Posts Tagged ‘George Orwell’

Earth-worship madness

October 13, 2013
Cover of "State of Fear"

Cover of State of Fear

Quoting from a recent Natural Awakenings News Brief “brief”, “To make polysilicon, the basic building block of most solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, silica rock must be melted at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, using electricity from mostly coal-fired power plants“. Now this was news to me, though part of my reading includes what’s available from the reality-based side of this political issue.

Because it is a political issue, not a “science” one. It’s political because it has been political powers that have pushed this “meme” into (some) academic journals, into popular-consumption magazines, and into legislation, and not least of all, into United Nation dictates around the world.

That above news probably would not have made it into this magazine if not for an announcement from Stanford University researchers, mentioned in the same brief, that they believe that they may be able to get more “clean energy” from the panels that the “energy going into the industry’s continued growth”, as they put it, using the energy from “coal-fired power plants”.

That means that just like with ethanol fuels, it takes more energy input into the process that produces the fuel than there is energy output from it. Do the tree-huggers understand what this means? It means that with present technology, every time anybody uses a solar panel, they are making the situation actually much worse using solar panels than they would do by just using the coal-fired energy straight! Hello?

I’ll say it again for better clarity.

Under your own rules, under your own pseudo-science, using “clean green” solar panels to power your home, your office, your plant, is burning more coal than the home, office, or plant was using before you put them in. But the “green label” industry still gives you high marks for it.

This says that there is no wonder the coal industry, the traditional energy producers, like “clean energy” initiatives. Yep, they’re all “green” industries now.



The same edition brags about how one power elite front (they don’t call it that, of course) is pushing climate change propaganda into our children’s brains. They call themselves “Next Generation Science Standards”, that their news brief says “have been adopted by 26 states and are under consideration by 15 more, teach how and why fossil fuel emissions are a causal factor in overheating the world.”

Remember the propaganda that George Orwell painted within a dystopian socialist/fascist future, the propaganda that said “truth is lies”, “war is peace”, all those oxymorons that people were supposed to believe, proclaim, acclaim, simply because they were told to (or else)? This is what we’ve come to.

The late Michael Crichton, in his novel “A State of Fear“, and in an appendix, showed the charts that showed how the man-caused global warming memes were based on easily debunked falsehoods. Climate scientists had already tried to alert the public. But not too loudly, because careers hang in the balance, and if you dissent from the official government-issued dogma, the thought police will work to make you an un-person, just as the tyrants did in the Orwellian world.



Remember, the sun overwhelms anything we could do here on the earth. Every day, the temperature makes a drastic up and down swing, most notably in the higher latitudes. Sunspots affect everything here, warm things up, cool them down when they dissipate. World temperatures for the last decade-plus have put the kibosh on all those climate models that we can now all see were totally wrong. Of course many climate scientists had already disproved them, and showed the flaws in the props used to force economy-killing policies upon us.

Here’s a good source for getting the real-world science on the subject:




You would think that the “green movement” would cry bloody murder when Mikhail Gorbachev founded Green Cross in 1993, since he was one of the executive circle in the old Soviet Union that ruled over the biggest polluter on the planet, killer of big fresh water lakes! But it shows that at the very cusp, the apex of the environmentalist front groups is a group from the ruling elites that absolutely knows it’s a farce, and they’re using this propaganda prop as another vehicle to prepare the people for a global dictatorship.

They’ll convince people that it’s the “democratic” thing to do. Not that elections will change anything for real, but they will tell the subjects that it’s just better for them, better for the common man, better to stop the “excesses” of capitalism. What they won’t tell them is that their list of “excesses” were cause by their own government measures interfering with the free market’s ability to provide the solutions they say they want but don’t really want.

Because their end game is thought control, crowd control, a world dictatorship.

John Kerry channels Joe McCarthy stereotype, but there are signs of hope for freedom’s message

April 18, 2012

Joe McCarthy went along with the real fear of Americans that Communists, enemies of the Constitution, enemies of freedom, would of course want to infiltrate the State Department and other organs of government. I mean, how dare he think the Soviet Union would want to put spies in our government?

While those warnings have proved to be oh-so-true, now here comes Kerry and blows the whistle on why these central-planning advocate politicians want to impose a government-enforced “fairness” doctrine, or “equal time” doctrine, for media (hint: it has nothing at all to do with fairness or balance):

He says the media should suppress ideas that “everybody” knows are not true. What’s next? Maybe Kerry will next introduce a bill creating a new “Ministry of Truth” like the one in Orwell’s nightmarish totalitarian world of his novel “1984”.

Are students still reading that book? They should be. I don’t know if George Orwell remained a socialist after writing it, maybe he thought he was warning against the “worst ones” like Stalin, but even if so it still stands as a monumental warning and testament against socialism altogether, and against all socialistic policies, all policies that give any government more power.

Fascism = Naziism = Socialism = National Socialism = International Socialism.

It’s a testimony against the gullible for ignorance that Kerry’s own supporters did not recoil aghast at this blatant criticism against the natural right of free speech recognized in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

But there is hope waiting in the sidelines. I think the infrastructure is pretty much in place to finish off illusions of freedom in the USA and the last superficial respect for it, at best to throw an unmitigated economic disaster our way if they don’t get their way, but there are a couple of things that are positive developments in our time.

One, lots of people are waking up to what is going on, people of all backgrounds. Most of them are figuratively gathering around Ron Paul as a focal point for the new awareness and new appreciation for freedom from central-planning mandates. No matter whether the mandates are political or economic, they are encroachments on our natural rights. Not all are lined up with all of Ron Paul’s ideas, but even some of those are starting to realize he represents the best ideas for saving what’s left of respect for freedom.

Two, even the youth and the left gullible are listening to the libertarian message with its walking example of an honest champion in Ron Paul. The idea is intoxicating of a politician who is in it to give more power to the people instead of themselves, instead of saying they need more power to “solve problems” (wink wink). Instead we have someone who has consistently voted against his own material interests saying the “political class”should give up power back to the people, to the individual, in order to let them solve problems much better.

Three, Ron Paul providing a focal point for this new movement, this honest intellectual revolution, is an example of the application of true Christian principles to federal governance. This is helping Christians break free of the straitjacket of what they are told to think by their own brand of Pharisees who beat the drums for a Constantine government instead of for the freedom to “make disciples of all nations”. Making disciples requires interacting with individuals with love, and sharing the gospel with them instead of invading their countries to “make” them into “democracies”.

The founders who articulated well-established principles of government into the Constitution and the Christian leaders, the devout Bible-believing Christians who forced the Bill of Rights into the constitutional package from the beginning, they said it themselves.

The same Christian politicians and writers who today invoke them for their own kind of “moral central planning” refer to quotes by them to prove they were believers,  which for the most part they were, saying that this constitution or the republican form of government works only for a moral and religious people.

If a people or a culture doesn’t have a foundation of respect for your neighbor, meaning the real-life application of the Golden Rule, then any republic or “democracy” you set up will tend to be a sham.

The United States has a strong tradition since its inception of respect for the individual and for personal responsibility, coupled with another strong tradition of private charity.

These are the kinds of ideas that are bringing Christians away from demands for more Pharisee government into a philosophy that emulates more individualism as Jesus thought of it, whose kingdom is not of this world. His kingdom is in the hearts of men, not in the rule of men.

Well I went into some parenthetical related thoughts but the point is that Christians are learning to come to respect the limits of government and that you cannot just put a just man, or men, in power to issue commands that all subjects act in moral righteousness, it simply will not work and it will corrupt the idea  with man’s corruption, and you can prove it by simply looking at what secular power did to the Church throughout history, with Catholics and Protestants alike.

In some cases, you can see God‘s hand in history. It’s not that any leader was perfect by any means, but just as Nebuchadnezzar was “my [God’s] servant”, God will use certain leaders sometimes to help move the world to one in which there is more peace. Sometimes it’s directly, sometimes indirectly, but eventually Christians have the end of the story in the Bible.

The fourth point to this list is that Ron Paul, the faithful Christian who says he looks to his Christian faith in everything he does, and proves it because his walk has matched his talk, is providing a testimony against the militant atheist proselytizers who say Christianity is intrinsically abusive (because they do not understand what they’re talking about).

He is providing no end of confusion for some militant “Ayn Rand” followers, who claimed that Christianity was inherently dictatorial and anti-freedom.

It’s like I’ve shared with some Ron Paul supporters, “gay” and atheists, we would rather be able to remove the distraction of central government mandates in order to love them into the kingdom. A forced conversion to morality is no conversion at all, and it’s better they decide to do what’s right for themselves and others, rather than telling them to and expecting them to just obey.

The Pope makes news, there they go again: Slurs against Christianity in the guise of lies about the Catholic Church

March 27, 2012

We know that the Roman Catholic Church has plenty of history to apologize for. We know that they should follow Paul’s advice to “Forbid NOT” to marry, with an eye to his prediction that in the “last days”  some would forbid men to marry… And the last Pope even apologized, in a way, for the way their predecessors treated Martin Luther, and we know that the Gunpowder Plot was not exactly a planned hit by “anarchists” a plot hatched by Jesuits….BUT…

But we also know that thousands of Catholic clergy joined thousands of Lutheran clergy in protest against the abuses of the regime.

We also know that plenty of monasteries and convents joined other Christians in giving refuge to Jews and Gypsies and other persecuted persons.

We also know that there were thousands of Christians that joined the Jews in prison camps and executions.

We also know that the Pope that the professional Holocaust industry tycoons vilify so much issued an order to all his clergy in Germany to save as many Jews as possible.

We also know that that same Pope was honored and still is to this day in Israel as a “righteous Gentile“, a rare honor bestowed on certain Christians for their service to Jews.

We also know that the chief rabbi in Italy converted to Catholicism after seeing so much compassion from so many Catholics.

We know that millions of Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Mormons, and soldiers from all the other Christian doctrines as well, fought alongside Jews against Hitler to stop the Holocaust.

We know that Hitler may have earlier been a nominal “Catholic” in name only, but we also know that he vowed to wipe Christianity out completely as a “bastard child” of Judaism, and replace it with the paganism of the old Teutonic gods.

We know that the SS was an occult organization that held pagan ceremonies to promote officers.

It’s amazing how prophetic George Orwell‘s book “1984” is, for the rewriting of history.