Posts Tagged ‘Nazism’

Homeschool parents have 1 shot to see son again

April 22, 2013
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This family needs international support to keep their son.

The Swedish authorities have been brutal against the rights of the family to keep their child, based only on their home-schooling decision, despite testimony from numerous friends and neighbors they are a good family and the decision of a lower court in the family’s favor.

The child was taken from them even as they boarded an aircraft to go to the mother’s home country of India. Their Social Services, the agency that was portrayed as criminally negligent in the novel by Stieg Larsson, in his so-called “Millennium Trilogy“, the most famous being “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo“.

They are certainly living down to the horrendous performance of the treatment of the girl in those novels.

Of course Stieg Larsson was also wrong, wrong, WRONG, in his perverted portrayal of Nazil history. The Nazis, especially the Hitler kind, despised Christianity and hated the Bible. His fictitious evil socialist (“national socialist”) based crimes on verses.

Of course the crimes they committed were worse than the perversions portrayed, weren’t they, and he did not bring in the question of whether these people actually did it.


“Leftist” and “Rightist” Are Meaningless, What matters is Less Government Control vs. Less

September 17, 2012

During the 1930s and into the 1940s, the Nazis were often referred to as leftists. That’s right, leftists. What makes sense anyway?

What’s the difference between international socialism and national socialism? None, the only difference being whim of the dictators’ club.

Note that the free market advocates in the Soviet Union were called “liberals”, the same as in the 1930s and 1940s. Go read Ludwig von Mises. He “liberally” refers to “the liberals”. Guess who he’s talking about? Free marketers! This is what is meant by “classical liberal economics”, in fact.

“Left” and “right” mean nothing of consequence today in American political campaigns, especially reporting. Those words were hijacked for different meanings at journalism schools and political science departments of colleges that trained the government-media complex central planning writers of today’s propaganda media. The left/right language is used to Pavlov as many media consumers as possible into associating good things to bad things, confusing them.

The political spectrum that matters is command-and-control “government” on one end, versus total freedom on the other. More government control vs. less government control. Whether you want somebody telling everybody else what they can and cannot do, or whether you prefer the freedom to do whatever you like as long as you respect the rights of others. Respecting others’ rights means you cannot compel them to do anything, or not do anything, and they cannot compel you.

I call this “Golden Rule Government”.

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. – Matthew 7:12

Where do they find money for “studies” like this?

January 23, 2012
Scope of Government (liberal spectrum). For di...

Image via Wikipedia

Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
Image via Wikipedia

I posted a few days ago on this liberal/conservative/brain study and after reading another blog post elsewhere on the subject of the study I had a couple of comments.

Always these “scientific” studies trying to find how to “fix” people who the researchers don’t agree with.

Ludwig von Mises

Ludwig von Mises (via wikipedia)

This “liberal/conservative” so-called “spectrum” is itself detached from consistency anyway. In the 1960s, so-called “liberals” opposed all manner of police state actions like surveillance, property seizure without warrant, national ID and the like, whereas now in 2012 these are things the current “liberal” administration push and their “liberal” friends cheer.

Plus how did this word “liberal” get so messed up? In the days of von Mises, Austrian school economist, “liberal” meant free market and freedom from government intrusion. Now it’s a “liberal” who never gets enough.

The real spectrum should be between those who want complete freedom from government (libertarians) and those who want the government to save us from everything and control everything. Socialism and fascism are twins.


November 5, 2011

This book was apparently meant as a warning against a rightist takeover in the USA like the one in Germany happening at the time, in 1935, but it turns out that the same warnings apply to the danger of leftist tyranny.

Just like the National Socialists (note caps) were “no danger to democracy” to some gullible anti-conspiracy ideologues at the time, today’s apologists for the growing massive police power over our persons and property today claim it is no danger….