Posts Tagged ‘socialism’

Russian propaganda or American blowback?

September 21, 2017

Media Matters now says Matt Drudge pushed Russian propaganda, by its linking to RT and Sputnik. But they don’t share comparative counts.

The people voted for the peace candidate. Was that Russian propaganda? Nyet! Make peace not war!

People voted against sexual confusion! That’s Russian propaganda?

Sanders fans voted against the Wall Street candidate, preferring the Gramschi socialist Green Party.

The electorate voted against DNC-Clinton campaign collusion. Russian propaganda, or truth?

The electorate voted against the enabler of a serial rapist.
The electorate voted against Obamacare. Was the entire Republican membership of Congress in collusion with Russian propagandists?

The electorate voted for sane immigration policy. Is it the Russians that want sane immigration policy, or would they want to bankrupt California even more than it already is?

The electorate voted against socialist government. Of course the Russians wanted to stop the weakening of the economy and stop the welfare state.

The electorate voted against the regulations choking production and small business.

The electorate voted against ATF running guns to Mexican cartels

If The Russians are so good at mind control, then MK Ultra was an abysmal failure and so is Mockingbird Media at its impossible task of keeping us ignorant and stupid and even the neocons should demand the CIA shut itself down, close doors and apologize to us, and discovered their modern iteration of Operation Mockingbird, whatever they call it now, exposed by the brave German journalist who blew the whistle and is now blacklisted.

And why should we have to read Russian media anyway to find out what our government, our rulers, are doing to us anyway?

Jesus Christ promised in Matthew 24, the end times prophecy chapter, that secrets whispered in even bedchambers shall be shouted from the rooftops. They are starting to use their crony social media partners to suppress inconvenient truths and disappear un-persons.

God is not mocked. Sow and reap. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Rubio: Rand Paul is right

March 19, 2017

To Senator Rubio:

Ryancare will make Republicans pay for the sins of Obamacare, deservedly, because it is the same thing mixed around, fixing nothing of what is wrong. Be not afraid of the Thought Control Press. Trump proved they are irrelevant. You rode the tea party outrage into the Senate, now the bill has come due. Pay in full one way or another.

If Congress does this, you will pay. My naturalized wife and the step kids, Trump haters, have said it will be a redo of Obamacare.

Rand Paul’s plan will really make things better. Gosh, force the insurance companies to compete nationally instead of little state exchanges that let them carve out turf like a Mafia-families treaty? Unlimited individual HSA accounts that roll over year to year puts price shopping back in the hands of the consumer and stops most of the emergency room abuse AND forces insurance companies to compete with the consumers for their dollars. And damage all those mandates to hell where they came from!!

Maybe your colleagues are afraid of those organized Soros gangs disrupting town halls, but what door they care about your electorate? Paid trolls will use this vote either way to send you to oblivion.

The dollar is about to bring the house down. Follow your conscience not your excuses. Reap and sow. You can even call out Trump on this!

Take that one and hang it around Democrats’ neck!!!


Beware, beware of the *implantables*

March 19, 2017

Beware, beware of the *implantables*. Tracking software and “citizen” control enters hidden in a Trojan Horse. Most likely excuse for sneaking in the controls as they get discovered (leak away now guys) will be control over “money laundering”, criminals, child abusers, sexual predators, and the like, but inside lurk “master class” apps.

Note in the linked article that there are some devices for behavior control.

Brain wave behavior control has been an experimental research thing for decades now. School textbook conditioning to accept the subject’s governing authority is breaking down. That’s why they are trying –somewhat successfully– to use the conditioning cultural infrastructure to break down anti-state cultural institutions like the traditional nuclear family and religious faith in a God that demands obedience to laws like “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and even more so, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, rather than blind obedience to the state.

Lindsey Graham: Nobody believes you proven liars anymore

January 9, 2017

The bipartisan warfare-welfare machine has been caught in so many lies against us that of course people don’t believe them anymore. “How could you dare not trust us, your benevolent leaders” no longer works on us any more than it did for Stalin.

So the bullies are now down to censorship and fake news, like this fake news lie about Russia, which is only cover for causing Trump unjustified trouble. They are trying to get their gullible “useful idiots” ready for when they hope they might be able to pull off a color revolution

Regressive: government-media-corporate globalist fascist cartel not omnipotent

October 15, 2016

Call them what they are: regressives. They want to go back to the days when Stalin called the shots (and had his kill lists) and the Duma said Yes, sir we’ll pass that.

God said to the wicked in the days of old that he would turn their own weapons against them. So now God is using the back doors they have built into the operating systems (Windows especially, apparently Linux not so much), and the software and the web sites and the Internet in general, against them with these leaks.

The guy that served the order on the DNC in the Sanders fans’ lawsuit, and the DNC insider who may have been the DNC whistleblower, have been killed.

I wonder myself after Barry Seals’ ordeal, what their hit men are thinking about their own future.


A really, really, brief history of secession

October 9, 2015

The purpose of the War between the States was to kill the idea of secession. Slavery was secondary. Lincoln once supported an amendment to enshrine slavery if it would “save the Union”. It was not the war to free the slaves but to enslave the free.

Lincoln ordered at least one escaped slave returned to his master in UNION state Missouri. The Emancipation Proclamation ONLY applied to the SOUTHERN states, NOT MISSOURI or Maryland, Delaware or Kentucky. To this day Mississippi folks consider Kentucky as “North”.

The thirteen colonies of the Continental Congress committed the sin of secession from England,

England committed the sin of seceding from Rome.

Kosovo committed the sin of seceding from Serbia, supported by Clinton’s bombs.

Southern Sudan committed the sin of secession from Sudan.

A dozen members of the USSR seceded from the USSR.

Ukraine seceded from USSR and Crimea seceded from Ukraine.

Pakistan and India seceded from each other.

Israel seceded from the British Palestinian Mandate, and the Palestinians seceded from Israel.

Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica seceded from Spain, led by Francisco Morazan. Indian Chief Lempira is a national anti-imperialist hero in Honduras.

Haiti seceded from France, then invaded the rest of Hispaniola, then the Dominican Republic seceded from Haiti.

Bernardo O’Higgins liberated (won secession for) Chile from Spain.

Angola seceded from Portugal.

Zimbabwe seceded from the British Empire. (Maybe because they’re racist? Some dead white folks probably think so now)

Botswana seceded from South Africa. (Because Botswana must belong to racist white slave-owners maybe, following the logic of radical anti-secessionists in the U.S.)

Curacao seceded from Netherlands.

Surinam seceded from Netherlands.

The Lutherans seceded from Rome.

The Salvation Army seceded from the Methodists.

The Pilgrims seceded from Europe.

Texas seceded from Mexico.

All of Europe seceded from the Roman Empire.

St. Louis seceded from St. Louis County.

Hialeah, in Florida, wants to secede from Miami-Dade County.

The totality of the former Soviet Socialist Republics of the USSR seceded from the Soviet Union, then they seceded (mostly) from socialist dictatorship.

Cuba and the Philippines seceded from Spain. In fact, almost the entire continent of Latin America seceded from the Spanish Empire.

Panama seceded from Columbia.

Taiwan seceded from Communist China.

Most of us would be happy if California seceded from the USA. And took Hollywood with them.

Too many babies, or too many thieves and vipers?

September 20, 2015

I never said that anybody who said there was “overpopulation” was a Malthus or a Sanger. But they use the same argument as Margaret Sanger did about poor people. The main difference is they are not creating an organization like she did whose purpose is to eliminate as many “unfit” and poor people as possible, and by the way, eugenically determined bad racial stock (according to her and her fellow arrogant elites).

I do agree that #1, I would advise people not to have more kids than they would be able to support adequately, but I will not be so arrogant as to presume that my opinion on the matter counts more than theirs. If you don’t have the faith for it, don’t have them, use contraception or abstention. #2 There are too many families that have to live too scarcely in the world.

But item #2 has a cause, and the cause is NOT because the poor are obeying the first Biblical commandment that God gave mankind.

It’s because there are too many thieves and vipers in central banks who use their network of friends and secret societies to execute their plots against the rest of us and rob the nations with their sneaky tactics. The tactics are ever more transparent now with some corners of the Internet still free for information interchange.

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. – Luke 8:17

So why agree with these liars and deceivers, when in reality, it is the political class, the arrogant class, the robber cliques, the deceivers, that are the cause? And there is a streak of paganism here, because it is a camel’s nose, and the camel is the infant sacrifices made in old times to the gods of Mammon, Molech, and Baal. This is one reason the command government is pushing so hard for contraceptives that serve also as abortifacients.

By the way, that was the hidden back story of the Hobby Lobby case. They did not object to paying for contraception, actually. Obamacare listed all the FDA approved “contraceptives”. Hobby Lobby had already provided coverage for 16 different contraceptives, including the “birth control pill”. They objected to the other ones that are abortifacients, according to the only possible scientific and objective definition of a new human being, that being the genome in the chromosomes of the zygote. That’s another term for what God showed David in Psalm 138, “God’s book” as it is called there.

The lie of “overpopulation” and “too many babies” comes from the Father of Lies, after all, because he is right now “seeking whom he may devour”, because he “knoweth he hath but a short time” left before Jesus comes back and slays his Beast with the Sword that cometh from the mouth of the Lion of Judah himself and puts Lucifer in chains.

He hates people, it’s not “overpopulation” [sic] he hates, it’s anybody who is born, including his Satan worshippers, Luciferians, and other spiritually useful idiots as he regards them, like he manipulated Eve.

Because every single human being that is born has the potential to be a saved soul. And Satan demands human sacrifice.

The backwards thinking of “regressives”

September 13, 2015

Marriages were originally IMPLICIT contracts between two parties, and often withh the families engaged. Most were common law marriages, they just moved in together, the aspirant having had the okay of the father. (Fathers know guys better than the daughters do, at least back in those days).

The fact of the matter is, the natural nuclear family (husband, wife, children) is the institution that cultivates the strongest protection against state oppression. That went out the window with the push for state indoctrination of the next generations disguised as “free” academic education and then “forced” induction into the indoctrination centers.

The other institution that cultivates protection against meek pushover subservience to oppressors’ memes are religious institutions, this according to prominent agnostic economist and libertarian writer Murray Rothbard and atheist economist Walter Block.

No wonder Karl Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto that they had to exterminate the “bourgeois” institution of marriage and family. Total devotion to the collectivist mentality of worker ants is their goal.  The lying viper never wanted a “workers’ paradise”, he wanted his own special groups to dictate.

The modern heirs of Malthus and Marx think there are too many poor people in the world. That’s why they want to “protect” us from bad people, push groupthink, collectivist mentality. They think like the Orwellian uppermost crust of the “Inner Party”, like the Animal Farm where everyone has to be EQUAL but SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.

So they push Groupthink disguised as “diversity”;

Inequality disguised as “equality”;

Unemployment disguised as “minimum wage”, now morphed to “living wage”;

Racism and racial preferences disguised as “anti-racism”, “affirmative action”,

Censorship and enforcement of group-think disguised as “equality” under the law;

Bullying libertarians, whistleblowers, pro-lifers and those of religious faith, and those who think differently under the guise of “equality” as a meaningless rant and “non-discrimination”,

Violating religious liberty under the guise of claiming to defend it;

And generally wearing sheepskin while inside they are “ravenous wolves”.


Madonna’s openly gay brother defends Kim Davis’ rights

September 7, 2015

The new thoughtcrime regime drew a line in the sand. Two thirds of Kentucky’s voters recently passed a constitutional amendment to incorporate into law what has been understood for marriage licenses for since there were any marriage licenses. Marriage a union of man and woman according to the understanding of the Framers at the time, as one of those “self-evident” truths they referred to in the Declaration of Independence.

At this next URL, an atheist defends Kim Davis:

And here’s a report on Madonna’s openly gay brother defending Kim Davis and blasting the militant gays for their “sore winning”:

I agree with Chris Cantrell above, this is all about control. Centralizing government command-and-control obedience. Punishing thoughtcrime. They’re showing their hand with this. They had to use something to consolidate the Gramschi strategy for socialist tyranny.

(See this link for an explanation of the Gramsci strategy:

See 2 Samuel 15 and Daniel 11 for examples of the strategies used by socialists today,  one by an ancient power-hungry operator and another a prophecy of the times we are living in.


Is the media orchestrated?

August 16, 2015

Most “traditional” media writers (broadcast, cable, paper-legacy press) don’t realize they are part of an industry and government-media complex.

The truth of the matter became clear to me in 2009 when Honduras deposed the sitting caudillo president. He had won the election by fraud, as he himself even admitted out loud to Jorge Ramos in a Univision interview: “Everybody does it, Jorge!”, he said.

That year, 2009, was when I watched in surprised awe as EVERY SINGLE ONE of ALL the traditional international (Establishment-approved) Media sources, like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN-Espanol, NYT, Reuters, AP, LA Times, BBC, NPR, the French agency, all of them called it a “coup”, and they said NOTHING about Zelaya taking on the mantle of dictator. That was right after the summit of Caribbean and Central American presidents in Santo Domingo in November 2008 where George Soros was their “keynote speaker”.

And then ALL of the votes in the United Nations, including the Zelaya-appointed ambassador, condemned Honduras for defending itself from a Hugo Chavez-style coup-by-fraud, a criminal runaway president. They dotted their “i”s, and crossed their “t”s, constitutionally, and the Congress recognized his removal from the presidency with a list of his crimes, major thefts of government money, abuses, refusal to obey court orders (from “pipsqueak judges”, “juecesitos”), refusal to abide by laws passed by the Congress and violating multiple sections in the Constitution.

The day after slanderous and libelous CNN-Espanol broadcasts that Sunday, July 28, Hondurans were enraged. Half the adult population poured into all the central city and town plazas to support the transitional government, to protest against the demands to reinstate the dictator, AND TO PROTEST THE INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE.

That same evening, one of the news analysts on CNN-Espanol let it out on the broadcast of events that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the massive numbers of emails they were getting from Honduras and Hondurans were in favor of the removal of Zelaya and in favor of the transitional president Micheletti, and she begged for even one that would be in favor of him.

The colossal river of money for leftist organizations has buried the videos on Youtube of those demonstrations in searches but they are there (unless Google has removed them).

The joke in Honduras was that Zelaya had unified the nation, and brought the people together in one cause. Protestants and Catholics, rich and poor, Chambers of Commerce and the unions, young and old, Liberal Party members (Zelaya’s own) and National Party members, men and women, professionals and laborers, doctors and illiterate, they all united in protesting Zelaya and international coverage.

International coverage was unanimous. That was telling for me.


In one program, NPR had a panel of these “experts” talking about Honduras, and they got one caller who corrected them with the truth. One of these vacant “experts” immediately explained to the audience that Obama simply wanted to stop the American meddling in Latin America. The caller was already gone, so they missed the chance to understand that Obama WAS meddling in Honduras when he condemned its defense against another strong-man dictator. They kept meddling. Hillary Clinton called Micheletti personally to order him to resign. He said “No!” Gretchen later asked him what would it take to get him to resign (and let the socialist back into power) and he said “Only an invasion.”

American officers no doubt said “No way” they were going to invade, if Obama asked them. When Chavez did threaten invasion, American colonels said the Hondurans were an awesome fighting force. But let’s leave one thing very clear. The military stayed out of the political activity then completely and only obeyed legitimate court orders at all times.

Only local media in Honduras reported more accurately. (except for the one apparently owned by leftist diehards).

Brazilian legislators who visited while Zelaya was there, were shocked to discover that his smuggled appearance inside their embassy was a surprise. They were even more shocked to discover that the entire community of Brazilians living in Honduras were outraged at Zelaya and disagreed with the news coverage outside.

Honduras changed history. That’s when Latin American politicians and activists saw that going socialist was NOT inevitable at all! The FLMN-party president in El Salvador shortly announced they would not join the Venezuelan petro club. An ex-president of Guatemala said maybe they should coordinate foreign policy with Honduras. The mayor of Caracas said maybe they should import some Honduran “huevos” to Venezuela. Paraguay later also removed a leftist caudillo strong-man president.

Lobo, the next elected president (elections were maybe the most-oberved, most scrutinized in the history of the world) was Lobo. He immediately asked for input on how to move Honduras out of poverty. The result was the Smart Cities project, which was later scrapped for a much better plan, the ZEDE. (Zonas Economicas de Desarrollo y Empleo). It has begun and we will see how that unfolds now.

Just because you won an “election” doesn’t mean you’re not a totalitarian or dictator. Look at Obama. Even Lincoln suspended habeus corpus, threw reporters in prison, closed down opposing newspapers, sent an opposition (northern) Congressman fleeing to Canada for his life, and had troops fire on anti-draft demonstrators.