Posts Tagged ‘history’

Day the Towers Fell: Unanswered Questions

September 16, 2017

—What of the “five dancing Israelis” that same day that were barely a flash in the pan in the news cycle, and the dozens (hundreds?) of Israelis that were deported in the following days?
—Who shorted the airlines involved in the four hijackings and made big money?
—Why was every aircraft in the entire country grounded immediately, including military aircraft, while the bin Laden family took off in the hours following?
—Why did we never see a photo of the aircraft that crashed into the Pentagon, but we all saw the photos of the building and the hole in the building without the remains of the aircraft?
—What happened to the investigation into the billions of dollars of Pentagon budget not accounted for, after the papers were destroyed in the Pentagon hit in that section of the building?
—Why are NONE of the multitude of security videos in that area ever available? Did every one of them have top secret evidence? If so then why was that secret evidence in plain view enough for an open-air video to capture it in the first place?
—How, and when, did major CIA asset Osama bin Laden become Enemy of the State Number One?

–Why do freedom-loving Americans buy into the fraud that State Security would protect them, and protect their freedoms, while it was assaulting those freedoms in their face?

–The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. –Proverbs 15:3


Was it the Russians that did THIS?

January 11, 2017

Somebody must have told him, say this OR ELSE.

Who in their right mind would believe that professional state Russian cyber-hackers would make sure to leave evidence they were there? Use a script you downloaded from a hackers’ dark net web page, run it, then Done and Gone. Oh, but make sure you leave behind your signature? 

At least the Georgia elections board caught them in the act, because the Georgia Secretary of State they traced a connection back to an IP address in a range that belonged to the Department of Homeland Security in Washington, D. C. Now that is language that “techies” understand as real evidence. There is NOTHING like this anybody is talking about in the CIA report. Obama wanted a conclusion just like George W. Bush did, but the CIA I notice did not put any real proof in there that anybody could verify or verify wrong.

Did the Russians make the Clinton campaign comments that Catholics should change their religion?

Did the Russians tell Podesta’s guru witch to invite the Clinton campaign executive to a coven ceremony with disgusting bodily fluids and kids for entertainment?

Did the Russians produce “Clinton Cash”, a movie exposing the rot and corruption of the Clinton Crime Family?

Did the Russians force the Clinton gang to say Latinos are “desperate” and clingy?

Did the Russians set up an unprotected private server in the Clinton bathroom and make her send unsecured emails with State Department secrets?

Did the Russians write the talking points when Clinton called half the country names like deplorables, racists, misogynists, homophobes and worse?

Did the Russians make sure Clinton supported the HATED Obama policies?

Did the Russians hack into Clinton’s mouth and make her say she would keep Obamacare?

Did the Russians hack into Clinton’s brain and make her say she would add a trillion-dollar freebie program to make community college free for everybody, making even more indoctrinated college kids?

Did the Russians pay the Clinton campaign to pay homeless and poor to start fistfights and provoke violence at Trump rallies?

Did the Russians hire the thugs that shut down the Trump rally in Chicago in the operation personally approved by candidate Clinton?

Was it the Russians that made Clinton throw lamps at staffers after debates?

Was it the Russians that made people sick and tired and outraged at being slandered at every turn by the Administration?

Did the Russians stop the Jezebel from augmenting security in Benghazi?

Did the Russians make Hillary send arms to al Qaeda to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and obliterate the entire town of Towargah with its 10,000 blacks, a GENOCIDE, and turn it into the hellhole and ISIS turf it is today?

Did the Russians invite Hillary Clinton to send arms and support to ISIS in Russia, through Saudi and other Arab intermediates, then call for dogfights over no-fly zones in Syria?

Was it the Russians who refused to coordinate anti-terrorist strategy in Syria with the United States, or was it the Obama-Clinton administrations?

Was it the Russians who campaigned for another Cold War instead of finding a way to have peace?

Was it the Russians who wanted to get rid of Assad, the best protector of Christians in the Arab world?

Was it the Russians who staged a false flag attack by the Obama-Clinton supported “moderate” rebels in Syria against civilians and tried to blame it on Assad?

Was it the Russians who made Clinton send McCain to a photo opp with “moderate” Syrian rebels, one of which was exposed as ISIS later?

Was it the Russians that were outed as serial rapist and sex abuser married to candidate Clinton by a long parade of the husband’s victims?


October 21, 2016

Maybe Babylon is as a symbol of “false worship” in seminary textbooks and in many old Christian writings, but the Bible itself, indeed The Revelation of Jesus Christ (as given to John) overrules. 

In Rev. 17 and 18 you can find the interpretation of who the Whore of Babylon actually is, “that great city”, and it says “wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness”. 

The Vatican is a sucking parasite and does not make anybody rich. This Babylon does. And in her is the blood of all that were slain upon the earth. 

That’s a good description of a “great city” that enriches kings all around the planet with its dollars and its foreign spending, and moves merchandise trade around the earth with the international medium of exchange (the dollar) and its multinational monsters. 

The woman sitteth upon the seven kings, “five are fallen”, as described in Daniel, that is, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. “One is” would be Rome. “One is yet to come”, that would be the last superpower on Earth before the time of the Beast, as described in Rev. 17 because who else? The Roman Catholic Church is not so powerful, hah, somebody just engineered a coup d’etat to finally install the Jesuit socialist in power at the Vatican. 

The most fitting entity for Rev. 17 today is either Washington D. C. or New York, but most likely the latter because of so much talk of trade and merchandise. And it sits on the seventh mountain, the seventh world kingdom, and that would be the United States of America.  

The Jesuit is ‘preparing the flock” to be sheared and butchered by the Beast, so he could be the False Prophet of Rev. 13. 

Get ready, to be ready, to meet your maker, after the November elections and the inauguration it is going to be a wild, wild, ride. The enemies of the “everyday man” are now saying it is time for “the elites to rise up against the masses”. Maybe when Trump said “the gloves are off”, he was talking about those “elites”  themselves.

Hillary pushes war in Libya, Syria, Iran but cares about “minorities”? (Remember Towergah)

July 9, 2016

Project Veritas is spot on with the point that citizen video and citizen-driven Internet is changing the world. But freedom-minded citizens have got to get ahead of the narrative.

Society-disruptors are trying to set the world into chaos so they can “save us” and step in with their one-world government.

NOTE the contrast between the massive abuse of the federales against all of us, versus an occasional killing of a black man by a white cop. National armies of the allies of our ruling globalist socialist statists are abusing ranchers in the West, peaceful pot-smokers everywhere, arming Mexican cartels, forcing people from incompatible cultures together, arming and financing the slaughter of innocent Muslims and Christians around the world, and protecting baby organ markets.

Libertarians and whistle blowers are pointing to these atrocities, and the tyrants building their global police state are losing the narrative. So how about the coincidence of the shootings (all of them, Minneapolis, Louisiana, and Dallas, etc.) robbing the headlines?

Oh yes, and right after Comey says “Guilty As Not Charged”? Coincidental coincidences pile up!

The solution is to spread the gospel of peace.

No better peace than the one that comes from the Prince of Peace.


P.S. (Very interesting how searching for just Towergah gets no hits at all on Yahoo, and is pushed down several pages on Google. This is not personalization, this is censorship)

A really, really, brief history of secession

October 9, 2015

The purpose of the War between the States was to kill the idea of secession. Slavery was secondary. Lincoln once supported an amendment to enshrine slavery if it would “save the Union”. It was not the war to free the slaves but to enslave the free.

Lincoln ordered at least one escaped slave returned to his master in UNION state Missouri. The Emancipation Proclamation ONLY applied to the SOUTHERN states, NOT MISSOURI or Maryland, Delaware or Kentucky. To this day Mississippi folks consider Kentucky as “North”.

The thirteen colonies of the Continental Congress committed the sin of secession from England,

England committed the sin of seceding from Rome.

Kosovo committed the sin of seceding from Serbia, supported by Clinton’s bombs.

Southern Sudan committed the sin of secession from Sudan.

A dozen members of the USSR seceded from the USSR.

Ukraine seceded from USSR and Crimea seceded from Ukraine.

Pakistan and India seceded from each other.

Israel seceded from the British Palestinian Mandate, and the Palestinians seceded from Israel.

Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica seceded from Spain, led by Francisco Morazan. Indian Chief Lempira is a national anti-imperialist hero in Honduras.

Haiti seceded from France, then invaded the rest of Hispaniola, then the Dominican Republic seceded from Haiti.

Bernardo O’Higgins liberated (won secession for) Chile from Spain.

Angola seceded from Portugal.

Zimbabwe seceded from the British Empire. (Maybe because they’re racist? Some dead white folks probably think so now)

Botswana seceded from South Africa. (Because Botswana must belong to racist white slave-owners maybe, following the logic of radical anti-secessionists in the U.S.)

Curacao seceded from Netherlands.

Surinam seceded from Netherlands.

The Lutherans seceded from Rome.

The Salvation Army seceded from the Methodists.

The Pilgrims seceded from Europe.

Texas seceded from Mexico.

All of Europe seceded from the Roman Empire.

St. Louis seceded from St. Louis County.

Hialeah, in Florida, wants to secede from Miami-Dade County.

The totality of the former Soviet Socialist Republics of the USSR seceded from the Soviet Union, then they seceded (mostly) from socialist dictatorship.

Cuba and the Philippines seceded from Spain. In fact, almost the entire continent of Latin America seceded from the Spanish Empire.

Panama seceded from Columbia.

Taiwan seceded from Communist China.

Most of us would be happy if California seceded from the USA. And took Hollywood with them.

The backwards thinking of “regressives”

September 13, 2015

Marriages were originally IMPLICIT contracts between two parties, and often withh the families engaged. Most were common law marriages, they just moved in together, the aspirant having had the okay of the father. (Fathers know guys better than the daughters do, at least back in those days).

The fact of the matter is, the natural nuclear family (husband, wife, children) is the institution that cultivates the strongest protection against state oppression. That went out the window with the push for state indoctrination of the next generations disguised as “free” academic education and then “forced” induction into the indoctrination centers.

The other institution that cultivates protection against meek pushover subservience to oppressors’ memes are religious institutions, this according to prominent agnostic economist and libertarian writer Murray Rothbard and atheist economist Walter Block.

No wonder Karl Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto that they had to exterminate the “bourgeois” institution of marriage and family. Total devotion to the collectivist mentality of worker ants is their goal.  The lying viper never wanted a “workers’ paradise”, he wanted his own special groups to dictate.

The modern heirs of Malthus and Marx think there are too many poor people in the world. That’s why they want to “protect” us from bad people, push groupthink, collectivist mentality. They think like the Orwellian uppermost crust of the “Inner Party”, like the Animal Farm where everyone has to be EQUAL but SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.

So they push Groupthink disguised as “diversity”;

Inequality disguised as “equality”;

Unemployment disguised as “minimum wage”, now morphed to “living wage”;

Racism and racial preferences disguised as “anti-racism”, “affirmative action”,

Censorship and enforcement of group-think disguised as “equality” under the law;

Bullying libertarians, whistleblowers, pro-lifers and those of religious faith, and those who think differently under the guise of “equality” as a meaningless rant and “non-discrimination”,

Violating religious liberty under the guise of claiming to defend it;

And generally wearing sheepskin while inside they are “ravenous wolves”.


Is the media orchestrated?

August 16, 2015

Most “traditional” media writers (broadcast, cable, paper-legacy press) don’t realize they are part of an industry and government-media complex.

The truth of the matter became clear to me in 2009 when Honduras deposed the sitting caudillo president. He had won the election by fraud, as he himself even admitted out loud to Jorge Ramos in a Univision interview: “Everybody does it, Jorge!”, he said.

That year, 2009, was when I watched in surprised awe as EVERY SINGLE ONE of ALL the traditional international (Establishment-approved) Media sources, like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN-Espanol, NYT, Reuters, AP, LA Times, BBC, NPR, the French agency, all of them called it a “coup”, and they said NOTHING about Zelaya taking on the mantle of dictator. That was right after the summit of Caribbean and Central American presidents in Santo Domingo in November 2008 where George Soros was their “keynote speaker”.

And then ALL of the votes in the United Nations, including the Zelaya-appointed ambassador, condemned Honduras for defending itself from a Hugo Chavez-style coup-by-fraud, a criminal runaway president. They dotted their “i”s, and crossed their “t”s, constitutionally, and the Congress recognized his removal from the presidency with a list of his crimes, major thefts of government money, abuses, refusal to obey court orders (from “pipsqueak judges”, “juecesitos”), refusal to abide by laws passed by the Congress and violating multiple sections in the Constitution.

The day after slanderous and libelous CNN-Espanol broadcasts that Sunday, July 28, Hondurans were enraged. Half the adult population poured into all the central city and town plazas to support the transitional government, to protest against the demands to reinstate the dictator, AND TO PROTEST THE INTERNATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE.

That same evening, one of the news analysts on CNN-Espanol let it out on the broadcast of events that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the massive numbers of emails they were getting from Honduras and Hondurans were in favor of the removal of Zelaya and in favor of the transitional president Micheletti, and she begged for even one that would be in favor of him.

The colossal river of money for leftist organizations has buried the videos on Youtube of those demonstrations in searches but they are there (unless Google has removed them).

The joke in Honduras was that Zelaya had unified the nation, and brought the people together in one cause. Protestants and Catholics, rich and poor, Chambers of Commerce and the unions, young and old, Liberal Party members (Zelaya’s own) and National Party members, men and women, professionals and laborers, doctors and illiterate, they all united in protesting Zelaya and international coverage.

International coverage was unanimous. That was telling for me.


In one program, NPR had a panel of these “experts” talking about Honduras, and they got one caller who corrected them with the truth. One of these vacant “experts” immediately explained to the audience that Obama simply wanted to stop the American meddling in Latin America. The caller was already gone, so they missed the chance to understand that Obama WAS meddling in Honduras when he condemned its defense against another strong-man dictator. They kept meddling. Hillary Clinton called Micheletti personally to order him to resign. He said “No!” Gretchen later asked him what would it take to get him to resign (and let the socialist back into power) and he said “Only an invasion.”

American officers no doubt said “No way” they were going to invade, if Obama asked them. When Chavez did threaten invasion, American colonels said the Hondurans were an awesome fighting force. But let’s leave one thing very clear. The military stayed out of the political activity then completely and only obeyed legitimate court orders at all times.

Only local media in Honduras reported more accurately. (except for the one apparently owned by leftist diehards).

Brazilian legislators who visited while Zelaya was there, were shocked to discover that his smuggled appearance inside their embassy was a surprise. They were even more shocked to discover that the entire community of Brazilians living in Honduras were outraged at Zelaya and disagreed with the news coverage outside.

Honduras changed history. That’s when Latin American politicians and activists saw that going socialist was NOT inevitable at all! The FLMN-party president in El Salvador shortly announced they would not join the Venezuelan petro club. An ex-president of Guatemala said maybe they should coordinate foreign policy with Honduras. The mayor of Caracas said maybe they should import some Honduran “huevos” to Venezuela. Paraguay later also removed a leftist caudillo strong-man president.

Lobo, the next elected president (elections were maybe the most-oberved, most scrutinized in the history of the world) was Lobo. He immediately asked for input on how to move Honduras out of poverty. The result was the Smart Cities project, which was later scrapped for a much better plan, the ZEDE. (Zonas Economicas de Desarrollo y Empleo). It has begun and we will see how that unfolds now.

Just because you won an “election” doesn’t mean you’re not a totalitarian or dictator. Look at Obama. Even Lincoln suspended habeus corpus, threw reporters in prison, closed down opposing newspapers, sent an opposition (northern) Congressman fleeing to Canada for his life, and had troops fire on anti-draft demonstrators.

Gov schools vs. Parents’ Choice

August 1, 2015

Not to worry. If a nearly illiterate 3rd grade dropout and single mother like Sonya Carson in one of the poorest and most violent areas of the nation in Detroit’s slums, can raise her boy become a pediatric neurosurgeon, then the children who depend on their parents’ decisions for their education have a much better hope than government indoctrination factories.

Because “free” government schools are not free at all. They come at a cost of an education in the real world. The cost is to the generation that they indoctrinate. The government in those books is always the best one you can have (wink wink) and the rulers look out for you (wink wink).

USA gov centers spend twice per student over private schools average, with much better consistent scores. Minneapolis, D.C., and Florida with vouchers programs showed that the effect has nothing to do with them being better students, they became better students.

Jaime Escalante showed that too. His calculus students were accused of cheating in the AP test because the rulers couldn’t believe it. The Teachers Unions went to war against him till he finally returned to Bolivia disgusted.

My youngest boy’s kindergarten teacher taught her students as much as they could learn her first year, she told me. The next year the principal told her to slow down, the first grade teacher had nothing to teach them they didn’t already know.

But it’s not just the academic quality of the education, or that they government indoctrination centers (GICs) teach their own version of history that treats the current conquering rulers the best. The natural nuclear family unit is the best fortress against damage to the children of the next generation by the ruling political class. And respect for the property and economic freedom of families is the best defense against economic assaults by those who have more against those who have less.

Governments want the people to identify first as faithful compliant subjects, above family and above religions. They hate independent religious thinking. That’s why the USA national government (a “federal” government would respect its member states) treats religious thinking as the enemy. They might deign to allow an exemption for a religious organization, for tactical purposes only. Doing so drives a wedge between the organization’s leaders and its outside followers, makes them beholden to the rulers for the “exemption”, recruits some of them in getting its followers to go along, trains the layperson to go along too, and provides a fraudulent but thin cover story for respect for freedom of religion, while making people forget that religious freedom is an INDIVIDUAL’s NATURAL AND GOD-GIVEN RIGHT.

Letting governments control what students learn is the best way to heard them toward groupthink under tyranny.  Anti-government web sites are one of the new enemies in government-approved crime shows. But they should be encouraged. When everybody follows the government-mandated thinking on who is enemy, that is the kind of world George Orwell warned against.

Gov propaganda training? Enough!


Copernicus, the Printing Press and the Reformation

July 5, 2015

Some secular writers need some  education on the realities of history. As we can see in looking around us, neither good nor bad “religion” suffered at all from Copernicus’ theory, and neither did God, any more than it did from the pagan mass murders of the Roman emperors, or at the hand of the atheist and secular mass murderers of the Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, or Maoist regimes.

They even admit that at first the Pope himself was pleased to learn from Copernicus. Then came the secular “science” lobby with its emotional attachment to their own clinging to Aristotle instead of Ptolemy, and they found a way to convince the Church Establishment that their pet paradigm was scriptural and the Church itself was in peril if it did not accept the established “consensus” view of science”, their take on it.

After all, the geocentric view was taken from one of the secular/pagan Greek traditions, not the Biblical. We have the same problem today.

False “Religion” took a blow because it cowed to the secular lobby then, until new generations took to the new paradigm. This happened as well with Mendelssohn’s inheritance experiments with plants, until Darwin’s ideas were “safe” enough to let it hit the presses.

And then the howls of pain at the very idea that the universe had a beginning like the Bible said, earning this discovery the atheist pejorative of “The Big Bang”.

The process of liberation from the religious and secular leaders began NOT with Copernicus but the process began more with the printing press, which made it easier to spread ideas, and made Bible reading available to many times as many people. Therefore, while John Huss had been burned at the stake for his Bible-believing heresy, the ideas of freedom that the Bible itself had spread lit the fire in Martin Luther’s bosom and inspired his friends in nobility to hide him from the oppressor.

And while a lot of Christian kings including King James himself believed in a false doctrine of “divine right of kings”, what the Bible itself teaches is that ungodly and unrighteous kings don’t have any such “right” at all. It is a testament to the man himself and to the King James Bible that the translation that is known by his name today rings a death knell for any “divine right” of anybody to rule over anybody else.

In fact it is very clear that God himself was very angry with the Israeli elders when they demanded a king at all to rule over them. People who want kings (or rulers, or even representatives) to rule over them are declaring that they do not want God to rule their lives.

Jesus wisely replied to his enemies, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”,  meaning render NOTHING unto him that you are not forced to do under threat of violence. Jesus’ lesson the apostles at the end of Matthew 17 makes clear that kings and conquerors are thieves by definition. “We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”


Farming is the future, jury nullification, FDR knew, medicinal gardens, storm prep, how to wrap

December 20, 2014


Farming is the future – Daily Bell interview with Jim Rogers

…He says own land.. don’t own water because the politicians will take it from you..

…Gold under $1000, recommend buy..

…Economic collapse might come by the end of next year or 2016, but of course, I don’t know…

…North Korea

…Daily Bell: To what extent is FATCA playing a role now in impacting Americans’ abilities to do business anywhere in the world, from your experience?

…Jim Rogers: FATCA’s making it more and more difficult for Americans to do business around world – to do anything around world. When you have more and more capital controls, it obviously eventually causes problems. History’s full of examples of that. I told you we’re going to have more problems in currency markets in the next couple of years. That’s partly because of FATCA. Fewer and fewer Americans can easily move their money around. When you restrict capital flows, you also make it hard to do business. FATCA’s going to be part of the problem and make things worse. There are some places where I’ve had bank accounts a long time. They just called me up and said we love you but we’ve got to close you out because you’re an American. They’re places I’ve had accounts a long time, and I’ve always reported everything. It doesn’t matter, though. They just don’t want Americans anymore. Others won’t open accounts, as you know, so it’s certainly reducing the flow of capital around the world and it’s putting Americans at greater and greater disadvantage. –

…Daily Bell: How much is this is already contributing to the demise of the dollar?

…Jim Rogers: Unfortunately, this situation is threatening the rest of the world to come up with alternatives, which in the end are going to be bad for America and Americans. I don’t like saying this, but people are already trying to find ways to compete with the US dollar and the US banking system. This is only accelerating the process. If we stop being the world’s reserve currency we’re going to be in a serious, serious bind. This is just going to accelerate all that.



..Yeah, so now anything that might promote a jury nullification even if you exclude them all is not allowed..even if it’s evidence.. like showing that without a direct link to crime there is no crime






Takeo Yoshikawa, the smoking gun that shows FDR knew what the Japanese were planning…




.. including aloe vera, ginger, garlic, chamomile (german?) – antispasmodic—relaxes muscle tension and cramps),

Witch hazel, ginkgo, ginseng (siberian), goldenseal, licorice, peppermint, rosemary (help reduce stress and relieve headaches) (don’t take the essential oil internally), sage, st. john’s wort, thyme, tumeric…




California unprepared for storms (like most Americans):

Hurricane Sandy…Katrina new orleans… Power down one year leaves 90% of americans dead…

(My note: Mormons will probably do a lot better than 90%…)




How to wrap a Christmas gift:




amazon see:: Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Incerto)