybody from a poor country whether foreign aid given to their governments has helped in the decades it’s been given.

What about the Jews? Meet the “Jews for Ron Paul” Facebook page:

And hear the fresh voice from an Israeli settler, none more Jewish and none more pro-Israel:

…And take special note of what he said about what we can do with our “help”. He was ecstatic at finding a presidential candidate who actually finally offered to set Israel free of American aid and to unleash them to settle their own affairs with their neighbors instead of interfering (“Let us take care of Iran”, he says)

I first got interested in the whole freedom movement when I heard that Ron Paul wanted to end all foreign aid, including to my country, Israel. This seemed like a spectacular idea to me. I hate the idea of taking American tax payer money I don’t need. The only reason we take it, by the way, is not because we need it. It’s that we don’t want to feel alone, and Jews always feel a deep existential isolation and loneliness. “As I see them from the mountain tops, gaze on them from the heights, this is a people who dwells alone, not counted among the Nations,” says Balaam of the People of Israel in Numbers 23:9. We still feel that loneliness. So we take the money. It’s shameful, it’s theft, it’s destructive, it’s morally wrong, and it makes people hate us for tying them into a conflict they have no business trying to solve. I wanted it to end and didn’t trust any Israeli leader to give it up on his own, so I looked up more about Ron Paul.

What I found was fascinating. On the forums, I learned of people who, back in ’08, literally gave their lives short of death to this man. Some poured money into his campaign they could not afford to give, and some even lost their marriages because of their single-minded insane dedication. This shocked me. I couldn’t yet understand it, but after a few days of listening to him, it began to click.

What is it about Ron Paul that inspires such extremes? Such maddening support on the one hand, and such fear and loathing on the other? I can give the answer in one word: Soul.

The essential soul of a human being is by definition free. The idea that men are free as determined by God is a concept that is foreign to most men. This is because most men want to control others, to take away their freedom. This is usually referred to as the drive for power. The drive for power is antithetical to freedom because power means the ability to control others. There is only one legitimate thing that power can and should be used for, whether it be military, legislative, or executive power. That is, to legalize freedom.

Ron Paul doesn’t want to be President to “give” me freedom. He doesn’t own my freedom and he didn’t give it to me. The only reason Ron Paul wants to be President is to stop punishing people for using their freedom that is rightfully theirs. He wants no power. This is clear to anyone who listens to him speak.

Obama’s Trump Card in Iran?

October 15, 2011

There they go..

Obama‘s numbers are in the basement, fourth level down, and there is no stairway up for him in sight, since he has burned his bridges upward by trashing the economy with his policies.

Most of the people aren’t fooled anymore by just the class warfare rhetoric, so maybe he’s pulling out the rabbit in his hat like many presidents have done before him, the ominous sound of the threat of war.

So his poll numbers couldn’t get any lower, so surprise, surprise, they find two agents of the Iranian government plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador.

Maybe now we’re getting a glimpse of why Obama chose not to support the first “Muslim spring” country –they couldn’t call it that but we can. It was an Islamic country in the Middle East called Iran.

Somebody said the U.S. is trying to get Israel to take out the Iranian Navy.

All across the Middle East, they’re getting ready to rumble. They’ve expected war for many decades.

Sometimes I wonder if any of the leaders over there, or over here for that matter, really want war. The average Muhammad and Moshe in the street do not, I’d guess, although the ones we see in the street in the West are the ones the news photographers get with scarves over their faces throwing rocks and missiles at Israelis, and others shooting missiles at Palestinians.

So maybe Bush’s parting gift to Obama was to leave Iran to him.

Some of us thought that Obama would be different, but as we can see, and as the Who sang many years ago when I used to be a gullible socialist in the street myself: