Posts Tagged ‘Vladimir Lenin’

A thousand cheers for the Boy Scouts and for Chick-Fil-A too! Stand up to Big Brother Media and Groupthink!

July 24, 2012
History of the Boy Scouts of America

History of the Boy Scouts of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Logo of the Family Research Council.

Logo of the Family Research Council. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Chick-fil-A (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I didn’t make it too far in the Boy Scouts, but I wish I had. It was a great organization and I guess it still is. They did the right thing, and if they had caved they would have lost a lot more people than they have lost as it is, and I’m sure that factored into it.

I hoped AT&T and Ernst & Young get out. Their CEO’s said they’ll continue on the board and push for a change.

But HEY! Nobody said you couldn’t do YOUR OWN version of the Boy Scouts!

That tells us this is NOT about anybody’s “rights” because they can go start an alternative organization anytime, any day! Please go do it! You’d probably get plenty of tax money from the people that don’t believe in you with all the government sponsorships you get.

It’s bad enough that so many Christian church organizations have abandoned any pretense of following BIblical principles or even caring about them, but instead justify whatever the dictates from cultural dictators are.

Get government out of it, and stop trying to force your morals on the rest of us and on the families of America!

By the way, I’m going to make a point to get my fast food at Chick-Fil-A, and my pizza from Domino’s. Chick-Fil-A is getting pounded with all the free air time and newsprint they’re giving away to a boycott that was brought simply because they donated $1,000 to the Family Research Council one year. (The deceit is they gave away a lot more to a lot of other organizations, but the Masochistic Dictator-Loving Control Freak crowd, Vladimir Lenin‘s “useful idiots”, are marching lock-step in what they’re being told to think.

Orwell’s Oceania, Josef Stalin, they should have it so good.

Not only do they demand that the government confiscate the money from the economy that could have been used to give them jobs, they act like they’re demanding to be told what to do next.

Time to think for ourselves, people!

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.- John 8:32


Looting, pillaging, and raping by the already rich IS Communism

March 17, 2012

>> Are you assuming the only alternative to looting, pillaging, and raping by the already rich is Communism?

Pay close attention here. Listen very closely, because most people read this or hear it or even see it in front of their very own eyes in real life and miss it. Do not miss this truism:

Looting, pillaging, and raping by the already rich IS Communism.

Who runs the Marxist Central Banks of the world? Establishing central banks was one of the demands in the platforms of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, an item that Communists and socialists almost never ever talk about?

Note that the biggest theft of history, speaking of “looting, pillaging, and raping”, is the dollar devaluation by the Federal Reserve currency monopoly by “the already rich”. They are richer than rich, they own the currency and the now figurative currency printing presses, all of your money is theirs, it says so right at the top: “Federal Reserve Note“.

Pay close attention. Who gave Karl Marx $20,000 to write Das Kapital? (Back when it was real money”). The starving masses? The industrial proletariat? The dirt peasants?

Who had the time on their hands and the brainpower not crimped by malnutrion to even read Das Kapital without worrying about the next meal? The “upper crust” or the bottom dwellers?

Who gave Vladimir Lenin a train load of gold to take to Russia to finance the Bolshevik Revolution against the Kerensky republic? The union of privates and restaurant waiters?

Who provided the Bolsheviks tens of millions of dollars to save them from collapse when they were on the brink? The poor? Who bragged about saving them from losing power? Detroit factory workers, or International banker Warburg?

Who took a “vacation” to Moscow in the middle of February after the Cuba missile crisis, just about two months before Krushchev “retired” to a dachma in the Crimea?

When the “Zapatistas” had their “uprising” and took over Chiapas state in southern Mexico, the Miami Herald published a photo of one of their “soldiers”. He indeed looked like a peasant soldier, but the armament he held in his hand was a thousand-dollar piece. What kind of “poverty” purchases that kind of weaponry for an army of thousands? And that was their first public act!
