Archive for February, 2012

AGW dupes shoot themselves in the foot

February 11, 2012

The video was put up by the AGW “useful idiots” apparently in yet another “shoot yourself in the foot” moment.

The main theme of Lord Moncton’s “invasion” was protesting the invasion of a meeting where he was a speaker in which the youths he call “Hitler Youth” tried to shut him up and shout down the truth that the AGW fraud is killing millions of poor around the world in the name of more police power and state control.

Yep, shot themselves in the foot. This AGW People Control project does not want a fair debate with all sides heard, they want to tell people “the science is settled”. Except they have a selected set of high priests of scientism who tell you what to believe about science, and if the High Priests of AGW tell you it’s “settled” then by Golly it is! Or else! Or else we’re all going to die! If we don’t let them take over! Everything

It’s an incredible twist that a Russian news source, RT, delivers a more honest view on the subject in this interview:

Three weeks after the Arctic ice cap had a dramatically larger melt off, the Antarctic had an ice cover maximum.

Read the following explanation of the scientific issues from Richard S. Lindzen, the ” Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology“.

Mark Twain in this quip forgot to include the money factor. The guy who takes money with the intent of proving proposition A, B, or C:

That is the way of the scientist. He will spend thirty years in building up a mountain range of facts with the intent to prove a certain theory; then he is so happy with his achievement that as a rule he overlooks the main chief fact of all—that all his accumulation proves an entirely different thing.

— Mark Twain

‘The Bee’. In What is Man? and Other Essays? (1917), 283.

Another good Mark Twain quote:

There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.

Richard Lindzen in another article answers the Controlled Media misdirection with Muller’s findings. They pushed the theme that this “vindicated” the bad guys of Climategate, and he picks apart a Christian Science Monitor article, especially the misleading story title:–Physicist-David-Douglass-Mullers-findings-of-warming-arenothing-remarkable–BEST-study-does-not-alter-Climategates-serious-breaches-of-ethics

Similarly, the reference to the Koch brothers suggests that their support was contingent on expectations of a different result. In point of fact, there is not the least evidence that this was the case. The Koch brothers support many things ranging from the restoration of the Lincoln Center Theater, to an exhibit on evolution, to a major cancer center at MIT. They also give some support to libertarian think tanks whose views are frequently different from what are commonly claimed to be right wing views. To be sure, the Koch brothers are frequently demonized by the left as a counterpoint to the right wing demonization of George Soros. It is only the fact that the Koch brothers are relatively unknown that allows such demonization to gain traction.

The summary sentence completely misrepresents ‘climategate.’ This refers to the release of thousands of emails, commented code, etc. from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. The land based instrumental temperature record was not the primary focus of the problems revealed in these documents. Rather, the explicit evidence of the manipulation of proxy records used in paleoclimate reconstructions, suppression of other viewpoints, manipulation of the IPCC process, and intimidation of journal editors were all evidence of serious breaches of ethics. Muller’s findings hardly alters these findings.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. -John 8:32

Santorum, Arlen Specter supporter, is wrapped in false packaging

February 11, 2012

Here is a Santorum list that shows that he is not the conservative of his campaign persona in Dinosaur Media and in Christian media:

  • Padding his own wallet as a corporate lobbyist at the expense of taxpayers;
  • Voting to raise the debt ceiling five times;
  • Voting to double the federal Department of Education;
  • Voting with liberals like Ted Kennedy on multiple occasions in support of Big Labor’s radical agenda;
  • Voting to create a brand new, unfunded entitlement, Medicare Part D, the largest expansion of entitlement spending since President Lyndon Johnson – creating $16 trillion in unfunded liabilities;
  • Endorsing liberal Big Government RINO’s like Arlen Specter over conservatives. Of course, Specter later became a Democrat and worked hand-in-glove with President Obama to pass his radical agenda;
  • Voting for Sarbanes-Oxley, which imposed dramatic new job-killing accounting regulations on businesses;
  • Supporting raising taxes on oil companies, which directly costs Americans more money out of their pockets at the gas pump;
  • Voting for gun control;
  • Voting to give Social Security benefits to illegal aliens, while voting against an additional 1,000 border patrol agents;
  • Voting to give $25 million in foreign aid to North Korea;
  • Voting to send hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood – the nation’s largest provider of abortion – and hand out hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid to enemies of Israel.

I found this list at the following link, credit where due, thanks guys.

Santorum won Iowa and didn’t say Black:

More vote fraud

February 11, 2012

The Mental Recession: Breaking: Democrats Preyed On Immigrants In Ballot Fraud Scandal:


…noted this vote fraud scandal in upstate New York as reported in the Times Union, presumably of Troy, New York:


Witnesses, promises, then signatures:


TROY — Testimony from voters in the city ballot-fraud case revealed the tactics politicians and political operatives used and the promises they made to allegedly convince residents to sign over their voting privileges.

Several voters approached by operatives in the months before the 2009 Working Families Party primary for City Council testified Wednesday that to get their signatures, officials promised to end crime in their neighborhood or build a park for kids.

They said they were told a new city policy was being implemented to make it easier for people to vote and all they had to do was sign a piece of paper.

Testimony also showed operatives may have targeted immigrants and other people not familiar with the English language or the U.S. election process.

The testimony emerged at the trial of Board of Elections Commissioner Edward McDonough and former City Councilman Michael LoPorto. The two Democrats are charged with taking part in an attempt by some Democrats to forge and cast about 50 absentee ballots in the Working Families Party 2009 primary for Troy City Council.

Jennifer Taylor, a prosecution witness who lived in Corliss Park, said she was visited by Councilman Kevin McGrath and another man she did not know. She said she thought she was signing a piece of paper that would register her vote for McGrath.

“He told me he was going to clean up Corliss Park and I believed him and thought I was just voting for him so I signed a piece of paper,” Taylor said.

McGrath, who cooperated with the investigation and faces no charges, was on the ballot for that primary. Instead, according to Special Prosecutor Trey Smith, Taylor’s vote was altered to show that she chose former City Council President Clement Campana, and former councilmen John Brown and Michael LoPorto.

Several Democrats have pleaded guilty in connection with the probe and will testify. Others are under indictment awaiting trial.

Michele Zillgitt took the stand and said that Councilman Gary Galuski, who has been indicted in the case, came to her home and convinced her and her two mentally handicapped brothers, one who has since died, to sign a piece of paper.

“They said the city was making it easier this year and all I had to do was sign a piece of paper,” Zillgitt testified.

Instead her votes, like all the others, were allegedly cast for the same three candidates.

Other witnesses needed a Spanish language interpreter to get through their testimony.

Read more:




Paul camp cries fraud over Nevada Caucus results

February 11, 2012
Ron Paul, member of the United States House of...

Image via Wikipedia

Is this why Romney seemed so smug and confident for so long?

Paul camp cries fraud over Nevada Caucus results – National Independent |

The Controlled Media complex has told us what to think.

We’re supposed to think that Romney is a front-runner and favored by party bosses, but that he has the best chance to defeat Obama out of the four major Republican candidates. Favored by the boss-man, that much is credible. Best chance to defeat Obama, they ALL know that Ron Paul is the best one to beat Obama. Early polls that matched up the candidates with Obama all showed this, but it looks like they’ve learned how to skewer those numbers too. Not that polls are that much believable either way, in my opinion. In some “respected” polls in the not-so-distant past, the results were totally and obviously wrong.

The Nevada results do not pass the smell test. They do not pass the smell test. Repeated for emphasis. The Nevada results do not pass the smell test.


TSA Help Wanted – hilarious satire animation about TSA perverts, Janet Napolitano and the Bill of Rights

February 11, 2012
English: Official portrait of United States Se...

Image via Wikipedia

TSA Help Wanted – hilarious satire animation about TSA perverts, Janet Napolitano and the Bill of Rights –

Who is pulling the strings in the Middle East?

February 11, 2012

Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels – Telegraph:

The new Al-Qaeda dominated Libyan government has been sending weapons and fighters by the hundreds to Syria. What’s going on there is not just government massacres but a full-out shooting war with both sides lobbing bombs and blowing up buildings, just like happened earlier in Libya.

Where is NATO in all this? Well, maybe the United Nations and NATO learned a little public relations lessons from the blowback they got from the West against their brutal assault on Arab governments with street surrogates.

It was all too easy to see in Libya. That rebellion, by the time it was done, came in a package stamped with really big letters “Made in the USA“. In a smaller font you could read “Assembled in the Eurozone”.

So with Syria they’re being more circumspect I guess.

Or maybe there’s something else going on here. Small-state Surrogacy might not have gone away altogether. It seems like Iran is shipping in a lot of help for Assad’s regime and a good number of trained fighters. Russia and China both put a nix on the push in the UN to add to the Arab League‘s condemnation of Syria.

It ain’t over till it’s over, so goes the saying.

The more you watch things, though, the more you realize, the Founding Fathers made some wise pronouncements on the matter.

Somebody strung some good quotes together at wikipedia in the “Non-interventionism” entry:

George Washington, the first U.S. President, advised the country to avoid “foreign entanglements.” Thomas Jefferson favored “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” John Quincy Adams wrote that the U.S. “goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”

FBI wants everybody to spy on everybody

February 11, 2012
English: A Picture of FBI SWAT officers. Origi...

Image via Wikipedia

A good perspective on a flyer from the FBI and the Department of Justice, “Communities Against Terrorism”:

Why Personal Privacy is Now Public Enemy #1:

Is this propaganda for kids, to get them to view the world as full of threats that they need the government’s SWAT teams and handouts to handle for them?

Mr. Allami was arrested last month while picking up his 7 year-old son from school in Quebec. During the next 24 hours, while he was detained, a team of police officers (heroes/patriots/national treasures) stormed Mr. Allami’s home, telling his wife she was “married to a terrorist.” Meanwhile, Mr. Allami’s colleagues, who were on their way to a conference in the Big Apple were also detained at the US border for hours due to their “connection” with Mr. Allami.

And what had Mr. Allami done to deserve this, the swift hand of justice? The Canadian Press provides the shocking details of his master plan:

On Jan. 21, 2011, Allami sent a text message to colleagues urging them to “blow away” the competition at a trade show in New York City.

According to Mr. Allami’s lawsuit, “The treatment of the plaintiff and his wife was cavalier, illegal, aggressive, accusatory, and in violation of their most fundamental rights.”

Exactly as you’d expect, in other words.

Like we said, we’d love to have spoken to you in private, away from the prying eyes and ears of Big Brother…and his thousands of officious little goose-stepping generals on the ground.

But, as you can see, we can’t. He is everywhere. He is everyone and anyone. We know he is listening. And now, so do you.

Read more: Why Personal Privacy is Now Public Enemy #1

Thank you, Joel Bowman for the Daily Reckoning.

Sports and politics: Pick your team; Ron Paul fans want a fair game

February 10, 2012

Coach in my son’s soccer team led them to Number 2 in the state  out of dozens of teams. One parent afterward started denouncing the coach in front of everybody and I was able to stop it, maybe too politely. That was quite an accomplishment for the coach, still studying engineering. He didn’t even favor his own son,  and one parent from the other team acknowledged afterward that ours was the better team even though they let the other team get two goals in the first couple of minutes.
I’m from St Louis, a baseball town.

I fondly remember Marvin  (God bless him) probably in heaven now. When I was a young boy he used to come to take me to baseball games and Gospel singing concerts and bowling. Grown up and gone “intellectual” and then missionary, though, I don’t even know the rules for football (I do like the Tebow Christian witness).

Elections in the U.S. have been contorted into a spectator sport where you pick your favorite team and hope you outnumber the other team’s fans. The way they set it up is each team gives you a list of permitted reasons to cheer for them instead of the other guy.

But the rules in the political cheering game have been rigged. The powers that be don’t know what to do with the one guy who is calling for a return to when the rules were fair to the fans, the maverick that they keep trying to pretend isn’t there. But there is an increasing number that once they realize what’s up with that, the epiphany sticks.

States are beginning to fight back against federal tyranny

February 10, 2012

States prepare brakes on citizen-detention option:

Maybe Ron Paul‘s message is catching fire.

Rhode Island, no conservative state, immediately got a bill in the legislature proposed by Rep. daniel P. Gordon Jr. to demand push back against the unconstitutional NDAA provisions.

He cited Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar, both retired four-star Marine generals, who have concerns.

ACLU spokesman utters their contempt for constitutional guarantee for the right to republican form of government

February 10, 2012

South Carolina sues Obama administration over voter ID law –,0,4401100.story

The right to vote is thrown into the trash with sneaky tricks like electronic voting, voting by mail, and now a ban on requiring ID.

The ACLU should call itself the Anti-Civil Liberties Union:

The American Civil Liberties Union said on Tuesday it would intervene in the lawsuit on behalf of the federal government.

“The Department of Justice followed the letter and the spirit of the law when it rejected South Carolina’s discriminatory voter ID law,” Nancy Abudu, senior staff attorney with the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, said in a statement.

“Instead of fighting for this law in court, South Carolina and other states should focus on expanding the right to vote.”

Votes by mail is the biggest violation of the constitutional guarantee of the right to a secret ballot, because there is no such guarantee. Anybody can sell a vote, or vote intimidated, whatever.

A false balance is an abomination.