Posts Tagged ‘Iraq’

Syrian Christian woman wipes the floor with Senator John McCain at a Townhall meeting

September 7, 2013

MUST SEE! Syrian Christian woman wipes the floor with Senator John McCain at a Townhall meeting | BARE NAKED ISLAM…

Okay, now the truth is out. They were beating the drums of war in our faces, in spite of the entire world being against it, and now, a Syrian-American woman who is also a Christian, has put it back in the face of the war mongers, with John McCain as their stand-in.

American interventions in the Middle East, like the lady said, has been disastrous most of all for the Christians in the region. Why is it that Christians get the worst of all the American interventions. Even Hiroshima and Nagasaki had the highest concentration of Christians in Japan at the time…

Some of the oldest continuous Christian populations in Iraq and Syria are now being ethnically cleansed.. And by the way, Muslims are being slaughtered too, not just Alawites…

Assault weapons are good for assaults, and for stopping them too

May 12, 2013
Gun Control

Gun Control (Photo credit: D’oh Boy (Mark Holloway))


A book only does any good if somebody’s reading it. An assault weapon only does bad if somebody uses it for bad, and it does real, real, good when you’re using it to stop bad people. Like a runaway scalawag government. The *natural right* to self-defense acknowledged (by mouth at least) by the most fanatical gun ban control freak, is one that’s only good if you can actually defend yourself against anybody who would do you harm.


You know, like fake a Gulf of Tonkin incident, run protection for a sale of thousands of guns to the most violent Mexican Mafia in the world, or fake a nuclear weapons program in Iraq for an excuse for a war, or massacre a community of families in a bath of fire in Texas, or take all the women and children captive from a peaceful West Texas community and try to get the kids to say lies about their parents, and refuse to let them talk to each other (false imprisonment is a crime and should be prosecuted, and the lying libel that “justified” the warrant too).

One commenter pointed out that the National Guard that they say was meant to benefit uses much more powerful weapons that the ones they want to ban from people for their own protection. We will protect you from yourself by taking away what you need to do defend yourself from us…

There is nothing new under the sun… When the pagan nations surrounding Israel of old conquered them, they made it illegal for them to make swords, the most advanced weapons technology of the day…

They that live by the sword, though, don’t want to face people who have them. That’s why they that live by the sword shall die by the sword. Blessed are the peacemakers..




Tired of Karl Rove, the empty pontificator

March 28, 2013

I’m so sick, sick, sick of Karl Rove, a good reason to tune out from Fox News.

Such a hypocrite, who pronounces judgment on all the Republicans.

And, NO, Karl Rove, NO, George W. Bush was NOT a “social conservative“. Blah blah blah blather is not acceptable. Instead of defending the truth in statements by Republicans that are too much like normal Americans for him.

He is indeed a master manipulator, helped maneuver the country into a ten-year two-front war that is still on. They say one thing and do another. Make not mistake. There are still some 18,000 American employees still in Iraq and many more in Afghanistan. It seems that American soldiers are in Jordan training Syrian “rebels” who are fighting Assad to make the country safe for takeover by al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s what happened in Egypt and Libya.

Rove and such ilk have lost too much of America, like the 2012 elections.

(By the way, fellas, it’s NOT “marriage equality”, it’s marriage inequality they’re pushing. Even at the Supreme Court, some of the most ridiculous anti-scientific foolish pronouncements are made, such as one of these lawyers saying out loud, with a straight face, in front of the country, that homosexual behavior is an “immutable” (his word). There are hundreds of thousands of former homosexuals, including now happily married and with children in a natural nuclear family. They put the lie to this blatant misinformation. Even Fox News is covering up the truth on this one. Who is brave enough to interview someone who has left the homosexual fixation to live a heterosexual life.

“Buy the truth, sell it not”. The truth is very valuable to you, accurate information is a treasure, and it is not worth selling it out for anything.


The Obamas living it up: “Let them eat food stamps!” (They are ruling class)

March 21, 2013

Just because some CNN reporter thought she would get mileage by confronting Michelle Bachman over her criticisms of Obama‘s lavish spending in the White House (while the nation burns), O’Reilly turned around and criticized Bachman and everybody else who criticize Obama over “crazy stuff”.

I got tired of O’Reilly a very long time ago. He quit bringing on real conservatives awhile back, I don’t remember him bringing on a strong Christian spokesman, and he is pushing the envelope in looking for way to criticize the best of Congress and the hinterland. He’s looking like a closet nanny-stater claiming to be against the nanny state.

But look, maybe even some of the people criticizing the way Obama not only governs like a king, but lives like one on our dime, maybe they don’t get the significance of it either. And they could use some better writers, though I’m not applying. Didn’t anybody think about it? Michelle, or Obama, pick one: “Let them eat food stamps!”

How about, “He got us out of Iraq. One down, 149 to go!”

How about, “He says he refuses to torture prisoners. Killing them dead where they sit is okay”.

See, the real lesson from the Obamas living like millionaires at the expense of the rest of us Americans is, that it shows that they are NOT “one of us”!

Clinton-era taxes? How about Clinton-era spending as a baby step toward sanity?

December 8, 2012
English: Given permission by creators and owne...

English: Given permission by creators and owners (namely, board members of the Free State Project) to upload this image with a share-alike license. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The usual suspects that seem oblivious to the problem of an infinite money supply problem and on-rushing Weimar Republic sinking of the value of your dollar, are going on talk shows to claim that going to Clinton tax rates will not hurt the economy because there was so much prosperity.

Let’s even skip over the fact that Federal Reserve policies were spinning the economy into a recession in Clinton’s last year or two….

That argument only works if you declare an election like that of 1994 (or 2010 eh?) that “the era of big government is over” like Clinton did, and then implement pro-business policies like Clinton did, and if your budget is the size of Clinton’s, and your national debt is still “as low as” it was during Clinton’s presidency, indulging the oxymoronic use of “low” and “national debt”.

Oh yes, and remember, also, that he did have the “peace dividend”, and avoided getting the USA into the really big and very costly interventionist wars that G.W. Bush and Obama did, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere.

Heck the most radical spending-cutter in Congress in 2012 is (still this month) Ron Paul, and in the campaign he only demanded a return to 2008 spending levels!!!


Syria WMD’s? Deja vu all over again? Did we see this movie before?

December 8, 2012

Well, well now…

How many times have you felt like, “Feels like Deja Vu all over again”?

They’ve been building up the Syria thing after they finally got rid of the guy who was on track to set up a pan-African currency based on actual real gold (aka “gold certificate“). What that means is, if you have a certificate that gets you what it says in actual metal, and what that means is that central bankers were going to lose control and Africa was going to get a little bit of economic independence.

Maybe you thought it was because he was a bad guy dictator? He was setting up workers’ councils in plants to run them. The Libyan government opened up its warehouses of weapons and gave them out to whoever wanted them to defend their country, because it did not fear the people. Out of the governments that were overthrown in the so-called (probably misnomered) “Arab Spring“, the one in Libya came stamped “Made In USA and Europe“).

Remember all the weapons of mass destruction they were going to find in Iraq? Deja vu all over again. Having watched the rebellion in Syria bog down, now they’re talking about the chemical weapons Syria is getting ready to use. Really? Did we see this movie before?

Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.–Psalm 35:8


Escape from Robamney thinking

October 27, 2012

As to foreign interventions, they HURT the poor. It’s kind of like when they hired the fox to guard the henhouse with the Federal Reserve bill in 1913, so they “award” aid to the rulers in the nations that are supposedly the poorest, but the poor in those countries are not getting it. The strings attached are unknown and probably not even in the fine print (“Economic Hit Man”).

Interventionist wars result in making things worse for their stated purposes. The Arabs and Persians are not stupid. They can see that Americans invading Iraq made it WORSE for Christians there, that Obama ordering Mubarak to step down has made things WORSE for Egyptians.

We can ALL see now that Obama’s undeclared and illegal and abominable war against Libya is an identical twin to what would be a payback to the bankers that have a monopoly on control over our currency, since Gaddafihad already based his

Go Away Federal Reserve System!

Go Away Federal Reserve System! (Photo credit: r0b0r0b)

on GOLD and was helping the African nations set up a unified currency based on GOLD instead of the dollar.

Romney will do very little that is different, but he and his handlers will probably slow down the slide into the abyss just to make it look genuine. But the inevitable fall of the dollar is coming.

Get your facts straight, be skeptical, stop thinking the way they tell you to think. Robamney thinking is not thinking.

Obama speech to soldiers met with silence | The Daily Caller

September 15, 2012

Obama making speeches to the soldiers, trying to drum up support and let supporters pretend he is supporting them, but they aren’t stupid, and they know he’s trying to suppress their vote.

That’s where real vote suppression is happening.

Joe McCarthy and history – real history

July 15, 2012
Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow W...

Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow Wilson signs creation of the Federal Reserve. Source: Date: 24 December 1913 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Personal insults are ridiculously useless with me, militant atheists and anti-creationists and people who think government is the answer to all social and economic ills have already nullified it. I’m immune to it now, I was the brunt of the bullying and the insultsĀ  all through K-12, and that was enough.

The “low blows” ever after following WWII to this day have been from media, textbooks, broadcast, high school and college professors, who told us a backwards inside-out history.

Joe McCarthy was right, there were Communists and spies infiltrating the US State Department. The nice, benevolent “Uncle Joe” of the 1930’s New York Times meant us no harm, his people were prosperous, and we ought to be more like them. By which they meant Joe Stalin, of course.

That’s also history, another “low” for sure. We were lied to all through school. Joe McCarthy is the one who is made the victim of his hearings and investigations, along with anybody else who dares question the “wisdom” of central planning for the nation, solving all the problems from the planners in D.C.

What else have the Powers That Be told us that is a lie?

Battleship Maine, Gulf of Tonkin, syphilis experiments, Operation Paper Clip, the Great FDR Yalta Giveaway of Eastern Europe, western capital infusions to save the Bolsheviks, the Alger Hiss United Nations charter (“Benedict Arnold signs peace with Britain”)… The Federal Reserve Act would put big bankers in their place, they told us.. The income tax would never apply to anybody making less than $600,000 they told us in 1913 (when you could get one ounce of gold for $25 from the government). In 2012, it takes $38,125,680 to get the gold that $600K got you back then.).

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, no nation-building (2000), Fast and Furious, “Arab spring”, “If you like your insurance that you have right now you’ll be able to keep it”, no taxes for anybody making under $250K, the most transparent administration in history, a new attitude toward Latin America, NDAA respects constitutional protections, it’s not a tax, it is a tax, it’s not a tax.. If I don’t turn this economy around in four years, I deserve to be a one-term president… Honduras 2009 was an illegal coup..

Too many lies….

KUHNER: Obama’s disastrous war – Washington Times

April 22, 2012

Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, Libya…

Americans are getting fed up.

Co-worker has a son in Afghanistan, special forces, tells her this week coming will be one of the worst of the war (maybe he meant for him).

There’s only one candidate we can count on to stop this warrior madness. We all know it.