Archive for January, 2012

Outrageous EPA abuses against the Sackett family (and all of us, make no mistake)

January 11, 2012


More outrageous bullying from the mini-dictators of the EPA.

A blatant violation of the Constitution by federal government bureaucrats. A seizure of property and orders to spend money on property without due process.

They were only able to take this on with the help of the Pacific Legal Institute, but what about the rest of the country?

And they say there are a lot of other people coming forward with similar stories of persecution by mini-dictators.

I was at one meeting here in South Florida in 1999 where a number of people told of being forced to give up property in the area of the Everglades by federal bureaucrats. This was under a federal program that supposedly set up to buy property being voluntarily sold by owners.

But it wasn’t voluntary. Bureaucrats acting under the cloak of environmentalism, to get a sale at way under fair market value, were threatening to condemn the property, and enforce other arbitrary measures to get “compliance”.

Remember Cardinal Neumoller’s warnings. When they came for other groups, “I did nothing”, he said, listing out the victims of the Nazi regime‘s brutalities against the handicapped, the Jews, the Gypsies, the Communists, the socialists, and when they came for Christians, “there was no one left to defend us”.

What are you going to do?

God is not going to let these abuses go on forever, and history will tell on us, it will tell what we did and what we did not do to defend freedom.

The Good Samaritan helped the victim at the side of the road.

We are all now the victim on the side of  the road, and we are all being called to be Good Samaritans.



Is CBS News Biased Against Ron Paul?

January 10, 2012

Well, we know the media has been trying to make Ron Paul an “un-person” in the style of George Orwell’s 1984, but this has got to be one of the most crazy things they’ve done so far:


Is CBS News Biased Against Ron Paul?


Ron Paul is number two in the poll from last night (the night before the primary), but CBS reported (with graphics) the number 1, 3, 4, and 5 candidates, totally omitting Ron Paul.

What better testimony that Ron Paul is shaking up the Establishment, the crony capitalists?

This should backfire on the media in a big way.

We shall see. In case the reader hasn’t noticed, Ron Paul is getting positive attention for this and for his ideas from a growing number of “liberal” as well as “conservative” commentators.


What if the “two-party system” was a farce to fool us?

January 9, 2012

I found a great narrative from Judge Napolitano, of the program “Freedom Watch” on Youtube:

I found it from the blog:

Let’s keep up the “truthing” about Ron Paul, as they keep going with the lies.

Bill Press last night was acting like it was everybody against “front-runner” Romney, but it was really a setup for them to divert away from Ron Paul. They even avoided asking him the same question they asked everybody else, about why the nominee should not be Romney. Ron Paul criticized the emphasis on personality and brought it back to the issues, and Press then patronizingly says “You read my mind, Dr. Paul”.

They avoided giving Ron Paul time except for things they thought in their own twisted perspective would make him look bad.

Like how little of his initiatives have had success at getting passed in Congress.

Ron Paul answered well, but he might have replied that the reason he is getting so much growing support is precisely because Americans are sick and tired of doing the same old thing, and he represents the kind of change Americans are looking for.

The fact that his proposals have gotten little traction in Congress is because Congress is so wrong, and because they represent a return to constitutionality, and that’s it.


George’s diner shut down after owner tried to record visit from city health inspector –

January 9, 2012

The problem with creating mini-dictatorships and giving legislative powers over to the executive.

Michael Savage loses credibility and respect attacking Ron Paul

January 9, 2012

Michael Savage has had my respect for a long time because he calls the corrupt powers-that-be for what they are and has exposed the complicity of Republican Party hacks with the dismantling of America. But with his unwarranted and misguided attacks on Ron Paul, he has lost a LOT of credibility. He knows he has a lot of Ron Paul listeners, so he doesn’t go crazy wild, and he hasn’t gone into the personal lies that some of the shills have put out on him, so give him credit for that. Except for when he said Ron Paul hates Jews. Michael Savage KNOWS that Ron Paul does NOT hate Jews, and I say that because I cannot believe Michael Savage is stupid or ignorant, because he’s not. It’s hyperbole, sure, but it’s not a fair thing to say either.

Savage: Romney can’t stop Obama:

He says Romney is in over his head, but when Savage criticizes Ron Paul foreign policy or his views on the crazy drug wars, Savage is the one in over his head.

The CIA says we get blowback for meddling in the affairs of regions like the Middle East, the head man who was in charge of tracking down Osama bin Laden said it. Active military personnel are saying it. A great number of retired military officers are speaking out this way, when Conformist Media gives them a chance.

Foreign Aid? Ask almost anybody from a poor country whether foreign aid given to their governments has helped in the decades it’s been given.

What about the Jews? Meet the “Jews for Ron Paul” Facebook page:

And hear the fresh voice from an Israeli settler, none more Jewish and none more pro-Israel:

…And take special note of what he said about what we can do with our “help”. He was ecstatic at finding a presidential candidate who actually finally offered to set Israel free of American aid and to unleash them to settle their own affairs with their neighbors instead of interfering (“Let us take care of Iran”, he says)

I first got interested in the whole freedom movement when I heard that Ron Paul wanted to end all foreign aid, including to my country, Israel. This seemed like a spectacular idea to me. I hate the idea of taking American tax payer money I don’t need. The only reason we take it, by the way, is not because we need it. It’s that we don’t want to feel alone, and Jews always feel a deep existential isolation and loneliness. “As I see them from the mountain tops, gaze on them from the heights, this is a people who dwells alone, not counted among the Nations,” says Balaam of the People of Israel in Numbers 23:9. We still feel that loneliness. So we take the money. It’s shameful, it’s theft, it’s destructive, it’s morally wrong, and it makes people hate us for tying them into a conflict they have no business trying to solve. I wanted it to end and didn’t trust any Israeli leader to give it up on his own, so I looked up more about Ron Paul.

What I found was fascinating. On the forums, I learned of people who, back in ’08, literally gave their lives short of death to this man. Some poured money into his campaign they could not afford to give, and some even lost their marriages because of their single-minded insane dedication. This shocked me. I couldn’t yet understand it, but after a few days of listening to him, it began to click.

What is it about Ron Paul that inspires such extremes? Such maddening support on the one hand, and such fear and loathing on the other? I can give the answer in one word: Soul.

The essential soul of a human being is by definition free. The idea that men are free as determined by God is a concept that is foreign to most men. This is because most men want to control others, to take away their freedom. This is usually referred to as the drive for power. The drive for power is antithetical to freedom because power means the ability to control others. There is only one legitimate thing that power can and should be used for, whether it be military, legislative, or executive power. That is, to legalize freedom.

Ron Paul doesn’t want to be President to “give” me freedom. He doesn’t own my freedom and he didn’t give it to me. The only reason Ron Paul wants to be President is to stop punishing people for using their freedom that is rightfully theirs. He wants no power. This is clear to anyone who listens to him speak.

Ron Paul Campaign Names New ‘Homeschoolers for Ron Paul’ Nationwide Coalition Members  | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

January 8, 2012

Homeschoolers are safer with Ron Paul as president:

Is this how Obama win will be guaranteed?

January 6, 2012

Very suspicious:

It has all the appearance of leading up to a fake “conservative” independent to divide the conservatives voting and get Obama re-elected, I agree. Or to keep RP from winning the presidency. They have lots of dirty tricks planned I’m sure including the ultimate.

Programmer admits under oath writing vote-flipping software

January 5, 2012

Computer expert testifies elections in Florida were fixed:

This was for a Republican Tom Feeney, then state Congressman of Florida at the time, wrote a prototype in source code for hacking. He says he assumed it was so they could see what to look for from the other side.

A Patent on putting ads in ebooks? Please say it ain’t so!

January 4, 2012

e-book‘Free’ E-BooksFox News Video – Fox News:

One company supposedly got a patent for putting ads in any ebook?

Incredible! Stop the madness!


Republican Insider: GOP Establishment Planning To Subvert Iowa to Prevent Ron Paul Win

January 4, 2012

From January 3rd:

The web page includes a video with a Republican Party insider in Iowa boldly proclaiming the kinds of tricks that party leaders were going to use to make sure that Ron Paul would not come out in first place in Iowa.

The host of the show refers to state GOP insiders showing “great concern” that Ron Paul is performing well in Iowa because they fear a Paul win would undermine Iowa’s position as being the first Republican primary. He implies that influential members of the Republican establishment within the state are offering sweetheart deals to prominent voting blocks in key swing districts in order to “sway” the result and ensure Ron Paul doesn’t win.

Despite the fact that this is brazenly unethical and, if bribery was involved, without doubt illegal, the host dismisses such conduct as “just politics”.

“Is it possible that the party apparatus here could be silently asking those District Chairmen to start swaying some important caucus members over to the anti-Paul side which may end up being Santorum…do you see a scenario like that happening,” he asked Benkie.

“I’ve talked to the party officials, I know they’re concerned about it,” said Benkie, adding, “Ron Paul doesn’t do us any good in Iowa, doesn’t do the country any good, will never get there, so let’s figure out what we need to do.”

Benkie said that the GOP establishment was concerned about splitting the vote between Santorum and Romney because it could increase the chances of a Ron Paul win, remarking, “We really don’t want Ron Paul to win.”

There you have it. They MSM is yapping about where is the “stop-Romney” candidate, but it’s Ron Paul they’re really worried about.

What are they afraid of? A genuine cut to the budget instead of an increased budget that cuts some of the increase? Bringing the troops home to the bases here at home and to the borders? An end to the inflationary poor-robbing money printing of the Fed and the officers it gets from Wall Street? An end to these wars that have done nothing for American interests except for some corporate interests?
A return to the Constitution to measure legislation and executive action?