Fracking and LENR – Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

I’ve been following Helena’s posts on current events. Many were interesting especially in this election year, and had some new insights for me. I was surprised though to see her tear into fracking the way she did:

So this is my reply…

#1. The list of numbers of earthquakes is interesting but (a) I would have to see contextual numbers and measuring technology details before jumping to a conclusion about apples and apples vs. oranges and apples, plus (b) then if the coincidental statistical AND geographical correlations hold up, then consider this a problem.

But the fracking issue is in the context of the much bigger problem of politicized science, in which the Control Cabal Mafia uses “environmental” religions to drive clueless believers into stopping technological advances that make life more comfortable for most of us overall.

Whatever made you think the high priests of Gaia worship were not adding fracking to their list of heresies? It’s all over the place.

Here are some examples of the craziness:

Here’s another link, this one specifically about the earthquake hype:

The the counting increases are due to better measurements of the smaller ones, from a study by Frolich 2012:

Most earthquakes identified in the study ranged in magnitude from 1.5 to 2.5, meaning they posed no danger to the public.

I didn’t find any higher risks from disposal of hydraulic fracturing fluids than was thought before,” says Frohlich.”My study found more small quakes, nearly all less than magnitude 3.0, but just more of the smaller ones than were previously known. The risk is all from big quakes, which don’t seem to occur here.”

All the wells nearest to the eight earthquake groups reported high injection rates (maximum monthly injection rates exceeding 150,000 barrels of water). Yet in many other areas where wells had similarly high injection rates, there were no earthquakes. Frohlich tried to address those differences.

The so-called “environmental” movement is simply a Trojan horse front for the forming worldwide dictatorship. It is meant to produce coordination among sovereign nations and provide cover –along with managed Crony-friendly Trade Agreements (mislabeled “free” trade agreements)– for central planning integration and control over the masses (that’s us).

If you want to really blow the cover off these willfully ignorant hypocrites, ask them why they don’t demand more research into advancing the most promising technology for the cleanest possible energy source that we should all know about, the technology addressed in Eugene Mallove’s excellent treatment of the subject in his book “FIRE FROM ICE“.

After he wrote the book, there came a time when Eugene Mallove grew so furious with his MIT colleagues and other academicians’ lies about their lab results in their repeats of the experiments of Fleischmann and Pons, that he quit his writing for various science-related publications to create a Foundation for financing the research. He started the Infinite Energy Magazine to report on the field, and he wrote the president and anybody who would listen to gin up interest.

There are too many billions at stake in the gigantic hot fusion research centers like at MIT to let it go quietly into the night. Not only that there are 100s of billions of dollars at stake for all traditional energy concerns, and I include solar and hydro into that class.

The first thought I had when they found Eugene Mallove dead, brutally murdered, was that as an effective advocate of this science, he was a threat to lots of billionaire industries and it struck me as “What a coincidence?”

Now, I don’t trust the CFR any more than I trust the Trilateral Commission, or Bilderbergers, or HIllary Clinton. But in what gives me a kind of weird Twilight-Zone kind of effect, it is on their flagship magazine’s web site that they publish an article that goes into detail about Mallove and the saga at MIT.

In that article they point to his discovery of success in MIT’s laboratory in replicating the results of this “cold fusion” phenomenon, only to see that the data were altered three days after the results were attained.

None other than Arthur C. Clarke financed the first months of the publication of Infinite Energy. The article notes that Mr. Clarke had already been “incensed” by the “cold fusion caper”, meaning its suppression, “perhaps one of the greatest scandals in the history of science”.

(Note that I have my unrelated reasons for regarding Clarke as a morally despicable person but what he did for Mallove was unquestionably of good effect).

Anybody who knows me can vouch for me that I do NOT turn my eyes away from evidence of Big-Industry or Governmental conspiracies. They exist. Lots of them exist, for real. Elsewhere I have listed many of them. But the description at the CFR article reflects the story of Eugene Mallove’s death from other sources and it looks to be true. I already have corroboration from and elsewhere, so my rule about sources like CFR to require at least TWO other verifying sources may be satisfied.

The article notes that the U.S. Department of Energy at one point requested proposals for $10 million in studies into the technology, but at the time of the article, July 7, 2016, not one cent had been disbursed.

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