Posts Tagged ‘Tax’

Help the Poor By Lowering Taxes on Investors

November 16, 2012
2006 Tax Forms

2006 Tax Forms (Photo credit: herzogbr)

There goes Obama again with that same stupid argument that he knows is bogus:

The president went on to insist that any agreement that deals with the so-called “fiscal cliff” allows taxes to rise for households making more than $250,000. “When it comes to the top 2 percent, what I’m not going to do is extend further a tax cut for folks that don’t need it,” he said.

Read more:

Keeping the taxes from going up for the “rich” includes the people who own the small businesses that hire the LITTLE GUY.

I say he knows, because he knows that we want to KEEP TAXES AS THEY ARE and HE wants to RAISE them by doing nothing. That “we” is not Republicans, it’s the ones who are aware that THE problem with the budget is the SPENDING problem.

We want our employers to have more money for OUR paychecks. I want them for the POOR, so that the people who have the money to invest get to have it long enough to invest, so that the POOR can have more jobs available, and so the POOR who have the persistence and understanding have a chance to build more wealth.

Why should we let somebody else get in the middle and take a cut?

Government already takes nearly half our production, it’s already too much!

Taxes, theft, and socialism

September 17, 2012



The Road to Serfdom

The Road to Serfdom (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



“Can these be the same people who claim that paying tax is akin to forced labour and theft? Surely not!”

You enter into agreements to earn your income, and many poor have done hard labor to earn income to put into savings until they have enough to invest higher. Literally thousands of Cubans arrived in the U.S. during 1959 and the 1960s literally penniless. Literally.

Claiming you’re not forced to engage in taxable agreements is now dead, as the thieving philosophy underlying the income tax has been exposed by John Roberts himself, a “rightist” exposed as “leftist” and wealth confiscator.

Claiming you can always leave the country is an argument from ignorance, because the U.S. makes claims on expatriate that reaches farther than almost all of them.

That’s why taxes are theft. Try leaving without paying your fiefdom share of the crop to the “nobles” who expect it in return for all the blessings of government they provide.

Hence the title of Hayek‘s book “Socialism: The Road to Serfdom“.




Income taxes

July 21, 2012
English: Anti-United States Internal Revenue S...

Imagine if your money was yours. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You think the IRS is a legitimate use of government?

The IRS is an agency that was formed predicated on the notion that 100% of your income (yep, yours, WHOEVER you are) belongs to whoever is in power, and that they should decide how much you get to keep.

You might agree with them if they tell you they’re just going to take more from the rich (whether they actually do or not), but you still have to trust them to be “fair”.

But what is fair about me coming to your house with an army of cops (that’s what you’ll get if you resist) and telling you to give me 30% of your money?

What’s fair about me coming to your house and following you around everywhere you work to find out how much money you make to see if you are poor enough to let you keep it?

It’s the most insidious of all taxes.

It is a Marxist time bomb, and that’s why it was part of the Communist Party platform. They don’t want the guy from the black ghetto or the white trash trailer park hustling a living peacefully and honestly without making sure he’s paying his dues and jumping through all the hoops that the biggest corporate operators and mega-tycoons wrote into such a tax.

You can’t say Jesus Christ warned us. A lot of preachers in pulpits get fat on faith-based hush money and a lot more get fat on IRS-approved exemptions for their churches, which are not even taxable until they ask for it… Bought off to hide the truth from themselves…

They’re always preaching about render unto Caesar on taxes, but in America WE THE PEOPLE are the Caesar. And Jesus Christ himself warned us about what the tax collectors are like, the people who decide how much we should pay in taxes. He asked his disciples how much the tax children of the tax collectors and tax assessors pay in taxes. The guys that write the laws are among the worst offenders and carve the loopholes for their children, do they not?

Warren Buffet‘s children now have a billionaire safety net, tax-free, into the future in the trust he set up for them. The Rockefellers have foundations that keep them sitting real pretty in perpetuity and with legally armed guards around them while they disarm the rest of us and make us pay.

I would rather my rich employers had the money to pay me more and to hire more of us than to gut his bank account because some fat cat in Congress out of all those millionaire Dems like Pelosi and millionaire Rockefeller Republicans told me they needed it.


Billionaire tax hike advocates: Shut up and just hire us instead!

July 3, 2012

This shows what’s wrong with believing the polls without thinking between the lines.

Similarly, a mid-April CBS News/New York Times poll found that 56 percent of all voters (and 57 percent of independents) said the “best way to promote economic growth” was to raise taxes on the wealthy and “spend more on education and the nation’s infrastructure.” A CNN/ORC poll conducted around the same time found 68 percent of voters (and 67 percent of independents) agreed “the tax system benefits the rich and is unfair to the ordinary working man or woman.”
These polls are rigidly consistent with every internal Obama campaign poll and the overwhelming reaction of focus groups. With an assurance that may startle hand-wringing Democrats, Team Obama doesn’t believe the campaign has been fully joined and Romney has not been remotely tested on his fidelity to GOP tax orthodoxy. Obama and his top advisers are certain—and they exude airy nonchalance in the face of intra-party vapors to prove it—that Romney is the perfect vessel for their tax-villainy argument

You might think it also shows how inept Republicans are on the tax issue, but credibility and hidden lines in legislation and enforcement have themselves wrapped around it tighter than a professionally gift-wrapped box of goodies.

Most big-name Republicans are thinking that if they blew the whistle on Obama’s weakest points on the subject of taxes and the rich and poor, they would expose themselves.

Major Garrett missed the point in the linked article, I think.

But a lot of pollsters don’t miss it. They could blow the whistle on the scam but that would be biting the hand that feeds them.

Okay, okay, here’s the trick, and the irony, and the sarcasm, and the scam.

If you ask me whether “the tax system benefits the rich and is unfair to the ordinary working man or woman”, you bet that in less than one instant I would agree as fast as I could. I don’t know who could honestly disagree with it, for one reason or the other, except a few who might recognize the use somebody’s going to make of the answer. By that I mean there might be some people who recognize that if they say they agree, it will be viewed as saying they are for “raising taxes on the rich”.

The whole thing is unfair to everybody when government is in the middle, because they are the absolute worst middleman between somebody with money and somebody without it. A lot of Mafia dons do better work with the money they steal from other people, and a lot of that is money they get from people voluntarily, like with the drugs and illegal betting and such things. Taxes are not voluntary.

But it’s worse than all that.

The tax system we have in the USA right now is unfair and benefits the rich because while the middle class has to pay them, many of the very biggest and richest investors do not. Warren Buffet blew the whistle on himself, if fact, but he left out some of the most important factors.

He pays a lower percentage than his secretary for two reasons. He has an army of tax attorneys at beck and call, who it is fair to presume not only know how to squeeze the best for the boss out of the “tax system”, and his companies, but also presumably help write the laws.

And note the lying deceit in Buffet’s demand for more and higher estate taxes from this tycoon. In Nebraska, higher estate taxes would kill off family farms faster than anything, as they already do, along with a tax and regulation system that big agribusiness has little problem with.

When CNBC or FBC want to know how something will affect businesses, they interview the CEO’s of the very biggest companies. But where it counts most is for the small businesses. Sure, some of the tax and borrow revenues in government, all of them in fact almost, hurt business big and small, but not equally.

So, we agree, the present tax system isn’t fair, we need more investment and innovation in areas like laser technology, medicine –especially natural remedies and nutrition-based preventive education, good academic education in general, housing, cold-fusion technology, and the economy in general. But most of us among the poor and middle class do not have the resources for it. So we need to unleash the investment power of those who have it.

To invest, though, they won’t know how much they’ll be able to actually use, unless they reasonably know they will have it. So if they are sitting on it, the fastest way to get them to actually invest it is to let them know you’ll leave them alone.

If they can invest it, they’ll hire the rest of us. Why wouldn’t they? Does that sound so complicated?

It’s not our money anyway, unless it is ours. Tell Buffet that’s all nice and good, but he doesn’t speak for the rest of us. We want hypocrites that preach at us to tax them more along with the other billionaires to SHUT UP AND USE THAT MONEY TO HIRE US AND INVEST.

After all, not all his billionaire peers make so much money from the largesse of politicians and demagogues. The Buffet business style has lost all its shiny glory.

And to tell their lobbyists to get the politicians to get their hands off and leave it alone!

“Thou shalt not steal.” That should have been the Republican Party answer to Buffet’s millionaire tax plan. But they can’t because they believe in the same taxation policy for their own ends.

Except for the ones that don’t. There are a small handful in Congress today that want Washington DC to stop stealing so much from the economy. They deserve attention, and they deserve more like colleagues.

Related articles:


John Roberts: It was NOT a tax, before it WAS a tax, right in the same opinion

June 29, 2012

Tax (Photo credit: 401K 2012)

So in 2010 Obama and Pelosi pushed through the biggest tax increase on the poor in the history of the United States, that hits the pocketbook of the poor at a much bigger percentage than it does the rich, and for the middle class raises the price for all insurance plans across the board.

Did you hear that? This is biggest “non-tax” tax (wink wink) on the poor, and it hits people who earn less than $250,000 MUCH harder than it does the millionaire. In percentage terms, and directly. All taxes hit the poor the hardest and the middle class next but this one is straight to the poor.

That’s why Obama had to tell Stephanopolous emphatically that it was NOT a tax, because it hits hardest on the poor and the middle class.

Gomert, on the House floor the day the Unaffordable Obamacare Act was ruled constitutional by the Court, parsed out some important parts of John Roberts‘ “majority opinion” document.

In the first part of the document, Gomert said, John Roberts makes the strong point that Congress knew what it was doing when it used the word “penalty” for the fine they will impose on everybody that does not buy insurance.

Roberts first agreed with Congress and Obama that it was a “penalty” because if it had been called a “tax”, then by legislation and precedent the Supreme Court cannot decide anything until the first “tax” actually is levied and somebody sues.

Having allowed himself to rule on the “penalty”, and after declaring that Congress knows the difference between a penalty and a tax, and therefore the Court has jurisdiction now, not later over this decision, he then goes on to declare by court fiat that the whole thing is constitutional because, he says, it’s really a tax.

That smells like maybe some under-the-table was done, to me. If Congress had called it a “tax” they would not have been able to rule on it till 2014, after the first of us get hit with that part of it. But in 2010 when they passed it they did not dare call it a tax, for it would not have passed.

Demagogues, and how the Fed and the income tax rob from the poor and middle class

February 27, 2012

High tax rates in the upper income brackets allow politicians to win votes with class-warfare rhetoric, painting their opponents as defenders of the rich. Meanwhile, the same politicians can win donations from the rich by creating tax loopholes that can keep the rich from actually paying those higher tax rates — or perhaps any taxes at all.”

This is why fiat currency is the road to ruin. Even when the Fed does what their publicly stated purpose is to stabilize the dollar and maintain full employment, but they have a whole list now of other functions. Like being clearinghouse for inter-bank loans and balance reconciliation, and other things.

Here’s the difference between fiat and independent currency. If the politicians had to deal with real genuine money, with independent value, they couldn’t get enough to do what they want to do, it would be a lot harder to do it. So it’s easier to “borrow” it from the Fed, which is glad to create an accounting entry in the Treasury for, say a trillion dollars, add the trillion dollars to its “receivables” and start the interest clock, and voila the taxpayer has been had.

Not only is he on hock for future income to repay it (or his children) but assuming the cycle just continues and rolls over into another loan, it’s still more money circulating.

Meantime they had to couple that with the income tax. That way the same politicians can pretend they’re robbing the rich when in fact they’re robbing the poor and middle class. They can also pretend they’re helping the poor with that deficit money (never money they’re putting money in one pocket and taking the value right out of the other one by just “printing” money), while in fact the poor are paying taxes at gas pumps, in their rent, and in the INCOME THEY DO NOT MAKE because the income tax is swallowing up the extra dough in the money supply and circulating it in federal budgets.

And then the tighter regulations on banks to act rationally is acting to shrink up the M3 money supply.

The Fed hasn’t published M3 figures for years, saying it’s too “complicated”, but more likely they know the sheer size would scare Americans into giving the most massive political beating to their politicians in history.

It’s too complicated to calculate the money supply but Washington claims they can manage the economy??