Posts Tagged ‘Roe v Wade’

“Reproductive rights” — Orwellian Newspeak — because it’s about the BABY

October 26, 2013
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, known as a "King o...

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, known as a “King of abortion”, would later be an active member of a pro-life organization. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This goes out in reaction to Tibor Machan‘s opinions as expressed in the following link:

I think humans should respect the rights of girls inside the womb, not just the one with the body outside the womb.

How many more women to die? Never mind that Bernard Nathanson (“The Silent Scream“) video, who testified in Roe v Wade, has repented after watching ultrasound later on, and in answer to a question about the 10,000 women who died in “back-alley” abortions, he said they just “made it up” (his words) because it sounded like a really big number.

So who knows, really. But meantime there is a killing field of little girls (let’s remember the boys, too okay?)

CIA World Fact Book says China has a population from 0 to 14 years old of 124,773,577 male and 107,286,198 female. This means a ratio of 1.163:1 of boys to girls. The natural ratio is something like 1.05 to 1.00. God arranged it that way because males die at a higher rate of death during the earliest years, and normally it balances out. This pattern is seen in statistics I’ve looked at for the U.S.A., too…

That means for a population of that many young males, calculating from the ratio, a “normal” number of females would be 124,773,577. Subtracting the number of girls in their actual census, that means that 11,545,780 girls are missing. They are victims of abortion, a side effect of the one-child policy. And that’s not even counting the number you get if you calculate out the number corresponding to the boys that are also killed in the womb.

Those are real girls who are killed then too, in scalding, burning salt solutions, or their little limbs torn apart inside, or in partial-birth abortion their brains are sucked out from their head through a tube after the rest of the body is kicking outside the womb already.

The militant anti-Christian opinion-setters and propagandists want you to think this is just a Christian cause. Do a Web search on the words “pro life atheists” and there are a bunch of links to “godless prolifers” (as in The fact is, it is a human life.

An important libertarian principle is that individuals are morally and objectively responsible for the consequences of their own actions. Once you have been confronted with the obvious fact that the baby inside the womb is a human being, you have a responsibility to avoid murdering it. This is a fact of innate knowledge in “expectant” mothers, in fact, as so many women in the Silent No More movement have said. They are only “expectant” in the sense they are “expecting” the birth of the baby, in which the baby emerges from inside.

The BIG LIE is to try to talk about abortion (ending the life of the baby inside) as “reproductive rights”. This is Orwellian newspeak, and it is amazing to watch minds adapt this terminology –like Tibor Machan– who in other contexts see through them. After all, he is more intellectually honest than most libertarians in some of his writings that make clear that the fall of socialists –sometimes “with a vengeance”– is all the fault of the CIA.

We all know now that when you have sex, often a conception occurs of a new human being. We all know as well that there is no 100% sure contraception. Babies often happen in spite of these measures. If you engage in the sex, and a baby grows within, then the obligation to respect the non-aggression principle applies. This is not just a “duty” to save a life, something Walter Block has argued against quite effectively.

In fact, due to the dependency that a baby has, I’ve read libertarians argue that the woman has a duty to find an adoptive couple (or even person) if at all possible before killing it. I argue from the principle of consquences that becoming a parent involves positive duty.

This might be seen as requiring a positive right of the baby as individual. That may be, but this is one area were the individual responsibility for the consequences is a special case, since the parent bore that new life and that new human life requires some amount of care in order to merely survive to an age where he can make decisions for himself. The parent is responsible for the baby’s existence, the parent made it happen.

You broke it you bought it, says a sign in big letters easily visible as you enter the china shop. You’re on the shop owner’s property, you follow the rules. It’s a comparable idea. You conceived it (talking about the father too) you “own” it but anything you do that purposefully endangers that baby’s life is an aggression, and therefore is not acceptable.

So now let’s address the REAL issue in these discussions about abortion.

Abortion apologists all KNOW that the debate from the pro-life side is about the BABY. That’s why it’s always “reproductive rights”, as if killing the baby had anything to do with reproduction anyway. The Germans had no “reproductive right” to kill even one Jew for being a Jew, or a Gypsy, or the millions of Christians he did in.

But to women who have done this, there are lots of women who have found their way back to peace and now warn other women, younger women (This is relevant to the debate because women have a natural compulsion within themselves to protect their babies, and it is indoctrinated out of them by depopulation engineers. Or sometimes other factors drive them.)

Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.‎

That’s a bunch of Malarky!

October 13, 2012

Fact checking the liars with “fact checkers” masks….

Like for example.  [satire:] Oh yeah, count on objective “fact” reporting from

*10:15 — Taxpayer funding for abortion:* Ryan says Democrats support taxpayer funding for abortion, pointing to Obamacare. That’s completely false . The bill never contained taxpayer funding for abortion, but it was nonetheless held up for months to appease pro-life Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak and the bloc that he lead.

It turns out that funds from that bill are right now funding abortions in some states, and dual-use abortifacients/contraceptives will be paid for by conscientious objectors by force and fine. No matter what your religious or secular conviction is,  you will not be able to buy an insurance plan that excludes “contraception”, and that includes the abortifacients with the misleading “contraception” label. The “morning-after” pill is an abortifacient. Since pretends they do not know this, how can one trust them?

Stephanapolous had to know something, the contraception question at his moderated debate came out of nowhere, another puff of smoke from the government-media complex, and what Disraeli said about how there are no accidents in politics.

Stupak was right before he caved, and wrong when he caved. What did Obama really say in that private meeting? Obama and Pelosi were already saying (lying) it wouldn’t cover abortions, they still plan to cover them, same as they plan to bring everything under the command-insurance G-control model (as they also said).

After all, as a guy who opposed effective penalties for letting a baby die after it is born, is Obama going to tell the truth?

And babies are still dying by the thousands daily, under the unconstitutional legal kill order known as Roe v Wade.

Biden played the dove on Syria last night, but BOTH of them kept war open as an option. Yes they did, two mealy-mouths. They all look like warmongers to me, and Obama has a track record that added not one, not two, but three new fronts to his list of wars to add to Bush’s two.

*10:10 — Troops in Libya:* Ryan said “nobody is considering sending troops to Syria.” In August, Gov. Romney told CBS News that he would send U.S. troops to Syria if necessary to prevent the spread of chemical weapons. In his interview with CBS, Romney said, “I think we have to also be ready to take whatever action is necessary to ensure that we do not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists and whether that requires troops, or whether that requires other actions by our friends and allies.”

And both insinuate they might go to war against Iran. (If they decide it’s “necessary”). They all agree that Iran is a dire threat to the national security of the United States. Even worse, they say, it is a threat to Israel. I kid you not. In the tradition of Dave Berry, I am not making this up.

*10:00 — Small Navy? *Paul Ryan says Obama would reduce the Navy to its smallest size since World War I. Politifact gave that claim a Pants on Fire and called it ridiculous.

Moot because they’re both warmongers covering up by expected talking points. Ryan wants to increase the military and their presence everywhere, and Obama-Biden showed their true warrior colors with the war against the Libyans and threatening Syria and Iran.

*9:55 — Sequester two-step:* Ryan attacks Biden for automatic defense cuts that will go through if Congress does not act. Those cuts come from the “sequester,” the automatic trigger mechanism created by the congressional deal to raise the debt ceiling. You know who voted for that plan? Paul Ryan <>.

So advocated Biden, to push the debt ceiling can down the road some more, and this exposes what liars the “fact checkers” are. Everybody knows that was a “compromise” anyway and everybody wanted their own toys but they had to do “something” instead of doing the only sane thing (the Ron Paul plan) so it became automatic. What do you expect from a “thinkprogress” that wants us to throw us back to feudalism and calls it “progress”?

They had to give the Tea Party guys in the House some cover. After all, the American people put them there to stop the mad spending addiction.

Welfare-warfare is a false choice, a pox on both their houses. Neither of them have any right to complain about the others’ “lies”, they all drummed the only honest candidate out of this false choice. Which one? Seabiscuit or Secretariat? Cardinals or Giants? Difference is, these guys are asses pretending to be horses.

*9:45 — Social Security and Medicare are /not/ going broke:* “Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt. These are indisputable facts,” Ryan says. Actually both are disputable and neither are facts. People have been saying Social Security is going to go bankrupt for decades, it hasn’t yet, and it’s not going to. It’s currently projected to be fine for at least 40 years


Those freebies are designed to go broke, by which I mean the design is built to break. Even the marketing is Ponzi scheme, besides which, unfunded liabilities are up to over $70 trillion by most estimates of all such programs and the national debt keeps climbing and they’ll get squeezed out by the fall of the dollar if nothing else. It’s built on paper and ink and now electronic blips.

Anyway, not one Congress has any true moral authority to lay debt on people that had nothing to do with it. Why should a future Congress be obligated to pay for today’s Congress. Today’s Congress is paying for the sins of their colleagues in the past, but they’re paying for it by committing the same theft against future Congressmen. Except that we are paying now, because every time government spends money, they have to rob us to do it.

When they pay for it with taxes, they are directly robbing the people they confiscate from. When they pay for it with borrowing, they are robbing the poor and middle class with the inflation they’re causing, robbing value from our money. After they ditched the gold base, it’s easier to print the money.

Except the evil faction of the banksters took over the printing. Treasury doesn’t print it, they borrow it from the bankers at the Fed. The bankers just print the IOU’s (we owe them) that they lend to us and it costs them virtually nothing.

*9:40 — Ryan’s healthcare plan is bipartisan? *Ryan claimed that his Medicare proposal was co-sponsored by a Democrat. He was referring to Sen. Rod Wyden of Oregon, who did create a plan to change Medicare, but once Republicans adapted it, he distanced himself from the bill this summer <>. In response to Romney’s continued claims on the campaign trail that the bill was bipartisan, Wyden told the Oregonian <> in August, “Bipartisanship requires that you not make up the facts. I did not ‘co-lead a piece of legislation.’”

So it WAS bipartisan, a plan created by a Democrat, who only backed off when the Republicans took ahold of it? So who was the bipartisan and who was not?

*9:35 — What about in your own district?* Ryan attacked Biden because the unemployment rate has gone up in his hometown of Scranton, Pa., under Obama and Biden. But the unemployment rate has gone up in Paul Ryan’s home district as well during his tenure in Congress. It was 3.8 percent when Ryan first took office in 1999 and was <> at 9.2 percent this August.

But Biden is VP and this is Obama’s economy.

*9: 30 — Paul Ryan requested stimulus money:…It’s also worth noting that Ryan supported the 2002 stimulus package

They all did, a pox on all their houses. Americans roared back with all the Tea Party demonstrations. Problem is this horse race and all the betting on it is distracting them.

*9:25 — Cars:* “Mitt Romney is a car guy,” Ryan says earnestly. Mitt Romney also wrote an Op-Ed for the New York Times titled “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt <>.”


Meaning, they should have let them go through the normal bankruptcy process instead of making it their political football and using it to brag about government robbing Peter to save Paul.

They SHOULD have left Detroit alone. Now it’s worse. Now we even have the “leftist” regime bragging about all the corporate welfare they give out to save the big corporations.

What a con job! It’s as good as the revisionist history that has the party of slavery and Jim Crow pretending to love all the poor colored folk!

*9:10 — Marines: *Paul Ryan, noting that there’s a Marine detachment at the U.S. Embassy in Paris asks, “Shouldn’t we have a Marine detachment?” in Libya. The infatuation with the Marines belies a deep misunderstanding of the role the service members play in foreign embassies. The Corps actually protects information <>, not personnel. And with only a little over 1,000 Marines serving as guards around the world, there are very few in any diplomatic post.

The infuation with the Marines and having them everywhere is the usual imperialist mentality. It’s as bad as the newfound supposed Obama infatuation with special forces to do all these jobs. The special forces did so good in Libya. And it’s baloney they “only protect information”, as if they will let a guy visiting a consulate start shooting at consulate personnel, no matter what a written code says.

*9:05 — Diplomatic security: *The debate opened up with a discussion of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic posts in Libya, with Paul Ryan attacking Biden for the Obama administration supposedly not doing enough to protect diplomats.

So this non-factual “fact checker” wants to check the facts so they can throw them in the trash and look for something else to talk about. They also didn’t “check the fact” that there was obviously information left inadequately protected (in their own terms), since CNN reporters just wandering around found writings by diplomats themselves…

This is about LIBYA and Bengazi-gate. Obama’s State Department is now caught red-handed intentionally exposing the consulate in Benghazi to attack. The Brits had pulled out.

After having considered Libya important enough to go to war against it, how can they justify either (1) REDUCING security after requests for MORE security, or (2) if they had inadequate funding, why did they not pull out. LIKE THE BRITS DID after an attack against their ambassador?

The ambassador’s killing follows an attack in June on the UK ambassador to Libya, Dominic Asquith. Two British bodyguards were injured after a rocket was fired at Asquith’s convoy in Benghazi, hitting his security escort. There have been similar attacks in Benghazi on the Red Cross and the UN. It is not clear why the US ambassador had returned to Benghazi at a time of security concerns.

On Wednesday the British embassy in Tripoli said that after the attack in June UK diplomats were pulled out of Benghazi. “Nobody is based there permanently. We have a villa there and an office, with staff traveling there from time to time,” it said. No British staff were injured during Tuesday’s attack on the US mission, it added.

And another thing.

I just saw that the ambassador was taken out by rockets in an ambush. So of course how could it not be a spontaneous mob reaction to a movie not even the Arabs heard about until the Obama gang blamed it for this?

The same link as above, from September 12, 2012:

The US ambassador in Libya and three other embassy staff were killed in a rocket attack after the diplomat’s car was targeted in the eastern city of Benghazi, it was confirmed on Wednesday.

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Banned on Facebook: What an abortionist does. Okay with Facebook: Do It Yourself

February 18, 2012
Abortion Memorial

Abortion Memorial (Photo credit: DrGBB)

What an abortionist does, censored by Facebook, a movie we’ve seen a thousand times, while they claim they believe in free speech:

Facebook censors pro-life image, allows DIY abortion instructions which encourage women to lie to Pharmacists

Facebook has apologized for censoring a post by Dr. Rebecca Gomperts in which she gave instructions for a do-it-yourself chemical abortion. The popular social media site decided it was OK for the international abortion provider to teach women and girls how to do an abortion themselves at home using Misoprostol, even telling them to lie to a pharmacist to get the necessary drugs.

But Facebook has removed a graphic that shows the aftermath of an abortion: An eight-week fetus torn limb from limb and decapitated.
This week, Bryan Kemper, Youth Outreach Director for Priests for Life, and Andy Moore of created a version of the popular “What They Think I Do” graphic that have been going viral on Facebook. Their graphic was entitled “Abortionist,” and the final frame was a photo of a baby killed in an early abortion.

This image received thousands of shares and comments in a matter of hours. But this morning, Kemper found a message from Facebook explaining that the image was removed, and ordering him to remove it from any other place he had posted it on the site.

“It amazed me,” said Kemper; “Facebook will allow girls to learn how to do an abortion themselves at home with no doctor’s supervision, and encourages them to lie when obtaining the drugs necessary. But they will not allow them to see what an abortion looks like.

“I guess it is only considered censorship if you censor the pro-choice side; it’s perfectly fine in our culture to censor the pro-life message.”
Kemper has posted the image on his website at and has given permission for anyone to repost it on their blogs or websites.

He also is urging all pro-lifers to contact Facebook to protest the site’s lopsided censorship.

Click here for the DIY abortion instructions.

“I have long said that America will not end abortion until it sees abortion,” said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “But those who support and profit from abortion work very hard to make sure America does not see abortion.”

Rn Paul could not understand why pro-life organizations did not support his move to constitutionally overturn Roe V Wade (without the Supreme Court).

What makes the U.S. Constitution so good?

February 11, 2012

Ginzberg said countries should look to other constitutions rather than the US Constitution that she swore to uphold and defend. Some “defense”. Thanks a lot!

The U.S. Constitution was a unique consummation of the centuries-long tradition of increasing levels of recognition for basic human rights and freedoms that went back and forth through history, mostly in the British isles, both in written documents and in common law.

The Magna Carta is a good example of this. It was not perfect but it was better than most other arrangements in Europe, and it formalized a set of principles that expanded the idea of the governed having a say in the government that rules them. The expansion was only so far, though, as touching the fellow nobility.

The U. S. Constitution was a further expansion of those ideas, but much more. There were a lot of brilliant minds who were extremely well versed in the writings of other brilliant minds, and they could well have said better than Isaac Newton, that their work “stood on the shoulders of giants” that came before them.

In one study of 15,000 quotes of the founders (the founders quoting other sources) as found in newspapers, articles, letters, and other writings, 34% of the quotes were from the Bible, the most quoted source, and second was John Locke, then Montesquieu, Blackstone, who are known today as a political and legal philosopher.

To try to do something like that today you’d get Harvard law grads and Yalies who have no clue, who think the commerce clause means a government can rob its own citizens to give the loot to a private developer, tell its people what they have to buy and what they can make for sale, and that habeas corpus and court-issued warrants are optional

Like you have now a clueless dictator-friendly Ginzburg saying that the South Africa constitution is superior?

Just looking at the Preamble of it is scary with ‘its stated intention of establishing “a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights”‘.
Well, just like in 1789 everyone knew that the Second Amendment was an individual right and that the militia was volunteers of individuals in a “free society”, it is now 2012, and we all know that “social justice” is a catch-word euphemism for taking your property by force of law and giving it to someone else.

Don’t take my word for it, let them tell you:

In the first chapter, human rights appear in the first of the Founding Provisions of the Republic of South Africa: “Human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms.” Spelt out in detail, they occupy 35 sections of chapter 2.

Among the rights stipulated are those of equality, freedom of expression and association, political and property rights, housing, healthcare, education, access to information, and access to courts.

But “somebody” has to enforce all that and decide what is “fair”. That means government owns all your property and lets you keep whatever it decides is “fair”.

The devil is in the details, and in the end, it depends on who are the deciders in government, meaning, if the “representatives” are corrupt then it doesn’t matter what’s written.

But at least when it’s written “in black and white”, you can make mincemeat of the stupid legalese they use in decisions like Roe v Wade and Kelo v. City of New London. And NDAA. And the Patriot Act.

Karl Marx said once if you can separate a people from its history you can make them believe anything. The Internet has helped a lot of us recuperate some of that lost history, and so we’re a lot more skeptic.