Posts Tagged ‘Muslim’

Which believers have laid down their lives as a witness for unbelievers?

October 17, 2013
English: There are apparently as many Christia...

There are apparently as many Christians as Muslims in Lebanon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Just the truth in the real world. I met one Coptic Christian lady from Egypt, her brother was killed during the “Arab Spring“.

There have been slaughters of Christians by Muslims and attempts at “ethnic cleansing” in Nigeria and other Muslims countries. But not all Arabs or Muslims are at it, like this article totally ignored, Rand did not say “all” Muslims, just a fraction. —> In fact, in Egypt, most of the people did not like the way that President Morsi (dubiously “elected”) was working to rule as under Sharia law as dictator. He did not rule as a moderate.

In Syria the Christians are terrified, and the Syrian (so-called) “rebels” have sworn to “purify” Nineveh, the place with the oldest Christian community in the world.

Iraq has already lost many of its Christians.

Christians are targeted everywhere, but it’s not necessarily worst where you might expect. The international news organizations have a heavy filter for these incidents.

But are there fringe Christians doing this around the world? No there are not. So the News Spinners Media has to make do with some merry bank of idiots from Kansas who can’t get any more than family and second cousins to join him.

“Die, Christian dog, die!” shouted the United States financed (and armed) Muslim as he gloated over the body. The Syrian rebels are seeking out Christians everywhere they take over.

There is a difference between a religion founded by a man who laid down the lives of unbelievers for his doctrines, and a faith brought to the world by a man who laid down his OWN life for unbelievers, to save them, and then rose from the dead to prove his power to do so on the third day.

There is a difference between the religious faith that grew by conquest by the sword its first few centuries, convert or die, and one that grew by believers laying down their OWN lives as testimony to the power of love.

This is the love of the Son of Hamas, a son of a Muslim Brotherhood founder, who saw the brutal treatment of Muslims by other Muslims in prison, and was shocked by the fact that Jesus said “Love thine enemies“.

Ethnic cleansing & Anti-Christian massacres– going on in Syria with USA help

June 25, 2013

Syria Militants Massacre Christian Village Population (Graphic Images) | Syria Report:

We have seen this before, with the annihilation of a town of 10,000 dark-skinned Africans in Tawarga: Do you remember all those reports of “friendly fire” when United States forces fired missiles into caravans of refugees escaping from Kosovo during that war, resulting in hundreds of deaths of civilians?

It was well-known at the time that the “NATO” forces (almost all US military) were throwing their fire onto targets that the KLA were “marking” for them, coordinates that KLA forces on the ground were giving them. The KLA just months before had been on the USA official list of terrorist organizations.

What was criminally under-reported by international media then was that these were not actually “mistakes”. The KLA officers knew that those targets were caravans of people who were not just civilians, but mostly CHRISTIANS who were trying to flee from Kosovo Liberation Army governed areas.

So the USA helped the terrorist organization become the government in Kosovo.

We also know that the USA helped the Muslim Brotherhood take power in Egypt, it was not all so spontaneous as reported, the same organization that is also Hamas in the Gaza strip, in southern “Palestine” (at the south end of “Israel”).

We also know that American Special Forces joined with smaller numbers of their counterparts from other European nations in Libya to wage a war that was unconstitutional for the USA, and aided and abetted the genocide there against their darker-skinned population, which had been treated with some fairness apparently under Gaddafi, who had won their loyalty.

We now know that the “rebels” in Libya had a habit of cutting crosses into the corpses of the blacks that they killed. We also know that the Libyan arsenals are now scattered into the hands of the rebels across North Africa that Obama’s State Department aided with even more heavy weapons that have joined the rest of them in al-Qaeda type criminal organizations. These are not “Muslims” per se, they are a Mafia meant to enforce their own hegemony, not a “consensus” caliphate. The Jesuits have their secret operations but apparently has not come close to the depravity of these “rebels”.

We also know that attention to the scandal of the week is turning attention away from the other scandals. It is difficult to pay attention to more than one thing at a time. That’s why the administration spokesmen are now talking about “metadata” instead of the practice of listening to any phone calls of Americans on whim. Don’t look there, look here.

That’s why the scandals all have to be put into the framework of the real problem. That is, citizens do not have control over their own lives or who is watching them.

We also know that the major international news agencies and the Powers-That-Be-Approved “mainstream” international media did a major cover-up of many of these facts, because they are real news. Why? I do not pretend to know the motivations of each one who might have decided not to make a story of it or mention it. It did get out to many, however, obviously, but through the alternative media, the “New Media”.

Now, a lot of us have lived with Muslims. “Preventive measures” are not necessary against a predicted evil, because then the warmongers win. I felt more rapport with a Muslim co-worker at one place, than I did the other co-workers. We both were good-natured in our conversations about our respective beliefs, and respected each other’s rights to say and do, and even tried to “convert” each other. Free speech is all about convincing somebody, so ALL laws against “proselytizing” are laws against dissenting from whoever is in power.

America is best off if she brings all her troops home from overseas, TODAY. One “executive order” would do it. Why aren’t ALL the leftists demanding this? Because all or most of them are FALSE FRONT organization meant to control the population in psy-operations. Started with Karl Marx. Not until recently did I realize the disconnect between (1) the rhetoric about the poor and the working class, and (2) the demand in the Communist Manifesto platform for a Central Bank in every nation in the world. That number two, is a demand that all nations’ economies, and currencies, be put into the hands of a few bankers.

We have to tell the warfare-welfare state that the gig is up, give it up already, we don’t like getting spied on, droned on, and we want the Constitution respected instead of “case law”, we want the governments out of our bedrooms, our living rooms, our light bulbs, our houses, our pocketbooks.


The Crusades, Terrorism and the Middle East

April 28, 2013

The Crusades were an effort to take BACK by force that which had been taken by FORCE by Islamic conquest.
Wars are brutal and what’s missed in that is (1) the Crusades were opposed by many Christians of the day, including (2) St. Francis of Assisi, who brokered a peace between the two sides on one occasion.

The Inquisition was run by a *political* hierarchy that used the name of Christ for cover, just as today in the West the most vile of corrupt rulers use “democracy” as a cover, and a tyrannical Hugo Chavez used “majority vote” –and even God– as a cover (never mind the fraud).

How can anybody call the Inquisition period a “Christian” thing when a central issue was to BAN THE BIBLE AND BURN ITS ADVOCATES as witches? An identity thief can call himself anything. Kris Kringle or Santa Clause by any other lying name, no matter how much you paint lipstick on that pig.

Recently one Anders Behring Breivik shot 77 peaceful –and unarmed– campers dead in Norway (the first one was the only one armed security man) had advocated “Christian” culture on his web site. As soon as they saw the word “Christian”, CNN ran a feed at the bottom of the screen for hours on end, days, that said “Christian fundamentalist” — a criminally negligent and slanderous accusation against a great number of peaceful Christian fundamentalists. Because on the same web site where they got the word “Christian”, the shooter said that he did NOT believe the Bible and he did NOT believe in Jesus. CNN shows itself again to be “fundamentally” bigoted against the name of Jesus Christ.

It is also a sign of truncated thinking and anti-Christ bigotry to equate Christian and Islamic holy books or actions. Even militant Islamists –as they are painted in the Western media image of them–are no doubt offended at this irrational equivalency-by-monotonous-repetition equivalency meme. Atheists who do not have the need to invent such contortions, are appalled by this too. The worst horrors of history were done by officially and enforced atheist regimes that banned all religious faiths from any public expression.

In one of them, both the central figure (Christ) laid down his life to the death for unbelievers at the beginning, and millions of his followers have done the same since. In the other, the founding figure laid down the lives of unbelievers at the beginning, and 100s of thousands, maybe millions, of his followers have done the same thing since.

Most Muslims want to live in peace, and support their families. I have cultivated close friendship with Muslim co-workers, and we have talked about the principles of our faiths without even raising our voices. Many Muslims risk beheading for accepting Jesus Christ as risen Savior and many Christians risk beheading in many parts of the world for being Christians.

“Terrorism” is a very broad category of tactics used by small groups to leverage such tactics where the proponent is otherwise weak in power.We see the “blowback principle” take effect when the people targeted by such actions become enraged.

The unconstitutional undeclared “war against terrorism” was a Newspeak tactic to propel the U.S.A. and the world into a permanent state of war. All the easier to take away the “freedoms” that “they” supposedly hate us for. It all too easily expands into asking the subjects of the rulers to tell authorities about anybody who “hates the government”. We have seen this movie before.

Michael Scherer said it well, something like, They’re not over here because we’re free to enjoy a few beers at night, they don’t like us bombing and invading them. Nobody can accuse Mr. Scherer of gullibility. He was the head of the team that sought Osama bin Laden all those years and set it up for the next team to find him. I doubt he is portrayed in the Hollywood movie about the search.

He has explained many times in media interviews the established principle of “blowback”, a term often used within the CIA for such a phenomenon, where your actions have reactions. This is *NOT* a “blaming America” thing.

Who decided to bomb and invade over there? Was there ever any debate in Congress, as constitutionally required in the U.S., about a declaration of war? Was it “America”, or was it America’s rulers?

Was there ever a debate in Congress over whether to declare war on Libya? Or did America’s *rulers” decide to send in military force (Special Forces) on the ground while denying it? When the “rebels” began losing, who decided to bomb the crap out of Libyan government forces?

There were lots of talking heads that declared Gaddafi was murdering civilians. But the best evidence of massacre of civilians are the pictures of the town that is no more, obliterated, its inhabitants wiped out and “cleansed”, that the entire town of Tawarga.

It’s not that the murderers who perpetrated this racist atrocity hid anything. They bragged about it, they bragged that they were not going to let it rebuild, they bragged about wiping out the 10,000 black-skinned Africans who built it up. Towarga burning:


Frightened Towarga refugee:

Health care institutions collecting your info to “protect the president”?

December 8, 2012

Thank you to Doug Hagmann, who wrote this article:

Health info collected to “protect the president”:

One alert mother read the fine print on a permission form she signed for a medical procedure, and it contained the following:

The paragraph subheading reads “National Security”, and declares they may disclose your health information to federal officials for “intelligence and national security activities authorized by law”. What law?

The form was dated 2003, but a bit of investigative research by this author resulted in the admission by a legal representative of the health services company that changes are made in the form as recently as 2012, but without changing that date on the form. In other words, the date on the form is totally useless non-information.

The author then located a source associated with a local medical facility where he has had a long relationship and found that they too had identical language in their own privacy forms they have patients sign off on.

That means it’s a mandate. And the language is wide open for anything they want to get. This is a blatant, in-your-face unconstitutional break in the Fourth Amendment, not even an attempt to run around it. They get to look at all the medical records they want to at any time, the IRS being master snoopers they will enforce compliance now (mind you, to “protect the president”), and mind you also this is a president that has a kill list.

It has been said that President Nixon had an enemies list, now Obama has a kill list.

The Secret Service now prohibits free speech inside arbitrary zones where the president happens to be, no doubt usually safely outside the concentration of cameras that follow the Chief Executive around.

So we have self-written warrants (no judge), free speech suppression, a kill list, indefinite detention, a president going to war without even pretending to inform the Congress (much less ask for a constitutional declaration) –but asking permission of the United Nations, who denies protection for ambassadors in the hottest war zones where al-Qaeda dominate.

That last one is a doozy. Appointing an open homosexual to an ambassadorship in a Muslim nation (Libya) known for Muslim radicalism and where al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood dominate the militia that have control of the country, and then sending him to talks with the worst of them to recruit them for another new American surrogate war in Syria!

Recruiting from the same crowd guys they recruited for Afghanistan! For the same religious wars theme. Here they roundly and soundly condemn so self-righteously any Christian pastor that burns a Koran or an Egyptian Christian that supposedly made an anti-Muslim video, and sending a “gay” guy to talk the Muslim radicals into another religious war in Syria.

That religious war in Syria, by the way, where Muslims are killing Christians in big scale, sometimes yelling “Die, Christian pig, die!” And of course the Allawites, non-Muslims also but with Islamic influences.

Maybe Assad’s big sin was allowing a movie about the early Christian churches‘ history in Syria to play in the theaters across the land, another under-reported story in the West.

(See you read my blog to the end and get important factoids seen almost nowhere else, eh?)

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. – Proverbs 29:2


Left and right media both were wrong on Libya

September 26, 2012

Sources: Slain U.S. ambassador recruited jihadists:

Oh yeah.

The guy Gaddafi said to his own Parliament and to his whole country, blacked out by the media in the West, that his nation had become a pariah in the world for supporting terrorism and they were renouncing it and denouncing it.

He stopped his nuclear program and invited the UN (yep, NATO too) into the country to take out the nuclear material.

Almost alone among Arab countries, he his speeches and writings told the Arabs and the Muslims to learn to live in peace with their Jewish neighbors in Israel and envisioned a nation where they could learn to live as such and with his talk of an Isrealtine, and the world called him crazy for this. Don’t listen to such crazy talk.

He established a new currency based on gold, meaning the “dictator” could not control the currency or willy-nilly print money and rob purchasing power from the poor and middle class as happens in the Western “democracies” and in Communist countries too.

He became the worst enemy of al Qaeda in the entire Middle East.

For all this, America and NATO, led by Obama at France’s desperate prodding, waged war on him, financed fighters “formerly” of al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood, to help them overthrow him.

Now they have mobs led by those al Qaeda militia and their spiritual counterparts engaging in operations to destroy diplomatic missions and assassinate the ambassadors. Surprise.

Some people are going to ask if I’m “defending” him. That’s an indoctrinated automatic reaction on their part. It should be obvious I’m not.

But you have to ask yourself some things. Syria’s Assad was watching. Ahmadinejad was watching. He was also watching Obama and the U.S. and the West when 100s of 1000s of Iranians hit the streets to demand change and more freedom.

It sure looks like the times of “The End” are here. (Which is also not the Hollywood idea, nor the “Left Behind” idea either)

Some of know the end. Of the prophecies, none shall lack her mate.

WordPress censorship?

January 2, 2012

Unindicted terror ‘co-conspirator’ gets blog closed down:

I don’t like the wholesale Muslim bashing either, because in my opinion it makes it more difficult for them to see the love of God in the Christians trying to reach them for Christ.

One thing I have liked about wordpress is the copyright policy, respecting authorship of the writing and the copyright.

But what is hate? I’ll bet there is much worse vitriol aimed at Nazi’s than about Muslims.

Love is what distinguishes Jesus Christ from Islam.