Posts Tagged ‘Karl Marx’

Thoughts on John Barnes and “Daybreak Zero”

February 14, 2013

This is mostly a reaction to reading a semi-leftist viewpoint of the novel:

You can’t trust international courts any more than local courts, in fact much less. The temptation of money and power is relentless on the human psyche, and trusting others to conform to rules for respecting individual rights is naive at best, and at worst makes one the “useful idiot” Lenin was talking about, like I used to be as a Communist. Trusting the totalitarian state to fade away when it’s no longer needed, as Karl Marx said it, is a stupid idea that too many smart people fall far (yep, even me).

I don’t know of even one libertarian who advocates castle feudalism along the lines of the ones John Barnes describes in this novel “Daybreak Zero“, and I know a great many of them. That kind of thing is more of a United Nations idea, a subtext in authoritarian world government. The United Nations’ advocacy of “human rights” is an oxymoron, as proven in the unanimous vote against Honduras in 2009, when its government (remember, legislatures and courts are also “the government” along with the executive, in republics) did the right thing and constitutionally removed a dictator and auto-coup president (Manuel Zelaya). And as proven in the chairmanship of their human rights advocacy organization going to Sudan, the genocidal regime that massacred two million Christians in South Sudan before the world took notice –of Darfur.

Libertarians know that trade without coercion is the path to prosperity for the most people possible and is best for the poor.

My beef with the novel is that almost all the speculation about Christians is the post-Tribulation “theocracy” stereotype. There are all too many of them today that feed that stereotype, and there is a Christian media establishment lock-down similar to the leftist lock-down on most traditional media. But there would be millions of unsung Christians that would be more visible in such disasters by rushing to help the hurting. They are more than the unfair caricature often painted out there. The obsession with the Torquemada type is a denial mechanism to divert from the Mother Theresa types and the Doctor Livingston types.

Another common flaw in almost all post-apocalyptic novels is the subtle idea in the background that civilization can only be “saved” by some political authority.

But Ron Paul has made Christian libertarians much more visible. We are nothing like Ayn Rand, who carried a brutal bitterness throughout her life apparently against God, and blaming God for the devil’s handiwork. And an Ayn Rand libertarian might well be in practice more like a castle feudalist in the kind of context of a post-Daybreak world.

The book is impoverished for that but John Barnes is a pretty good writer, in my opinion, communicating things as he sees them. To me his writing is more engaging than Clarke’s or Asimov.

The main flaw in almost all post-apocalyptic novels is the subtle idea in the background that civilization can only be “saved” by some political authority.

Jesus Libertarian, still drove out the money changers

January 18, 2013
Christ Expelling the Money-Changers from the T...

Christ Expelling the Money-Changers from the Temple (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Found at the Liberty Crier, “Jesus Christ, Libertarian”, by Thomas Mullen:

Glad to see this article. Christians need more of it, which is why I am writing a book (more like an introductory “booklet”) on the subject. This is a copy of my reply there.

Marxists hate the Bible because it exposes their hate and exposes their lack of love for the poor. They condemn the laws of Moses, for example, as harsh, but a friend from Peru once told me her uncle witnesses a hanging in a small jungle town by the Maoist Sendero Luminoso” for adultery.

But the laws of Moses made no provision for ANY government by force AT ALL. NONE! The only law enforcement officers under its authority were the people themselves, and it was very “liberal” in allowing restitution instead of punishments. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, just one wasn’t enough, to condemn, and enslaving the free was prohibited explicitly. It is a scandal of major proportions to me that Christians do not know their own Bibles enough to refute some of the ignorant accusations against it, and what’s more, listen to Pharisees prattling on Christian radio about saving their precious laws.

The closest thing to authority was the priests who were supposed to diagnose leprosy, perform ceremonial expiatory rites, and no swords! Sure, rocks, but how many actual stonings are there in the Bible? I have read almost all of it and don’t remember any, though I remember a good number of sinners who were forgiven just like the woman Jesus saved from her condemners. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, but he also raged with a vicious lashing when he drove the money changers out of the temple.

Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto demanded a central bank for every nation in the world, a private capitalist banking cartel (I was a Communist in college days, he wrote it). But Jesus drove out those robber banker money cheaters with a lashing. The one use of force (I think justified) he engaged in.

The money changers told “savior” Obama to just forget about printing a trillion-dollar coin at the Treasury. Congress should pass Ron Paul‘s bill forgiving government “debt” to the Federal Reserve of the trillion dollars it “owes” out of our pockets, but then they might send out the Temple Guards.

Jesus came to comfort the broken-hearted, heal the sick, and set the captives free, and he’s been doing it for 2,000 years. Thank God for freedom!

Saturday review-Important stories from the background news – Signs of the times

November 17, 2012

Anti-ACLU-2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They were closing the elementary school and sending the kids farther away from where they lived, but these parents decided to teach their children at home instead, and then petitioned the school to take over the abandoned school building, and the board said yes!

It’s official: Evans Valley Elementary School site goes to homeschool group:


The sign outside the West Virginia store says: “If you are for Obama‘s policies, please keep your dumba$$ out of this store.” and his business has doubled since he put it up,



The judge forced the SCHOOL BOARD to continue educating the kid at HIS home.


He’s just renting a part of his home out, but the city requires warrantless inspections whenever the inspectors get a whim, so he’s suing:

A Pennsylvania preacher is taking a fight over his city’s demand for a warrantless search of his residence to the U.S. Supreme Court, contending the requirement forces him to choose between two fundamental civil rights.

The appeal has been filed by the Rutherford Institute on behalf of street preacher and evangelist Michael Marcavage.

Like I said, the ACLU is AWOL on matters having to with rights related to property and self-defense.. And ah, it wouldn’t have anything to do with him being a street preacher, now, would it?


Okay, now they’re moving the goalposts for the woman’s right to polygamous marriage:

Good PR strategy. I say get government’s nose OUT of our bedrooms completely.

One “gay” “activist” said there are 10,000 official government “benefits” for married couples, and that’s why they want in on it, except he says that’s why they “deserve” it.

Why should the government have ANY say in it. Marriage benefits were originally purposed to benefit the children of the natural nuclear family, but it’s now they’ve messed it up.

Karl Marx wanted to abolish marriage altogether. There is a strong cultural bias to the tradition, pumped up by the natural chemistry that happens so often (before the movies era too), so they’ll just work on watering it down instead. Using the long gun of government to do it, fixed in the culture by the indoctrination centers owned by the rulers (aka “schools”).


Good for Governor Haley of South Carolina, they will NOT participate in the dictates of the Obama-scare medical industry nationalization “exchanges”:

Talk about unfunded mandates! The biggest most whopping-sized TAX INCREASE ON THE POOR in American history, and the gullible want MORE of this? Uh, actually, we didn’t. There’s something wrong with those election results.

Yeah, you would demand a full recount too:

They almost had all the votes counted, and lo and behold, surprise, Alan West went from 2,000 votes AHEAD to almost the same trailing. So the count flipped the race to the tune of 4,000 votes —that’s FOUR THOUSAND!– in the space of just a few thousand.

And for their puny partial recount, they invited the other candidate to watch but refused access to West’s representatives!

And you thought Florida election counting tricks was a Republican thing? Welcome to bipartisan chicanery!



Jesus a socialist? He rather took a whip to the thieving lying money changers!

April 8, 2012
Keynesian Economics

Keynesian Economics (Photo credit: Seabamirum)

Chavez was praying publicly to Jesus at an pre-Easter mass at the Catholic Church where he took communion from the priest there, despite many years of harsh criticism of the Church.

And from reactions, it seems he repeated the old myth pushed by leftists everywhere that Jesus was some kind of radical leftist.

It’s a myth because he certainly was not. He went about everywhere HIMSELF healing the sick and helping the poor and comforting the broken-hearted. Yes, he condemned the hypocritical Pharisees and those who have this world’s goods and who know to do good and do it not.

That’s why he would most certainly be a plague upon today’s version of the money changers who corrupt the churches and the political class. He took his whip to the thieves and robbers who had profaned the temple in Jerusalem and drove them out, the only time he took physical action against the oppressors of the poor and innocent. In spite of the ubiquitous quote about rendering unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God, there is a less-known passage in Matthew chapter 17 that shows what he thinks about the people who tell you what you have to give in taxes.

Matthew 17: 24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute [money] came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute?

Today, he would go after the Federal Reserve and they would send “fellows of the baser sort” against him to testify against him, attack him, again, and they would call him all kinds of names, just like the Sanhedrin and money changers did then, and the Romans to his followers later when he threatened the livelihood of idol makers that live off pagan superstitions that they themselves promote.

Yes, that privately owned (not “federal”) currency printing and manipulation enterprise (no real “bank”, just cartel executives), and no reserves of real value to stabilize the value of the currency.

Bernanke said 2 percent inflation is “not so bad”. Yeah, not to him, because multiply that “2%”by all the dollars that the middle class and the poor have in hand, and he gets a pretty penny just by electronically “printing” enough dollars to make it 2%! And favor whomever they will with it. Who do they favor? We don’t know except for the revelation of some of the TARP and stimulus money that Ron Paul‘s bill forced them to divulge, so now we now that the richest banks and hustlers of Europe and the United States got it, while the middle class lost their homes and the poor lost even more hope.

But what about the housewife? Now she has to give up this, give up that, and we in the hinterlands, we know that the inflation is already higher than 2% and that the low-ball figures they give us from their perch above the masses is a bunch of hooey. The housewives and providers of America know that it’s more than that, because we are watching prices go up and the value of our dollars go down.

Gas prices are among the most volatile and visible barometer of inflation and the direction it’s headed, and it’s double what it was just a couple of years ago. Not so much due to less supply, or even speculators counting on less supply, though that is surely a factor, but it’s more dollars circulating as people are told to be more confident in the economy. When there is more confidence, there are more enterprises that stop sitting on money so much and invest it more.

But the problem of the central planners and the clueless Keynesian graduates of central-control indoctrination centers, is that NOBODY can accurately and precisely predict how any economic measure is going to affect the zillions of decisions of individual people going about their lives.

When the government uses its threat of firepower to take a big chunk of your livelihood for some “good cause”, it distorts the picture for all of us and throws a wrench into the way it would work out.

A lot of the actors that push this scheme are well-intentioned, just gullible. I used to be one so I know.

On the other hand, there are some of the vilest schemers in history who know that these measures kill prosperity and tell us lies about it to get us to go along.

Such a one was Karl Marx, who made a big platform point for the Communist Manifesto of establishing central banks in every country in the world.

As yourself: Why would Karl Marx want a cartel of the Wall Street-type and international bankers to have a total monopoly on all the currencies of the world?!

The only reasonable answer I can figure out, and I don’t seem people asking this, is that it is the easiest way to control the people, manipulate their economic life, and establish a dictatorship. BUT! If he knew it would lead to his Communist dictatorship, then this baloney about the poor and this fraud about bringing down the mean greedy capitalists was a ruse to put some special group of them in power!

Yes, Jesus would go to Washington and preach it from the hilltops: Throw out the money changers, thieves and robbers!

Looting, pillaging, and raping by the already rich IS Communism

March 17, 2012

>> Are you assuming the only alternative to looting, pillaging, and raping by the already rich is Communism?

Pay close attention here. Listen very closely, because most people read this or hear it or even see it in front of their very own eyes in real life and miss it. Do not miss this truism:

Looting, pillaging, and raping by the already rich IS Communism.

Who runs the Marxist Central Banks of the world? Establishing central banks was one of the demands in the platforms of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, an item that Communists and socialists almost never ever talk about?

Note that the biggest theft of history, speaking of “looting, pillaging, and raping”, is the dollar devaluation by the Federal Reserve currency monopoly by “the already rich”. They are richer than rich, they own the currency and the now figurative currency printing presses, all of your money is theirs, it says so right at the top: “Federal Reserve Note“.

Pay close attention. Who gave Karl Marx $20,000 to write Das Kapital? (Back when it was real money”). The starving masses? The industrial proletariat? The dirt peasants?

Who had the time on their hands and the brainpower not crimped by malnutrion to even read Das Kapital without worrying about the next meal? The “upper crust” or the bottom dwellers?

Who gave Vladimir Lenin a train load of gold to take to Russia to finance the Bolshevik Revolution against the Kerensky republic? The union of privates and restaurant waiters?

Who provided the Bolsheviks tens of millions of dollars to save them from collapse when they were on the brink? The poor? Who bragged about saving them from losing power? Detroit factory workers, or International banker Warburg?

Who took a “vacation” to Moscow in the middle of February after the Cuba missile crisis, just about two months before Krushchev “retired” to a dachma in the Crimea?

When the “Zapatistas” had their “uprising” and took over Chiapas state in southern Mexico, the Miami Herald published a photo of one of their “soldiers”. He indeed looked like a peasant soldier, but the armament he held in his hand was a thousand-dollar piece. What kind of “poverty” purchases that kind of weaponry for an army of thousands? And that was their first public act!


Contraception issue: dirty trick to distract from dictatorship fetish

March 8, 2012

I knew there was a filthy dirty pro-Obama campaign trick in there when former Clinton staffer Stephanopolous popped the stupid contraception question at one of the Republican debates. So I was not suprised to find out that this mandate was a campaign strategy to fool the American people into electing him again, besides just being another landmark in keeping Americans used to giving up ever more of their religious freedom along with their economic freedom. So with the facts that keep dribbling out, it looks like this Sandra Fluke flap is another of the same series of outrages:

Yep, there is a gang that was spawned by the radical 1960s SDS and Weathermen. I was there, I was one, and I  can tell one. It doesn’t always “take one to know one”, but I know what a Trotskyite Communist or Fabian socialist would do to sneak into the White House “under cover” if he had some zillionaire backers.

It wouldn’t be the first time. Lenin and Trotsky had their zillionaire backers for taking over Russia in the Bolshevik revolution. The Communist American John Reed in the book “10 Days That Shook the World” did not mention the super-capitalist sponsors of the Bolsheviks, because that would have exposed both the hypocrisy and the corruption at the very “highest” levels of socialist leadership, and destroyed the totally fabricated myth of spontaneous workers’ uprisings.

Books like John Reed’s, just like Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, were mythical intellectual packaging with false labels meant to fool the “smart” people, the “intelligentsia”, into thinking Marxism was “scientific” and for bonus points, “inevitable”.

My disillusions came early on because my “leftist” thinking evolved into political anarchist philosophies. At the time I figured if you can’t trust people to govern themselves, how can you trust them to govern others?

And the truth is, human nature being what it is, you cannot trust government because you cannot trust people with power, most especially in government, because the enforcers are made of the same human flesh as everybody else, meaning the rest of us.

The truth is, what starving industrial-plant worker of Karl Marx’s day was able to even have the time to read Das Kapital, much less, understand it?

It’s the rich who foment and organize political revolutions, with a possible historically recent exception of places where there is a substantial middle class that understands principles of freedom and the importance of property rights alongside the natural human rights of free speech, free press, the free exercise of religion (not the more limited “right of worship”), freedom from arbitrary searches and seizure, etc.





What makes the U.S. Constitution so good?

February 11, 2012

Ginzberg said countries should look to other constitutions rather than the US Constitution that she swore to uphold and defend. Some “defense”. Thanks a lot!

The U.S. Constitution was a unique consummation of the centuries-long tradition of increasing levels of recognition for basic human rights and freedoms that went back and forth through history, mostly in the British isles, both in written documents and in common law.

The Magna Carta is a good example of this. It was not perfect but it was better than most other arrangements in Europe, and it formalized a set of principles that expanded the idea of the governed having a say in the government that rules them. The expansion was only so far, though, as touching the fellow nobility.

The U. S. Constitution was a further expansion of those ideas, but much more. There were a lot of brilliant minds who were extremely well versed in the writings of other brilliant minds, and they could well have said better than Isaac Newton, that their work “stood on the shoulders of giants” that came before them.

In one study of 15,000 quotes of the founders (the founders quoting other sources) as found in newspapers, articles, letters, and other writings, 34% of the quotes were from the Bible, the most quoted source, and second was John Locke, then Montesquieu, Blackstone, who are known today as a political and legal philosopher.

To try to do something like that today you’d get Harvard law grads and Yalies who have no clue, who think the commerce clause means a government can rob its own citizens to give the loot to a private developer, tell its people what they have to buy and what they can make for sale, and that habeas corpus and court-issued warrants are optional

Like you have now a clueless dictator-friendly Ginzburg saying that the South Africa constitution is superior?

Just looking at the Preamble of it is scary with ‘its stated intention of establishing “a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights”‘.
Well, just like in 1789 everyone knew that the Second Amendment was an individual right and that the militia was volunteers of individuals in a “free society”, it is now 2012, and we all know that “social justice” is a catch-word euphemism for taking your property by force of law and giving it to someone else.

Don’t take my word for it, let them tell you:

In the first chapter, human rights appear in the first of the Founding Provisions of the Republic of South Africa: “Human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms.” Spelt out in detail, they occupy 35 sections of chapter 2.

Among the rights stipulated are those of equality, freedom of expression and association, political and property rights, housing, healthcare, education, access to information, and access to courts.

But “somebody” has to enforce all that and decide what is “fair”. That means government owns all your property and lets you keep whatever it decides is “fair”.

The devil is in the details, and in the end, it depends on who are the deciders in government, meaning, if the “representatives” are corrupt then it doesn’t matter what’s written.

But at least when it’s written “in black and white”, you can make mincemeat of the stupid legalese they use in decisions like Roe v Wade and Kelo v. City of New London. And NDAA. And the Patriot Act.

Karl Marx said once if you can separate a people from its history you can make them believe anything. The Internet has helped a lot of us recuperate some of that lost history, and so we’re a lot more skeptic.

Whose property is it? Yours or the states’?

December 17, 2011

Ron Paul says it pretty good:

Obama channeling Teddy Roosevelt‘s outrageous socialist pronouncement said it all. Everything you have belongs to the government, and you only deserve what they decide to let you keep.

That’s why Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto advocated the “progressive” income tax. It plants a subtle seed of thought in the public’s mind that it all belongs to the state.

They say “community”, the “people”, but it always turns out to be demagogue deciding who gets what. Dissidents get the wrong end of the stick.

You don’t even have to believe in God to understand this, although it should help, despite the unbelievers who use the name of God in vain to claim that we are supposed to steal from John Doe to give it to his neighbor.

So they suck blood from the arteries of the economy, and their plan is to buy off the poor with a few crumbs they give back to them, buy off the middle class with a few deductions and blathering about “millionaires” while they squeeze them dry, and buy off enough of the rich and corporate class with subsidies and regulations that make it harder for start-ups.

And since that makes it harder for the poor and pushes the middle class into poverty, they figure they have a bigger more receptive audience for their demagoguery.

You don’t understand economics until you join the Austrian School

October 21, 2011

Nobody understands economics until they join the Austrian school. Nothing else makes sense in the real world, and it’s the only economic philosophy that has been proven true time after time after time.

Facts don’t matter to demagogues and government-worshippers, so the backwards lie about the 1800s is repeated. Phooey.

After the Control Freaks Incorporated played havoc as much as they could during the 1800s, and Congress surrendered national sovereignty in 1913 to Karl Marx’s idea of a Central Bank, the Fed only nationalized bank panics, Roosevelt nationalized the problem worse, and the result has been depressions and recessions and now the looming dollar crash, as predicted by Austrians.

The problem for people is wrapping their heads around the fact that Government can not do one thing to help the economy, it can only hurt. Saying that would really choke up politicians who are used to promising things, and the audiences that want to know what you’re going to do to make things better.

Krugman would have you roll out the Weimar Republic printing presses.