Archive for the ‘Social policy’ Category

United Nations poll: Example of Orwellian Newspeak

August 16, 2015

The New American website wrote about the United Nations poll of some 7 million people where they chose the issues they most cared about:

Here is the list, with their top concerns listed first. Note that “action on climate change” is dead last.

A good education
Better healthcare
Better job opportunities
An honest and responsive government
Affordable and nutritious food
Protection against crime and violence
Access to clean water and sanitation
Support for people who can’t work
Better transport and roads
Reliable energy at home
Equality between men and women
Political freedoms
Freedom from discrimination and persecution
Protecting forests, rivers, and oceans
Phone and Internet Access
Action taken on climate change (Emphasis added.)

There is almost no doubt that the surveyed were given a list to pick from, and “Less government” and “more individual freedom” and “economic freedom” and “respect for private property” and “terminating the United Nations” were NOT on the list.

One of the comments below by a “Frank M. Petelson”, notes that high on the list, and most of the list, are socialist and collectivist concerns:

Of the people polled, most gave socialistic concerns. I wonder how few polled people wanted: Less Government, More Responsibility, and, with God’s help, a better world?

That’s a good question but from my view it’s like this, I said:

There is almost no doubt that the surveyed were given a list to pick from, and “Less government” and “more individual freedom” and “economic freedom” and “respect for private property” and “terminating the United Nations” were NOT on the list.

These opinion and cultural engineers, commissioned by the autocrats’ cabal, would never offer individual freedom, or more free markets, as an option. Political freedom is on the list but by that they have their meanings implicitly buried in the devil’s details, including the political freedom to force a non-conformist to conform. Like the political freedom to force a Christian couple bakery to serve up a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage. That’s their definition.

Or like the “freedom” to tell the world that Honduras pushing back against a socialist “coup by fraud” in 2009 is somehow a “coup” itself.

“Political freedom” is on the list, but “economic freedom” is not.


Gov schools vs. Parents’ Choice

August 1, 2015

Not to worry. If a nearly illiterate 3rd grade dropout and single mother like Sonya Carson in one of the poorest and most violent areas of the nation in Detroit’s slums, can raise her boy become a pediatric neurosurgeon, then the children who depend on their parents’ decisions for their education have a much better hope than government indoctrination factories.

Because “free” government schools are not free at all. They come at a cost of an education in the real world. The cost is to the generation that they indoctrinate. The government in those books is always the best one you can have (wink wink) and the rulers look out for you (wink wink).

USA gov centers spend twice per student over private schools average, with much better consistent scores. Minneapolis, D.C., and Florida with vouchers programs showed that the effect has nothing to do with them being better students, they became better students.

Jaime Escalante showed that too. His calculus students were accused of cheating in the AP test because the rulers couldn’t believe it. The Teachers Unions went to war against him till he finally returned to Bolivia disgusted.

My youngest boy’s kindergarten teacher taught her students as much as they could learn her first year, she told me. The next year the principal told her to slow down, the first grade teacher had nothing to teach them they didn’t already know.

But it’s not just the academic quality of the education, or that they government indoctrination centers (GICs) teach their own version of history that treats the current conquering rulers the best. The natural nuclear family unit is the best fortress against damage to the children of the next generation by the ruling political class. And respect for the property and economic freedom of families is the best defense against economic assaults by those who have more against those who have less.

Governments want the people to identify first as faithful compliant subjects, above family and above religions. They hate independent religious thinking. That’s why the USA national government (a “federal” government would respect its member states) treats religious thinking as the enemy. They might deign to allow an exemption for a religious organization, for tactical purposes only. Doing so drives a wedge between the organization’s leaders and its outside followers, makes them beholden to the rulers for the “exemption”, recruits some of them in getting its followers to go along, trains the layperson to go along too, and provides a fraudulent but thin cover story for respect for freedom of religion, while making people forget that religious freedom is an INDIVIDUAL’s NATURAL AND GOD-GIVEN RIGHT.

Letting governments control what students learn is the best way to heard them toward groupthink under tyranny.  Anti-government web sites are one of the new enemies in government-approved crime shows. But they should be encouraged. When everybody follows the government-mandated thinking on who is enemy, that is the kind of world George Orwell warned against.

Gov propaganda training? Enough!


How about pix of crimes prevented with the use of self-defense weapons

July 26, 2015

Daily Mail just ran a feature with photos of “survivors of gun violence”. The feature did not show any of the victims who successfully shot back, or the ones who shot down the perpetrators, or the guy in a Washington state mall who stopped a shooting spree with only one down, because the shooter saw his gun.

I didn’t see Susan Hupp’s picture there either. She was at one of the worst massacres in history at Luby’s Cafeteria eating with her parents when a guy crashed his truck into the place, landing inside, and calmly began shooting. Her Dad was hit and her mother died with him.

Her handgun was locked up in her car one block away because at that time Texas had a ban on concealed carry.

She was so mad she waged a one-woman war against gun control, got herself elected to the Texas state legislature, and pushed and yelled till she got concealed carry passed..

My wife stopped a kidnapper from walking away with her son because she had her own “protection” in her purse, and she used it. He had the good fortune that it was my wife because she didn’t drop him dead.

There is one area in Honduras that has no violent gang problem. It has a violent reputation and everybody is armed there. They tried to form one gang chapter there but it was literally terminated after they killed the first father’s son.

The best prevention against bad guys with guns is good guys with guns. Best defense against tyranny especially.


There is really only one “race”, the human race

January 3, 2014

Came across this article. The title is, “Early skirmishes in race war”, by Thomas Sowell:!

For American society, a dangerous polarization has set in. Signs of this polarization over the years include opposite reactions between blacks and whites to the verdict in the O. J. Simpson murder case, the “rape” charges against Duke University students, and the trials resulting from the beating of Rodney King and the death of Trayvon Martin.

Thomas Sowell, listed four famous incidents that were covered intensely over a long period of time over the last couple of decades. For what It’s worth, Mr. Sowell is a respected economist, and dark-skinned (aka “black”, “African American”, etc).

Maybe that makes me neither black nor white in those terms.

#1. I thought people should leave well enough alone with the O. J. Simpson trial after he was declared “Not Guilty” by the jury. (A mostly white jury, by the way).

#2. I was very skeptical of the charges against the Duke University students, but mostly thought the media, and the university, treated them with their own prejudice.

#3. I thought the police that beat on Rodney King should have been put in prison. They claimed that the drugs that he admittedly had in his system had made him oblivious to pain, so that they had to keep going in order to subject him. I always thought the video showed there were enough officers there to physically subjugate him and then hog-tie him, bind his legs and arms together and haul him back to the station.

But on all these things, it is hard to see how any of the millions of people not directly associated with the events or even indirectly could be so very certain of themselves, just based on media reporting.

In other recent examples, mostly outside the race issue, in my opinion you can see some telling signs of media attitudes about race and class. Casey Anthony was tried, convicted, hung, tarred and feathered on national news networks long before the trial ever began. My own background is from a poor single-mother family, and lived on literally the “wrong side of the tracks”. It became visible to me that the media reporting mostly manifested the elite upper-class snotty-nosed attitude toward “white trash” (or alternately “trailer trash”).

Even now, you get conflicting media flashbacks to the Anthony trial on both sides of the jury decision. A pox on both sides. Not even the jury knows what really happened, it seems, and that would make a “Not Guilty” decision the right one.

#4. That brings me to the Trayvon Martin case. That one is another example where it pays to pay attention, but it pays a thousand times better if you pay heed to the first whispers of reporting, or search back to them, AND waiting to see the details (finally) come to surface.

World Turns Away as Rebel Massacres of Syrian Christians Intensify

Al Gore Forecasted “Ice-Free” Arctic by 2013; Ice Cover Expands 50%

(Tags: race, trials, jury, Christians, persecution, global warming, global cooling, climate change, environment, propaganda


History check on see-saw Politifact

December 14, 2013


They said Obamacare was not a “government takeover of health care”. To defend this preposterous claim the point to the “overwhelming reliance” on the “free market“, they had to compare it to total federal government ownership of all medical facilities.

Which of course NOBODY meant when they said it was a government takeover.

First, let us get this straight, that this is NOT any “free market” AT ALL. In fact, the reason for the controversy is precisely because it relies overwhelmingly on a massive regulatory regime. Government intervention on steroids. And built into the design, even if you want to call it intentional, is failure, presumably to get it replaced with another overwhelming government intervention.

A reliance on the free market would kill the already massive burden of government interventions in the medical markets, a removal of the barriers to interstate commerce in medical insurance, treating individuals on an equal level with businesses with respect to the tax deductions, and even getting out of the massive distortions caused already by massive government intervention that caused the problems in the first place.

This is why great numbers of institutions, doctors, and individuals are “opting out”.


..But it might come to that to make it work, if they don’t desist. We’ll see, they may have other tricks.


Oh gosh, Politi-lies keeps on getting hit my the truth! Even the hottest defenders have to admit now that they have to ration care to make it work. The kicker is that it is “only” when spending reaches certain levels. As if it will never. Ha.

And the law only introduced these panels that vote up or down on care, they said, “to control costs for Medicare“. That means, more of the elderly now have the option of denial of care.

Sorry, Virginia, it’s true, there are indeedy “death panels’


So in the very next paragraph after where they admit the death panels (by any other name), they say that the Death Panels are a falsehood!

Well, Politi-maybe was right on one thing. An overturning of this abominable law would not be an unprecedented and extraordinary overturning of a law passed by Congress, another of Obama’s lies.

Lord help us and keep us in these times coming upon us… “God is not a man, that he should lie”.


Yale prof surprised: “Tea partiers know more science than non-tea partiers”

October 19, 2013
Pro-life activist Lila Rose

Pro-life activist Lila Rose (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Eureka! Tea partiers know science!

Politico’s headline shows their surprise, too (Eureka!), weakly suppressing a disdain for the hoi polloi they do not want running free. He wanted (ahem, “expected”) to see the opposite result. Academia lives in a bubble of their own creation: “I don’t know a single person who identifies with the tea party,” he said. But now they know: they understand more science than those who aren’t.


Navy Seal thinks the [federal] government may be trying to provoke conditions for martial law:

Not so crazy an accusation. He quoted Sheila Jackson as demanding that Obama declare martial law so he could stop the “shutdown”. I’ve seen that for a long, long time.

I saw it in the pro-life movement. They were desperate to make the pro-lifers get violent (never mind the violence done to babies inside the abortion mills) that they started arresting them for standing on sidewalks. Finally, in desperation, they used what were (to me) obvious moles. Like one guy in Pensacola who kept trying to talk pro-life demonstrators into violent action, and they always shouted him down, “Shut up!”, “What are you thinking”, You’re in the wrong movement buster. So he got a gun and shot a doctor. Which was promptly blamed on the people who told him not to.


AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie) FREE to watch for a limited time!

I’ve not watched it through yet, but from the parts I’ve seen and from the reviews, this promises to be a good historical perspective on why America is like it is right now…

How the Old Left is continuing to world to bring America down, meeting after the fall of the Berlin Wall. They were talking about using the environmental movement (for business-killing regulations) and pushing to destroy traditional family structure, and other such things.

The Naked Communist“, a 1958 book, says some of these things too.

[My note: I think America’s “cup of iniquity” is already too full to
escape God’s judgments. But this is how, and people need this

The narrator says “anarchy” doesn’t make sense. I beg to differ. Any government tends toward more central control.

Also, some of the people featured in comments in this video are likely not necessarily genuine or complete freedom-loving actors. Nevertheless, their exposure of the “AGENDA” is informative to a new generation, if they watch this…

Fabian socialism trademark: a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Hillary Clinton’s defining paper in college was a report on Gramshee, the Communist strategist.

Does “Fiscal” conservatism need “social” conservatism? What is the >real< diffference?

October 6, 2013
Ron Paul at the 2007 National Right to Life Co...

Ron Paul at the 2007 National Right to Life Convention, held at Crown Center Hyatt Regency in Kansas City, MO; June 15, 2007, (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have a comment on this article, “Fiscal Conservatism Needs ‘Social’ Conservatism”. I’m sending this commentary to his email as well as posting it on my blog:

Dennis Prager deserves attention from those who disagree with him, because he makes his arguments, as he says it, from the head and not from the heart.


I am one of many Christian libertarians, but strongly Christian. There are more of these than you think, who very much believe in practicing our Christianity in private and in public, and for us there is no separation of economic and social values. Economic values are only a part of the social values, and every so-called “conservative” who makes that difference, especially for the sake of pragmatism, is a victim (or perpetrator) of the mistake of lifting up the love for things over the love of his fellow-man.

I do marvel at the fact that applying the principle of freedom to economic issues, though, is the absolutely best thing that can happen to the poor in any society, as a general principle. Stealing is a moral issue, in fact, and taxation is a form of theft, because it is the forcible expropriation of goods or services without even the formality of requesting it.

There is an overlap there. But Dennis, note that Israel in the time of the book of Judges, before the kings, they had no formal taxation. There was no taxation to support an army, or police force. Armies were raised from volunteers as an answer to prayer for deliverance from enemies.

In fact according to the jew it was actually a moment of moral weakness that drove the Israelites to demand a government. In their case, it was a king. God warned them through Samuel against what they were asking for: the king would require their sons to send them off to war, and he would require burdensome taxes, and their sons and daughters in future generations would be sorry.

I don’t think rabbis or pastors pay too much attention to this, and its implications.


I absolutely agree that all principles are a package, and that the divide is a false one. I believe it is mostly engendered with the use of propaganda in the Establishment Media, and politicians who put position and power over principle.

I also would agree that it is wrong to deprecate the value of American history from even before 1776 as being an incubator of respect for the time-proven moral principles that have a substantial near-equivalence with what is known today as “conservatism”.

Where we differ is a result of the misunderstanding about libertarian morals, that unfortunately, I believe many libertarians also do not understand about the real world.

I’m not talking here about the small minority of libertarians that just want what they see as “benefits”. Many of the members of the namesake Libertarian Party are like that, but not all of them either.


The difference between Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are significant in this respect. Gary Johnson points to the benefits of marijuana, whereas Ron Paul points to the moral difference between you deciding what is good for you, and some self-appointed smarter-than-thou committees so deciding. Ron Paul is the one who also points out that at least for Prohibition they realized they could not ban alcohol on a federal level without a constitutional amendment.

In the same way that it is immoral to arrest an Amish farmer for providing raw milk to his neighbors, in principle, the same principle has to be applied, as you say, to the extreme cases.

Another couple of examples would be what we call the “natural right” of atheists to speak as they will, and the right of the “gay gang” to say what they will. And we support this in spite of the enormous damage that the advocacy of both of them wreak upon the general society.

In other words, the moral imperative of allowing the free exchange of goods and services as the parties that engage in such activity may voluntarily do so, this is a moral principle that also applies to other moral and ethical contexts.

Take so-called “same-sex marriage”, for example. The only reason the propagandists have been able to make this an issue they can impose upon the rest of us is that the Christian and Jewish and other religious persuasions have allowed the state to usurp this cultural and social institution.

Before the Mormons appeared, historically, for example, monogamy was a universally accepted norm in the states where they originated and grew. But monogamy laws were passed specifically because many Mormons practiced polygamy. So they migrated to other states and the process repeated until they finally got to the Utah area, where the federal government passed their law and threatened to blow up their city. (A Mormon once told me their people were scattered across the countryside at that time).

Before that, marriage was more common-law, I would think, with some formal recognition in the respective religious institutions of each different religious faith.

But the de facto situation today is, that the state controls it. The USA has completed its evolution into a nation that thinks it has to tolerate a ruling regime that is actively hostile to all religious faith except the faith of materialism, with special hostility toward Christianity. Statist-power politicians regard Jews as little problem for secularization of the populace in the interest of a docile subject populace, because most Jews have adopted secularist-state views in the States.

(As a parenthesis, in my opinion, there are two reasons for this. One, many Jews have this big bugaboo about a Christian majority population, fed in the background by thousands of Hollywood productions that keep bringing back images of the Holocaust. One judge I heard about on a talk show once actually allowed certain prayers in some official activity, but banned the use of the name of “Jesus”.)

There are a great number of libertarians who are also Jews, of every “kind” of Jew there is, of course, and that includes even some Jewish settlers in “Samaria”.

At the core of libertarian thinking is the non-aggression principle. That principle is based in the very moral principle of non-aggression. This principle is a sort of dumbed-down version of the second greatest commandment: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”.

That commandment from the laws of Moses is akin to the Christian’s “Golden Rule”, which in a way restated it in terms of its application, its practice. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, is also a paraphrase of what Jesus said, but is an abbreviation of the same thing.

That of course includes avoiding aggression against your neighbor, meaning avoiding the use of force or threat of force or aggression by fraud to get something from that neighbor or to force him to do something.

There was no command to force the world to come to the morality embodied in the Ten Commandments, no divine order to go forth and convert the entire pagan world by force, and there is no way to interpret it as such, much as some less ethical atheists try to do. It’s easier to do that with the Koran, maybe, but even in the most brutal version possible you can extract from the laws of Moses it doesn’t work. At least not without some hilarity (if it were not so serious a subject).

So there is credible content to a moral and even religious objection to the imposition of moral law upon others by any individual or any group. The laws of Moses are full of admonitions to respect the stranger among you, the travelers that journey through the land round about, and so on.

And even Dennis Prager would have to admit that even though the USA may be a good nation and exemplary in morals, that it has no “right” or obligation to conquer North and South America to impose those ideals, even if it could somehow be made to work in some weird way.


It is true also that many libertarians in the USA and elsewhere believe that state-sanctioned same-sex marriage is a matter of equal treatment or somehow an issue of more freedom somehow, whereas it is no such thing at all. One propagandist says there are 10,000 specific benefits from marriage that same-sex couples do not get because of the bans on same-sex marriage.

In my opinion, this is the only reason that any visible number of homosexuals support the idea. A tiny minority gets marriage licenses where it’s legalized, the rest don’t care for it but might vaguely support the activist stand on it. Another tiny minority of currently practicing homosexuals have called talk shows to express strong objections to the idea, I’ve heard them, one of them citing the same reasons Dennis Prager does.


Mr. Prager asks some questions that

Do you really want to live in an America that is godless, where liberty derives from the state and where moral values derive from each individual’s heart? In an America that ignores genocides abroad? In an America that so radically redefines marriage — the union of anyone who loves anyone — that it no longer has a moral justification to prohibit polygamy or incest? In an America that has no moral opinion on abortion, even if performed solely, let us say, for reasons of the fetus’s gender? In an America that embraces multiculturalism rather than the melting pot ideal?

So libertarians do NOT want liberty to derive from the state. Moral values can never derive from an enforced monopoly on the use of force. But you have no right to decide moral values for anyone else, by the force of violence or the threat of violence (that’s exactly what laws are), whether you’re an imam, rabbi, or minister, or guru, or priest, except for the ban on aggression.

To say the contrary is to say whoever has the guns decides the morality. That has not worked out well for Jews, nor Christians, nor Muslims, or anybody else really. That’s why atheist-driven and secularist-driven bans on the free expression of religion by majorities is so hypocritical, and the censorship on the Creation science point of view in government schools. Or the censorship of any point of view in them.

Boy Scouts – reaction

June 10, 2013
Norman Rockwell's self-portrait Beyond the Eas...

Norman Rockwell’s self-portrait Beyond the Easel with Boy Scouts (1969 Boy Scouts of America calendar by Brown & Bigelow) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Lots of people are quitting the Boy Scouts:
Boy Scouts’ decision on gays tests loyalty of members – Washington Times

So, instead of admitting they had lied when they joined the Scouts, refused to quit when they found out that “gay” scouts were not welcome, instead they did the closet thing and then tried to make themselves honest and cover the guilt they felt all that time by making the Scouts change instead of themselves.

Now they feel partially vindicated, but now you’ll see the adult “gays” that used to be Scouts and want to be scoutmasters will keep on pushing for “gay” scoutmasters.

It’s because it’s such a traditionally rooted organization, it’s a target for changing everybody else, not for equal treatment.

Equal treatment would have been for an alternative organization. No, they want to take over the existing infrastructure politically, get all that propaganda potential. Now instead of correcting scouts for using pejoratives for “gays”, they will tell them that it doesn’t matter whether the psychology fits the physiology or not.

The Boy Scouts of America has just made a much bigger decision that just allowing “gay” boys to join their ranks. There is a HUGE BIG change more than just admission policies. If it’s okay for boys, why not for anybody? They can no longer say that homosexuality or sodomy is bad for boys, so how can they restrict them from being scoutmasters?

It’s a so-called “compromise” that is much more a surrender than a compromise.

That’s what happens when you don’t have the conviction for what you say you believe.

They should have thundered about it, but I guess the de facto monopoly position the leaders thought they had was too much temptation, too much corruption. The policy dissidents should have set up their own group, but they preferred to take over the existing organization, its buildings and infrastructure and mailing list, and convert the philosophy to one that supports homosexual behavior.

The result will be dissident groups sprouting up everywhere.

But now, when they apply for state recognition, after the IRS and Justice Department persecution of political and religious dissidents, and the HHS rules that violate religious freedom for groups and individuals, and persecution of whistleblowers, who can trust the governments of either of the bipartisan cartel in power to treat anybody fairly?


Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Luke 15:32
It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

Not Credible: Gallup Poll Says “Americans Want To Tax The Rich And Spread the Wealth”

May 18, 2013

Okay, stop asking them if they want to spread the wealth by taxing the rich. Ask them to choose between (1) taxing their employer more, or (2) getting a pay raise.

See how fast you flip your stupid poll then.

I don’t trust polls anymore. Polls here, polls there, and it used to have a strong effect, they used to be credible. But we got their game, now, their gig is up, busted! Things like this. If people just wanted to spread the wealth, they would have flipped the House in 2008 and they DIDN’T.

I got a call for a poll once, for an upcoming vote on some homosexuals’ additional rights bill or something like that. What a bogus “poll”! They kept asking the same questions, then they’d do one like “Did you know so-and-so”, and they’d go back to the same question they asked before where they didn’t like my answer. Phhht!

Education in reality is the answer. There’s lots of it at and



Tired of Karl Rove, the empty pontificator

March 28, 2013

I’m so sick, sick, sick of Karl Rove, a good reason to tune out from Fox News.

Such a hypocrite, who pronounces judgment on all the Republicans.

And, NO, Karl Rove, NO, George W. Bush was NOT a “social conservative“. Blah blah blah blather is not acceptable. Instead of defending the truth in statements by Republicans that are too much like normal Americans for him.

He is indeed a master manipulator, helped maneuver the country into a ten-year two-front war that is still on. They say one thing and do another. Make not mistake. There are still some 18,000 American employees still in Iraq and many more in Afghanistan. It seems that American soldiers are in Jordan training Syrian “rebels” who are fighting Assad to make the country safe for takeover by al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s what happened in Egypt and Libya.

Rove and such ilk have lost too much of America, like the 2012 elections.

(By the way, fellas, it’s NOT “marriage equality”, it’s marriage inequality they’re pushing. Even at the Supreme Court, some of the most ridiculous anti-scientific foolish pronouncements are made, such as one of these lawyers saying out loud, with a straight face, in front of the country, that homosexual behavior is an “immutable” (his word). There are hundreds of thousands of former homosexuals, including now happily married and with children in a natural nuclear family. They put the lie to this blatant misinformation. Even Fox News is covering up the truth on this one. Who is brave enough to interview someone who has left the homosexual fixation to live a heterosexual life.

“Buy the truth, sell it not”. The truth is very valuable to you, accurate information is a treasure, and it is not worth selling it out for anything.