Posts Tagged ‘Central America’

Is the media orchestrated?

August 16, 2015

Most “traditional” media writers (broadcast, cable, paper-legacy press) don’t realize they are part of an industry and government-media complex.

The truth of the matter became clear to me in 2009 when Honduras deposed the sitting caudillo president. He had won the election by fraud, as he himself even admitted out loud to Jorge Ramos in a Univision interview: “Everybody does it, Jorge!”, he said.

That year, 2009, was when I watched in surprised awe as EVERY SINGLE ONE of ALL the traditional international (Establishment-approved) Media sources, like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN-Espanol, NYT, Reuters, AP, LA Times, BBC, NPR, the French agency, all of them called it a “coup”, and they said NOTHING about Zelaya taking on the mantle of dictator. That was right after the summit of Caribbean and Central American presidents in Santo Domingo in November 2008 where George Soros was their “keynote speaker”.

And then ALL of the votes in the United Nations, including the Zelaya-appointed ambassador, condemned Honduras for defending itself from a Hugo Chavez-style coup-by-fraud, a criminal runaway president. They dotted their “i”s, and crossed their “t”s, constitutionally, and the Congress recognized his removal from the presidency with a list of his crimes, major thefts of government money, abuses, refusal to obey court orders (from “pipsqueak judges”, “juecesitos”), refusal to abide by laws passed by the Congress and violating multiple sections in the Constitution.

The day after slanderous and libelous CNN-Espanol broadcasts that Sunday, July 28, Hondurans were enraged. Half the adult population poured into all the central city and town plazas to support the transitional government, to protest against the demands to reinstate the dictator, AND TO PROTEST THE INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE.

That same evening, one of the news analysts on CNN-Espanol let it out on the broadcast of events that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the massive numbers of emails they were getting from Honduras and Hondurans were in favor of the removal of Zelaya and in favor of the transitional president Micheletti, and she begged for even one that would be in favor of him.

The colossal river of money for leftist organizations has buried the videos on Youtube of those demonstrations in searches but they are there (unless Google has removed them).

The joke in Honduras was that Zelaya had unified the nation, and brought the people together in one cause. Protestants and Catholics, rich and poor, Chambers of Commerce and the unions, young and old, Liberal Party members (Zelaya’s own) and National Party members, men and women, professionals and laborers, doctors and illiterate, they all united in protesting Zelaya and international coverage.

International coverage was unanimous. That was telling for me.


In one program, NPR had a panel of these “experts” talking about Honduras, and they got one caller who corrected them with the truth. One of these vacant “experts” immediately explained to the audience that Obama simply wanted to stop the American meddling in Latin America. The caller was already gone, so they missed the chance to understand that Obama WAS meddling in Honduras when he condemned its defense against another strong-man dictator. They kept meddling. Hillary Clinton called Micheletti personally to order him to resign. He said “No!” Gretchen later asked him what would it take to get him to resign (and let the socialist back into power) and he said “Only an invasion.”

American officers no doubt said “No way” they were going to invade, if Obama asked them. When Chavez did threaten invasion, American colonels said the Hondurans were an awesome fighting force. But let’s leave one thing very clear. The military stayed out of the political activity then completely and only obeyed legitimate court orders at all times.

Only local media in Honduras reported more accurately. (except for the one apparently owned by leftist diehards).

Brazilian legislators who visited while Zelaya was there, were shocked to discover that his smuggled appearance inside their embassy was a surprise. They were even more shocked to discover that the entire community of Brazilians living in Honduras were outraged at Zelaya and disagreed with the news coverage outside.

Honduras changed history. That’s when Latin American politicians and activists saw that going socialist was NOT inevitable at all! The FLMN-party president in El Salvador shortly announced they would not join the Venezuelan petro club. An ex-president of Guatemala said maybe they should coordinate foreign policy with Honduras. The mayor of Caracas said maybe they should import some Honduran “huevos” to Venezuela. Paraguay later also removed a leftist caudillo strong-man president.

Lobo, the next elected president (elections were maybe the most-oberved, most scrutinized in the history of the world) was Lobo. He immediately asked for input on how to move Honduras out of poverty. The result was the Smart Cities project, which was later scrapped for a much better plan, the ZEDE. (Zonas Economicas de Desarrollo y Empleo). It has begun and we will see how that unfolds now.

Just because you won an “election” doesn’t mean you’re not a totalitarian or dictator. Look at Obama. Even Lincoln suspended habeus corpus, threw reporters in prison, closed down opposing newspapers, sent an opposition (northern) Congressman fleeing to Canada for his life, and had troops fire on anti-draft demonstrators.

Biden to Central America: Control Your Borders!

July 12, 2014
The US is acting like the arrogant bully that (somebody) promised would stop. Only now it’s “under the radar”, by which I mean that (somehow) all these things that add up to (something).
I am 110 percent in favor of all the “richer” countries cutting off 100 percent of ALL government-to-government aid to other countries, and that includes government-to-NGO’s. Almost all the international NGOs are the ones that are favored by the political powers; some are not; maybe they’re “tokens”.
“Foreign aid”, like Ron Paul said, “robs the poor in rich countries to give to the rich in the poor countries”. And it makes the politicians in recipient countries beholden to the political powers in “donor” countries instead of to their own citizens. So said the well-known economist from Zambia, Dambisa Moyo.
I told my Honduran wife “Great!” when they told me Orlando was in Brazil instead of meeting with the US VP. The Yanks summoned Central America to control their borders! Let that sink in for a minute! Biden, the Yanks VP, told the Presidents of Guatemala, El Salvador and the Honduras representatives to control their borders!?
There’s *always* something more to stories like this. Official spokespersons are saying it’s coyotes spreading this word in Central America, but they’ve known for *many* years that children get across the border easily.  So what is it the “journalists” are not saying?
Another thing the old traditional news sources are not reporting is that something like 90 percent of these “children” and “minors” are 15 to 17 years of age. The reports on Corporate Media say that that they are fleeing violence in Central America. For some of them, especially those rushing to join parents up north, that may be true. But remember what Castro did with his prison population during the Mariel boat-lift?
No little hatchlings these. And like my wife told me Orlando said, if parents are sending the younger children with coyotes who not only routinely rape and abuse them, they do it as a routine.
The best thing the United States can do first for Honduras is (1) immediately stop “helping” them, especially the government (leave it to people who care about the poor) and (2) immediately cease the drug wars, both here and there.  (3) And after that, stop trying to tell everybody what they have to do. And most important of all (4) Buy! Their! Products!
For (1),  you can’t say you’re helping the poor by demanding governments do it. Governments have to steal the money from lots of people (you and me, but never he!) that otherwise would use it to actually help the poor. Especially the kids. Recent numbers showed that child abuse is *eight times higher* for children in government custody than for kids who live with their parents. Even the usual mouths on Disappearing Dinosaur Networks are trying to tell the anti-immigration protestors that “we” (in the U.S.) have to help these kids because they’re living as many as 100 with one toilet, some are getting raped, etc., etc.
She did NOT mean herself in the “we” because she was talking about the government, not herself. Glenn Beck is taking supplies to the kids. One of the problems is that the USG (US GOvernment) is not allowing anybody to talk to any of the kids, even US Congressmen, and prohibits all recording devices including all cell phones, smart phones or not for the VIPs that are allowed to visit.
I’m glad that “God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man seweth that shall he also reap.” And that it is never too late to do the right thing from this point on
Miami and Tegus


Ron Paul says Obama’s Drone Wars Undermine American Values

April 28, 2014

His comments are found at the Daily Bell:

One big thing I like about Daily Bell is that they carefully analyze events, look for context, and make clear that what you see –in the regular news media fare- is not always what you get. No WSYWIG there, no sir. And it’s early to call for war crimes tribunals, as there is not sufficient infrastructure (yet anyway) to enforce them. Education will do its job. Ron Paul’s campaign to educate the American body politic is a good example of the greater effectiveness of this. The numbers of both those who are aware, both veterans in forums and publications, and the newly aware, will continue to grow despite the hysterical efforts of the Powers That Be to explain everything in Controlled Media in ways that pretend that there is no liberty movement. As long as there is a sector of the Internet that is free, and it is still possible to spread facts and the real stories at these electronic speeds, it will continue to grow. In fact, it will continue on in some form, even if they implement Lieberman’s wet dream of an Internet “off-switch…like China has.” Like China!

The USA has certainly supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists many places, and “installed” a few. But as a libertarian anarcho-capitalist myself, it is evident to me most left-fascists and libertarians alike, sometimes ascribe too much power to the CIA overseas. I call libertarians especially to telescope to a view of these world events from a higher altitude. I’ll bet you that some analysts within the intelligence apparatus have an inflated view of their own power.

For example, no matter how much Hugo Chavez and later Maduro blamed CIA plots for what Hondurans did in 2009, whatever the CIA did was irrelevant. My wife is from there, and it made me nervous that it might become another Venezuelan vassal state. If they paid out money here or there, they totally wasted all of it, because the overwhelming majority of the people of that country were dedicated to getting rid of the guy they supposedly elected earlier. It was a bit of a surprise even to me, since most of the poor are inclined toward looting the rich. I believe it’s possible Hugo Chavez won the first election, even though in my opinion he’s perfectly capable of committing fraud.

But I realized later that even many of the poor in Honduras are somewhat educated now about events elsewhere, and there is an Internet effect there too. It helped that apparently the media seems somewhat less subservient to the politicians, and some of the local elite families saw socialism as inimical to their own interests. There were probably a few of them also “hedging their bets” and secretly supporting the auto-coup plotter Zelaya, including one famous perennial presidential candidate who was accused very publicly of smuggling him into the Brazilian embassy.

Not all poor people are stupid or ignorant. Hondurans who hate poverty and who are capable of thinking analytically at all, they do NOT want an economy like Cuba’s or Venezuela’s. They know theirs has been corrupt, but they would rather not jump into the abyss of permanent poverty just like that. More so the middle class there.

Hillary Clinton made a personal call to Zelaya and told him to resign, and so open the door for the socialist president that the American ambassador had supported in the efforts to establish his lifetime national socialist Chavista fiefdom. Yes he did. What the CIA does is secret, but in the small-town social environment of a country like Honduras, not everything can be kept secret. Hugo Llorens appeared in some of the televised propaganda for the propaganda cover for the overt stage of the auto-coup, the takeover manifest”referendum”.

The “demonstrations” in favor of Zelaya were padded with paid bodies. Chavez poured so much money in that the lempira rose a full 10% against the dollar for a few weeks while they tried to make a show of it for the world.

The CIA may have been doing its thing there, no doubt, but keep in mind that the FSS and FIS (successors to the KGB and the GRU) are not exactly dead, and Chavez was all about intervention himself. He offered President Micheletti $3 million dollars to resign, poured money in for marches (that never reached the numbers of the pro-Micheletti, anti-Zelaya, anti-Chavez, or even the irate protests against CNN and its reporter, who was distorting the situation there.

Socialism does not need any CIA intervention to collapse under its own destructive weight. The CIA often does, always does, intervene for its own purposes. But let us not kid ourselves. Sometimes it may act in a manner you least expect, also. Moles are not rare anywhere, and the Venona papers of course corroborated the accusations of Senator McCarthy that the State Department was infiltrated by outright Communists that reported to the Soviet Union.

And who can doubt the jubilation of East Germans when the Berlin Wall fell and they were able to join the “more free” market and prosperity of West Germany?

Who can doubt that 90% of North Koreans would seize the chance to migrate to South Korea?

Who can doubt that the United States today just might have more Cubans than Cuba itself? And remember, Cuba cannot blame the embargo either, since every other nation in the world allows trade with them.

And even with the case of Chile, almost nobody ever hears the fact that the Congress in Chile, lacking a constitutional method to impeach and dethrone the dictatorship of Salvador Allende, voted 81 to 47, on August 22, 1973, for a resolution demanding the immediate cessation of Allende’s unconstitutional actions, that he cease arming leftist cadres, and a series of other demands, PLUS they demanded the removal of Allende from office. The military did nothing until the Congress demanded it, because of the economic damage and the violence that the regime had propagated.

This was even dubbed a “trade secret” by leftist journalists in Latin America: That they begrudgingly knew, admitted among themselves, that Pinochet’s actions had resulted in a much more prosperous Chile. And that was before they joined the G-7 club of “developed” nations.

Let me restate here though that I am absolutely opposed to US intervention abroad, all of it.

But many actions seem even engineered to hurt American interests, of which drone strikes are a “striking” example. Even if the orders that go forth for those actions are not purposed to hurt the country, they may be an example of God’s warnings that he would “turn back” the weapons in the hands of a nation under judgment. (Jeremiah 21:4)

Why They Stay: Stockholm Syndrome in Human Trafficking

June 7, 2013
Ubicación del subcontinente centroamericano en...

Ubicación del subcontinente centroamericano en el mundo. Location of the Central American subcontinent in the world. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Why They Stay: Stockholm Syndrome in Human Trafficking.

Worthy of attention..

Child kidnappings have been a plague on my wife’s country of Honduras and all of Central America.

When Guatemalan villagers beat an American woman in reaction to the “rumor” that she was there to traffic with the children, the left-leaning international press elites reported it as some ignorant remote country villagers who were superstitious.

The reporting was extremely callous. The kidnappings were real and happening daily. My stepdaughter’s friend of high school age escaped her capture at a border checkpoint where she screamed at the border guards what was happening. They may still be ongoing, though I think less now.

If one person had shot back at the shooter, would they be in trouble?

July 21, 2012
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) members swi...

CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) members swing down Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, toward 69th St. ferry on trek to Washington / World Telegram & Sun photo by O. Fernandez. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There go the control freaks again, who don’t live in a dangerous neighborhood and don’t care about people who live in them that want to defend themselves.

The NYT got a movie critic to jump on this story and give gun control freaks something to chew on before their brains got in gear:

“In theory, the citizenry needs to defend itself. Not a single person at the Aurora, Colo., theater shot back, but the theory will still be defended.”–Egbert, movie critic, clueless gun ban advocate

Hey Egbert! What a line. Here’s a fact, not a theory: The only guy allowed guns in the theater that day was the killer. The bad guy. Cinemark prohibits guns inside, one commenter said he was turned away one day for carrying.

Hey Egbert! Not a theory: Aurora bans concealed carry, Cinemark bans guns, and as a result

You just shot yourself in the foot, you could say. We should want somebody to shoot back.

Oh and to prove to us that he’s right, he shot himself in the foot again, and showed that only nice big rich white liberals that have enough money to live in the safest neighborhoods really don’t care about the people who cannot afford to move there but still need to defend themselves:

I was sitting in a Chicago bar one night with my friend McHugh when a guy from down the street came in and let us see that he was packing heat.

“Why do you need to carry a gun?” McHugh asked him.

“I live in a dangerous neighborhood.”

“It would be safer if you moved.”

Oh, but don’t call him racist, no matter that CORE yells at people like that to let them have the means to defend themselves AND to leave the bad guys guessing about who might shoot back. (That’s CORE for Congress of Racial Equality, a civil rights group that was at the thick of the movement in the 1960’s).

Like they say in amicus briefs like in this lawsuit against Sand Diego’s harsh disarming law:

It costs twice as much to live in a safe neighborhood here in Miami-Dade than in Liberty City or Overtown, the highest crime areas in South Florida. Some people there cannot afford to move out. But wise-ass rich white guy Egbert, wants to take guns from blacks too.

Let’s see what he says to Condi Rice, who might not even be here if her Dad had not used his big gun to chase away some evil white guys when she was a little girl, eh? How about “Just move” to him, eh? The gun didn’t help, you say?

The Congress of Racial Equality filed an amicus in a lawsuit challenging unconstitutional abridgement on CCS policies in San Diego:

Blacks need to defend themselves too. “In theory”.

Not one person shot back, and that’s why so many got shot, same as in the movie theater at Fort Hood full of disarmed soldiers.

A team of four or five Palestinians once went into a shopping center in Israel, started shooting everybody in sight, until a Granny pulled out hers and shot back, wounding a couple of them. It stopped them cold. The wounded bad guy said in the ambulance they didn’t expect anybody to shoot back. It was just a few days after Israel legalized concealed carry.

If anybody should “worry” about concealed carry, it’s Israel, don’t you think?

And then there’s the time my wife was on the bus tour through Central America with her now ex-husband. There was a road block by a gang that had guys hidden in the bush, and they were stopping everybody and keeping the loot. It could have been former Contras, or former Sandinistas, the peace had been signed months before.

True story. They threw their passports outside, because diplomatic passports are kidnapper bait. But there was a guy in a Pepsi delivery truck nearby, and they heard the guy say, “Well, not for nothing a brought this!” And he pulled out his (great big) gun and started shooting at the guys taking the loot from the front.

At that a lady in a car nearby got hers out and started shooting and pretty soon they were shooting back at the guys in the bushes too. The bus waited for my now wife to get the passports and they took off on down the road but it was a full-blast shoot-out by then.

Egbert doesn’t know from logic. “in theory” people should be able to defend themselves. Maybe “in theory” Egbert should be able to defend himself, or what do you think?

The circle of madness. Egbert closes it with his own madness. “Them that love death”.

Prison Fire in Comayagua. Honduras: 377 Dead (..and counting..)

February 16, 2012
English: Division of Honduras Graphic created ...

Image via Wikipedia

It’s a tragedy, it’s an outrage, but a fire broke out in the prison in the small town of Comayagua, Honduras, outside the capital city of Tegucigalpa. They have counted 377 dead so far. Some of the survivors are still dying, some are recovering, some were not hurt.

There have been voices calling for the construction of better prisons. It took the fire department about a half hour to get there. Some may have escaped, they are still asking relatives of prisoners for information to help identify the bodies. The Red Cross is on the scene tending to the wounded and bandaging them up.

The United States, Chile and various other countries are offering help. Chile is rushing a group of experts in forensics and identification of bodies to help in sorting out the identities.

Pray for my wife’s native country of Honduras.

I pray for an end to foreign aid and a spiritual and moral revival for the people there.


October 16, 2011

George Soros was the keynote speaker at the Caribbean and Central America presidents’ summit in 2008, telling the presidents of the region what to do, and set Chavez and Zelaya off on their attempted coup to overthrow their Honduran constitutional republic, which they defended against the entire world.

He supported the underground organizing efforts to kick off the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt, and supported including the Muslim Brotherhood in the government. As we speak, Muslims are slaughtering Christians in Egypt and the Coptic population has already fled the country to the tune of more than 100,000 so far.

He made millions trashing the Malaysian currency, made millions almost destroying the British pound, and bragged about making millions from the hardships of the real estate bubble in the United States.

Obama banned offshore drilling in the Gulf –with absolutely no legislative authority at all– to support George Soros investments in offshore drilling in Brazil.

He supports censorship in the United States through his supported non-profits like

He is one of the criminals that made dirty money in the scandals of Wall Street and yet supports the rioters in New York protesting Wall Street. Wall Street owns a big part of the Obama administration and yet Obama blasts them and blames his own sponsors for making us poor, knowing it’s his own policies that suppress the economy —because those same Wall Street operators in his own administration are not stupid.

Soros-sponsored operatives orchestrated the intervention in Uganda by Obama, because there is a lot of recently discovered oil there.

Soros supports attacks against the solutions that would set Americans free around the world to prosper and protect political and economic freedom.

What Michael Moore And Pee Wee Herman Have In Common |

September 30, 2011

Repeat it, let it echo:

Anti-capitalist movie-maker Michael Moore makes more money than most of the CEO’s he denounces.

And the gap between rich and poor? What’s he doing about the gap between what he makes and what the less-known Hollywood producers make?

And praising Chavez? What about poor little Honduras, picked on for defending its constitutional republic against Chavez-backed dictator Zelaya? And the poor that are hurting more than ever in Venezuela?

Does he complain about loan guarantees for political buddies? The Fed’s secret giveaways to the capitalist bankers he says he wants to eliminate?

When has he ever complained that a bunch of Wall Street bankers control the nation’s money? Or that their printing money and causing inflation is a theft against the poor and the middle class?


The American `allergy’ to global warming? – Oh yeah? My answer to the AP

September 25, 2011

Another article setting up another hit against dictatorship-resistance using a psy-war tactic: call them mental.

The American `allergy’ to global warming: Why? – Washington Times:

Maybe we’re allergic to bogus science. Maybe we are the skeptics that Michael Shermer claims to be.

If the author of this bogus analysis of why the denial were a true decades-long researcher into the global warming debate, he would know that the denials come NOT from oil companies but that it is CLIMATE SCIENTISTS leading the charge to yell that this Emperor Has No Clothes! Like the 100 career scientists that signed the protest letter to Obama.

So either he’s an INCOMPETENT reporter, or he’s just outright LYING. Which one is it, AP?

Not the first time AP published a falsehood. There’s one still floating around the Internet where they claimed that the biggest civil-society independent organization in Honduras supported the dictator and wannabe caudillo-for-life Zelaya, whereas in reality they, along with a certain 80 percent of Hondurans, backed his ouster and the restoration of their constitutional republic. Flawed as it is, corrupt as it is as Hondurans know it is, they knew that another Chavez would turn it again into a banana republic for the new club of tyrants.

I told them thru the first reporter’s email I could get and they blamed it on a translation glitch, but I notice their byline is still out there at their clients news sites with their attribution!

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Chavez, Insulza, Ortega these are running coup governments with elections by fraud

August 11, 2011

AP has consistently reported events in Honduras starting in 2009 and continuing today. For one thing, just like most of the controlled media around the world, reporting the constitutional removal of coup-plotting dictator Zelaya. It was the protection of a representative republic against an elected president who proved to be an enemy of fair elections.

The only coup plotters are the Resistencia, an alliance between (1) what Lenin called their “useful idiots”, and (2) the ones who just want to get in good with the new dictatorship.

The only coup that the socialist new world rulers will accept today is a socialist one, like Hugo Chavez’ coup or Daniel Ortega’s. Is AP reporting on Daniel Ortega’s coup in Nicaragua? Is the UN voting to condemn it?

Honduras remembers its national hero Micheletti…