Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Fracking and LENR – Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

November 25, 2016

I’ve been following Helena’s posts on current events. Many were interesting especially in this election year, and had some new insights for me. I was surprised though to see her tear into fracking the way she did:

So this is my reply…

#1. The list of numbers of earthquakes is interesting but (a) I would have to see contextual numbers and measuring technology details before jumping to a conclusion about apples and apples vs. oranges and apples, plus (b) then if the coincidental statistical AND geographical correlations hold up, then consider this a problem.

But the fracking issue is in the context of the much bigger problem of politicized science, in which the Control Cabal Mafia uses “environmental” religions to drive clueless believers into stopping technological advances that make life more comfortable for most of us overall.

Whatever made you think the high priests of Gaia worship were not adding fracking to their list of heresies? It’s all over the place.

Here are some examples of the craziness:

Here’s another link, this one specifically about the earthquake hype:

The the counting increases are due to better measurements of the smaller ones, from a study by Frolich 2012:

Most earthquakes identified in the study ranged in magnitude from 1.5 to 2.5, meaning they posed no danger to the public.

I didn’t find any higher risks from disposal of hydraulic fracturing fluids than was thought before,” says Frohlich.”My study found more small quakes, nearly all less than magnitude 3.0, but just more of the smaller ones than were previously known. The risk is all from big quakes, which don’t seem to occur here.”

All the wells nearest to the eight earthquake groups reported high injection rates (maximum monthly injection rates exceeding 150,000 barrels of water). Yet in many other areas where wells had similarly high injection rates, there were no earthquakes. Frohlich tried to address those differences.

The so-called “environmental” movement is simply a Trojan horse front for the forming worldwide dictatorship. It is meant to produce coordination among sovereign nations and provide cover –along with managed Crony-friendly Trade Agreements (mislabeled “free” trade agreements)– for central planning integration and control over the masses (that’s us).

If you want to really blow the cover off these willfully ignorant hypocrites, ask them why they don’t demand more research into advancing the most promising technology for the cleanest possible energy source that we should all know about, the technology addressed in Eugene Mallove’s excellent treatment of the subject in his book “FIRE FROM ICE“.

After he wrote the book, there came a time when Eugene Mallove grew so furious with his MIT colleagues and other academicians’ lies about their lab results in their repeats of the experiments of Fleischmann and Pons, that he quit his writing for various science-related publications to create a Foundation for financing the research. He started the Infinite Energy Magazine to report on the field, and he wrote the president and anybody who would listen to gin up interest.

There are too many billions at stake in the gigantic hot fusion research centers like at MIT to let it go quietly into the night. Not only that there are 100s of billions of dollars at stake for all traditional energy concerns, and I include solar and hydro into that class.

The first thought I had when they found Eugene Mallove dead, brutally murdered, was that as an effective advocate of this science, he was a threat to lots of billionaire industries and it struck me as “What a coincidence?”

Now, I don’t trust the CFR any more than I trust the Trilateral Commission, or Bilderbergers, or HIllary Clinton. But in what gives me a kind of weird Twilight-Zone kind of effect, it is on their flagship magazine’s web site that they publish an article that goes into detail about Mallove and the saga at MIT.

In that article they point to his discovery of success in MIT’s laboratory in replicating the results of this “cold fusion” phenomenon, only to see that the data were altered three days after the results were attained.

None other than Arthur C. Clarke financed the first months of the publication of Infinite Energy. The article notes that Mr. Clarke had already been “incensed” by the “cold fusion caper”, meaning its suppression, “perhaps one of the greatest scandals in the history of science”.

(Note that I have my unrelated reasons for regarding Clarke as a morally despicable person but what he did for Mallove was unquestionably of good effect).

Anybody who knows me can vouch for me that I do NOT turn my eyes away from evidence of Big-Industry or Governmental conspiracies. They exist. Lots of them exist, for real. Elsewhere I have listed many of them. But the description at the CFR article reflects the story of Eugene Mallove’s death from other sources and it looks to be true. I already have corroboration from and elsewhere, so my rule about sources like CFR to require at least TWO other verifying sources may be satisfied.

The article notes that the U.S. Department of Energy at one point requested proposals for $10 million in studies into the technology, but at the time of the article, July 7, 2016, not one cent had been disbursed.

United Nations poll: Example of Orwellian Newspeak

August 16, 2015

The New American website wrote about the United Nations poll of some 7 million people where they chose the issues they most cared about:

Here is the list, with their top concerns listed first. Note that “action on climate change” is dead last.

A good education
Better healthcare
Better job opportunities
An honest and responsive government
Affordable and nutritious food
Protection against crime and violence
Access to clean water and sanitation
Support for people who can’t work
Better transport and roads
Reliable energy at home
Equality between men and women
Political freedoms
Freedom from discrimination and persecution
Protecting forests, rivers, and oceans
Phone and Internet Access
Action taken on climate change (Emphasis added.)

There is almost no doubt that the surveyed were given a list to pick from, and “Less government” and “more individual freedom” and “economic freedom” and “respect for private property” and “terminating the United Nations” were NOT on the list.

One of the comments below by a “Frank M. Petelson”, notes that high on the list, and most of the list, are socialist and collectivist concerns:

Of the people polled, most gave socialistic concerns. I wonder how few polled people wanted: Less Government, More Responsibility, and, with God’s help, a better world?

That’s a good question but from my view it’s like this, I said:

There is almost no doubt that the surveyed were given a list to pick from, and “Less government” and “more individual freedom” and “economic freedom” and “respect for private property” and “terminating the United Nations” were NOT on the list.

These opinion and cultural engineers, commissioned by the autocrats’ cabal, would never offer individual freedom, or more free markets, as an option. Political freedom is on the list but by that they have their meanings implicitly buried in the devil’s details, including the political freedom to force a non-conformist to conform. Like the political freedom to force a Christian couple bakery to serve up a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage. That’s their definition.

Or like the “freedom” to tell the world that Honduras pushing back against a socialist “coup by fraud” in 2009 is somehow a “coup” itself.

“Political freedom” is on the list, but “economic freedom” is not.


So many dead scientists, too many microbiologists

October 11, 2014

Dead scientists list, 2004-2014:

(a lot of “apparent suicides in the list seems like)
and more from before, 1994-2003:

A list of 115 scientists dead:

and more:

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove was one of them in 2004:

He was a many-lettered professor at MIT and enraged by MIT’s press conference on the Pons-Fleichmann experiments, he told the press and anybody who would listen that the results had been promising, that MIT lied to protect billions in research, and started a new energy foundation to fund LENR (low-energy nuclear reactions) research. It is finally creeping -slowly- into “mainstream” labs. (I use it to expose the leadership of the enviro-racket).

Wired article about so-called “cold fusion” (Mallove preferred LENR):

Who is Eugene Mallove?

September 6, 2014

What is intended is to point out that the “leaders” of the activism against abuse are avoiding the most favored, pretending it’s a right-left thing, when it’s all a game by government gangs to keep themselves in power under cover of banker cartel sponsorship and regulations that keep down the little guy, and Grand Theft Inflation by way of the Federal Reserve cartel.

They’re playing two stories against the middle; trying to obliterate the middle class. Environmental memes are only part of the Big Brother Ministry of “Truth”.

1.CLIMATE CHANGE- James Hansen is the guy whose “reports” were exposed by, even before ClimateGate pulled the curtains off their rigging of peer review and blatant lies in their reports. After climate-gate showed his criminal emails before the world and he “almost had a breakdown” after getting caught red-handed, he’s now anguishing over why it hasn’t been warming up like his predictions said.

The misinformation agents keep on going with it, since it all goes up and down, they figure a broken clock is right once a day, and they know their clock is broke. Now they’re trying other stuff, like terrorism again.

2. SPILLS – If it’s my backyard, you bet I’ll let ’em drill. But try to put up some windmills in the rich guys forcing us to live with the prohibitions. There’s a lot more damage done by poverty and killing the chance poor folks have to get jobs. Oil firms like Enbridge get punishments galore when they are caught in a disaster. Clients don’t come back to reckless vendors.

Do you? Do you need your Daddy to put a ring around your rosy?

Oh please Sugar Daddy Government! Protect us from evil!
Like the Chavista government now literally prays the Lord’s prayer -to Chavez!

3. EMINENT DOMAIN ABUSE – Yep, like in Kelo vs. The City of New Haven. Government abuse is the enemy. Violations of the non-aggression principle (Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, etc) should be beat back with self-defense. Right now though USG thugs and their little siblings just bring in the surplus big bad vehicles to get you out for their buddies.

4. WATER CONTAMINATION — Lawsuits were shutting this abuse of property rights even before the laws. But by golly you should’ve seen it in the 1950s when I was a kid, and a stinking soap factory one block from my house… Thank God it’s so much better…

5. Who in their right mind can predict how many jobs a project will create more than kill. Maybe we should pass a Buggy Whip Protection Act? How about eliminating light bulbs to protect the whalers?

6. GAS PRICES. The Natural Resources Defense Council. Now there’s a reliable source.

7. TAR SANDS FOR EXPORT. – Why should we care? My people need jobs! Unions need jobs! People need Bundy’s beef! Why should we let Washington tell us it’s the environment when we know they just wanted to do a Kelo v. New Haven with the land to give it to Senator Reid’s son and the Chinese for development!

8. TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY – Now that’s an innovative idea written by Old White Guys to use to club competitors over the head!

9. UNDISCLOSED – Now that’s a real good one and we agree! There’s ALL kinds of stuff that USG is not telling us. Liars liars pants on fires!

10. FRAUDULENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW – Yeah, and Aliens Cause Global Warming, like Michael Crichton said. So the ruling class has an internal spat to work out.. But never fear, Obama is king, and he’ll have them drag it out until he’s out of office, betcha…

Why should we obey the ruling class cliques and cartels that speak with forked tongue?

Who is Eugene Mallove?

Wired 6.11: What If Cold Fusion Is Real?

December 14, 2013

Almost four stories high, framed in steel beams and tangled in pipes, conduits, cables, and coils, the Joint European Torus (JET) claims to be the largest fusion power experiment in the world. Located near Oxford, England, JET is a monument to big science, its donut-shaped containment vessel dwarfing maintenance workers who enter it in protective suits. Here in this gleaming nuclear cauldron, deuterium gas is energized with 7 million amperes and heated to 300 million degrees Celsius – more than 10 times hotter than the center of the sun. Under these extreme conditions atomic nuclei collide and fuse, liberating energy that could provide virtually limitless power.


High-tension lines run directly to the installation, but they don’t take electricity out – they bring it in. For a few magic seconds in 1997, JET managed to return 60 percent of the energy it consumed, but that’s the best it’s ever done, and is typical of fusion experiments worldwide. The US Department of Energy has predicted that we’ll have to wait another five decades, minimum, before fusion power becomes practical. Meanwhile, the United States continues to depend on fossil fuels for 85 percent of its energy.

Many miles away, in the basement of a fine new home in the hills overlooking Santa Fe, New Mexico, a retired scientist named Edmund Storms has built a different kind of fusion reactor. It consists of laboratory glassware, off-the-shelf chemical supplies, two aging Macintosh computers for data acquisition, and an insulated wooden box the size of a kitchen cabinet. While JET’s 15 European sponsor-nations have paid about US$1 billion for their hardware, and the US government has spent $14.7 billion on fusion research since 1951 (all figures in 1997 dollars), Storms’s apparatus and ancillary gear have cost less than $50,000. Moreover, he claims that his equipment works, generating surplus heat for days at a time.

Storms is not an antiestablishment pseudoscientist pursuing a crackpot theory. For 34 years he was part of the establishment himself, employed at Los Alamos on projects such as a nuclear motor for space vehicles. Subsequently he testified before a congressional subcommittee considering the future of fusion. He believes you don’t need millions of degrees or billions of dollars to fuse atomic nuclei and yield energy. “You can stimulate nuclear reactions at room temperature,” he says, in his genial, matter-of-fact style. “I am absolutely certain that the phenomenon is real. It is quite extraordinary, and if it can be developed, it will have profound effects on society.”

That’s an understatement. If low-temperature fusion does exist and can be perfected, power generation could be decentralized. Each home could heat itself and produce its own electricity, probably using a form of water as fuel. Even automobiles might be cold fusion powered. Massive generators and ugly power lines could be eliminated, along with imported oil and our contribution to the greenhouse effect. Moreover, according to some experimental data, low-temperature fusion doesn’t create significant hazardous radiation or radioactive waste.

Most scientists laugh at these claims. “It’s pathological science,” says physicist Douglas Morrison, formerly employed by CERN in Geneva. “The results are impossible.”

Impossible, and yet Edmund Storms has gotten net energy-positive results already.

Even hot-fusion scientists are saying there is strong evidence.

Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction writer, futurist, and funder of Infinite Energy magazine: “It seems very promising to me that nuclear reactions

English: deuterium-tritium fusion diagram, poi...

English: deuterium-tritium fusion diagram, point as decimal separator  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

may occur at room temperatures. I’m quite convinced there’s something in this.”


Monitoring Climate Change

December 4, 2013

Why is the Controlled Media and Pop Press –and the world’s political class– ignoring the real climate scientists?

Fortunately, many of us are not, and it gives the Ruling Class great conniption fits.

We are just supposed to lay ourselves prostrate and open our necks to them in submission? And they’re surprised that many of us refuse?

Of course the social engineers manipulating the propaganda are not surprised. They’re getting madder by the minute because THE REAL CLIMATE SCIENTISTS ARE GETTING HEARD BY THE REST OF US. They are bypassing the Control Gateways.

That’s why I think it won’t be long until they clamp down on the Internet.

We the undersigned, qualified in climate-related matters, wish to state that current scientific knowledge does not substantiate your assertions.



Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Barack Obama’s Dream | CACA

October 13, 2013
Global Warming

Global Warming (Photo credit: mirjoran)

See the charts: with the real climate science:


The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself
– Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

Earth-worship madness

October 13, 2013
Cover of "State of Fear"

Cover of State of Fear

Quoting from a recent Natural Awakenings News Brief “brief”, “To make polysilicon, the basic building block of most solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, silica rock must be melted at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, using electricity from mostly coal-fired power plants“. Now this was news to me, though part of my reading includes what’s available from the reality-based side of this political issue.

Because it is a political issue, not a “science” one. It’s political because it has been political powers that have pushed this “meme” into (some) academic journals, into popular-consumption magazines, and into legislation, and not least of all, into United Nation dictates around the world.

That above news probably would not have made it into this magazine if not for an announcement from Stanford University researchers, mentioned in the same brief, that they believe that they may be able to get more “clean energy” from the panels that the “energy going into the industry’s continued growth”, as they put it, using the energy from “coal-fired power plants”.

That means that just like with ethanol fuels, it takes more energy input into the process that produces the fuel than there is energy output from it. Do the tree-huggers understand what this means? It means that with present technology, every time anybody uses a solar panel, they are making the situation actually much worse using solar panels than they would do by just using the coal-fired energy straight! Hello?

I’ll say it again for better clarity.

Under your own rules, under your own pseudo-science, using “clean green” solar panels to power your home, your office, your plant, is burning more coal than the home, office, or plant was using before you put them in. But the “green label” industry still gives you high marks for it.

This says that there is no wonder the coal industry, the traditional energy producers, like “clean energy” initiatives. Yep, they’re all “green” industries now.



The same edition brags about how one power elite front (they don’t call it that, of course) is pushing climate change propaganda into our children’s brains. They call themselves “Next Generation Science Standards”, that their news brief says “have been adopted by 26 states and are under consideration by 15 more, teach how and why fossil fuel emissions are a causal factor in overheating the world.”

Remember the propaganda that George Orwell painted within a dystopian socialist/fascist future, the propaganda that said “truth is lies”, “war is peace”, all those oxymorons that people were supposed to believe, proclaim, acclaim, simply because they were told to (or else)? This is what we’ve come to.

The late Michael Crichton, in his novel “A State of Fear“, and in an appendix, showed the charts that showed how the man-caused global warming memes were based on easily debunked falsehoods. Climate scientists had already tried to alert the public. But not too loudly, because careers hang in the balance, and if you dissent from the official government-issued dogma, the thought police will work to make you an un-person, just as the tyrants did in the Orwellian world.



Remember, the sun overwhelms anything we could do here on the earth. Every day, the temperature makes a drastic up and down swing, most notably in the higher latitudes. Sunspots affect everything here, warm things up, cool them down when they dissipate. World temperatures for the last decade-plus have put the kibosh on all those climate models that we can now all see were totally wrong. Of course many climate scientists had already disproved them, and showed the flaws in the props used to force economy-killing policies upon us.

Here’s a good source for getting the real-world science on the subject:




You would think that the “green movement” would cry bloody murder when Mikhail Gorbachev founded Green Cross in 1993, since he was one of the executive circle in the old Soviet Union that ruled over the biggest polluter on the planet, killer of big fresh water lakes! But it shows that at the very cusp, the apex of the environmentalist front groups is a group from the ruling elites that absolutely knows it’s a farce, and they’re using this propaganda prop as another vehicle to prepare the people for a global dictatorship.

They’ll convince people that it’s the “democratic” thing to do. Not that elections will change anything for real, but they will tell the subjects that it’s just better for them, better for the common man, better to stop the “excesses” of capitalism. What they won’t tell them is that their list of “excesses” were cause by their own government measures interfering with the free market’s ability to provide the solutions they say they want but don’t really want.

Because their end game is thought control, crowd control, a world dictatorship.

“Same sex marriage”

March 17, 2013

A commenter reacts: “I believe that the foe of God; is Church! & Bible. Wisdom is rare.”

Except for “Wisdom is rare”, this is an uneducated encapsulation of a big mix of intellectual errata concerning the Bible. The simplest way to explain libertarian principles to a Christian is the Golden Rule. For example, almost every father and mother who discovers that their son is smoking pot, they do not really want their son to go to prison, they want to persuade him to stop. The possibility of prison has not proved a very effective argument for the users.

The Christian who says he is a “Democrat” really means he wants to use the state to force all of his neighbors to follow “Christian” principles of “visiting the orphans and the widows” and giving alms. An honest one may understand the contradiction of saying stealing is okay because you will use (some of) the loot to help the poor. “I will not give unto the Lord [or one of the least of these] that which hath cost me nothing”, said the Psalmist.

The Bible is a God-inspired document; and the watermark is in the literally 1000s of SPECIFIC prophecies therein, many 100s of them fulfilled. Plus 10s or scores of assertions that became discoveries. And that is without even considering the evidence of Creation.

And the Bible (Old plus New Testaments together) is the most libertarian document there is. Beginning with the fact that salvation is individual, and discipleship is an individual decision. It’s the whole concept of YOU are responsible for what YOU do, morally, and you will reap what you sow.

The early disciples “had all things common” but it was PURELY VOLUNTARY. Common property was a voluntary understanding on joining the disciples, and anybody could leave anytime.

Even under the laws of Moses, anybody could leave the group at any time, like Jesus’ example of the prodigal son. And forget minimalist government; it provided for NO GOVERNMENT AT ALL to empower corruption. Priests had ceremonial duties and they were judges in matters of capital offenses. In the US, many have gotten death penalties based on the word of ONE witness; under the Mosaic law you had to have TWO.

The claims about recognition of same-sex marriage are moot if the state is removed from the equation. Private hospitals can make their own rules in a free market, and you can use the one that allows whomever you want to visit you. Marriage as we know it in the West was a common-law arrangement that has evolved into statist control.

“Christians” are guilty historically of letting themselves use the state to take over things like marriage. Or vice versa. They lost their way, they should concentrate on sharing the truth with others and knowing the “why”. My faith is based on facts, history, reason and logic, but FORCE is NOT the way to stop sin or spread that faith!

The Bible CONDEMNS using force to spread the gospel, that methodology belongs to others. The worst “Christian” atrocities were done by political authorities that BANNED the Bible! For example, the first knowledge John Knox had of any Bible was a listing of banned books!

Anybody can make a commitment. I am married to my wife in all its fullest meaning, but I had to get a marriage certificate to get a visa for her. My solution to the visa thing in order is (1) free trade, free movement both directions, and (2) anybody entering contracts as they see fit.

Lastly, the subject of whether “gayness” or “gay marriage” is good for somebody, or whether aspartame is harmful for you, or whether there exist climatologists who expose climate-gate scientifically (there are), all people expressing themselves for and against have the right to express it.

CFL bulbs hurt the environment with mercury and the UV burns your skin

July 24, 2012


Study: Exposure to CFL bulbs harms healthy skin cells | The Daily Caller:

New research funded by the National Science Foundation has scientists warning consumers about the potentially harmful effects energy-saving CFL light bulbs can have on skin.

The warning comes based on a study conducted by Stony Brook University and New York State Stem Cell Science — published in the June issue of Photochemistry and Photobiology — which looked at whether and how the invisible UV rays CFL bulbs emit affect the skin.

Based on the research, scientists concluded that CFL light bulbs can be harmful to healthy skin cells.

“Our study revealed that the response of healthy skin cells to UV emitted from CFL bulbs is consistent with damage from ultraviolet radiation,” said lead researcher Miriam Rafailovich, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Stony Brook University, in New York, in a statement. “Skin cell damage was further enhanced when low dosages of TiO2 nanoparticles were introduced to the skin cells prior to exposure.”

Read more:
So, the bulbs hurt us, the billions of dollars, probably trillions now,  pulled out of the economy to obey the mini-dictators of federal offices that could have enabled much more health care in the free market and create wealth and jobs, and decisions muzzling free speech and free exercise to protect the freedom of a few to “protect” everybody else from the speech, these things have nothing to do with freedom of choice, or civil rights.
They are controls, and some of them are simply to get us used to obeying our government masters for when they finally declare themselves.
People sometimes forget that slavery was all about involuntary total economic control over the fruits of another person’s labor, and total control over what he does with it. But when the person enjoys total freedom, he has total economic control over the fruits of his own labor, and the fruits of whatever he does with it (in trade and investment).
Tax Freedom Day in the United States this year was April 17, 2012, four days later than the year before. That’s how long it takes Americans as a whole to pay taxes. 107 days out of the 366 days of the year 2012.

So in the United States we are slaves, under involuntary servitude, as a whole, for about one-third of the whole year, 107 days out of 366. That’s almost 30%!

So we’re “only” one-third slaves.

Except for one more step in this reasoning. We are “only” one-third slaves because our slave-masters have decided to let us keep two-thirds of the fruits of our labor for expenses. The whole thing is based on the idea that whoever is in control owns 100% of us, and they decide what we keep.

That’s the whole unspoken idea in the debate over how much Americans pay in taxes in Congress. They are the ones who decide how much to let us keep.

Ladies and gentlemen, that’s called feudalism, and our state of affairs is “serfdom”.

But instead of being sharecroppers where the master of the plantation tells us how much food we keep, he tells us how much we get to keep of what is our own land and our own labor. And they don’t even have to declare title to our persons, at least not yet, or at least not that we know of. Who knows what collateral our rulers have promised for the debt they made us liable for under the fiction that we consented to all this serfdom?