Posts Tagged ‘Jimmy Carter’

What’s so big and new and dangerous about Obama’s regime?

November 2, 2012


Everybody knows I have blown the whistle on our esteemed leaders of BOTH parties and their warmongering ways, and their murders, but there are some really big differences with this regime.

I don’t trust Romney and might not vote for him but with Obama we have a MAJOR slide into the abyss of no return.

(1) On the Kill List, this is the first president that has BRAGGED about it.

(2) This is the first administration that had a Defense Minister (they should be honest and change the name back to War Ministry) that testified –TESTIFIED– to Congress ON THE RECORD– that they don’t need to ask permission from Congress to go to war, BUT they DO need to get permission from the United Nations. From the club of unelected dictators!

(3) This is the first administration that signed a law into effect that supposedly “authorizes” the president to order killings on anybody along with indefinite detention of anybody he personally decides is a threat to national security. Anybody.

(4) This is the president that took over two major industries that heretofore were in the private domain, the automobile industry and the medical industry.

(5) This is the first administration that pushed a law that commands every citizen, like it or not, religious objection or not, to buy a product that 70 percent of the people hate.

(6) This is the first president that DOUBLED the national debt, meaning he has pushed an expansion of national debt more that ALL THE PRESIDENTS OF AMERICAN HISTORY COMBINED.

(7) He has BLATANTLY, in a manner that we call “in your face”, directly disobeyed court orders to open up offshore drilling. Twice.

(8) His administration killed an open and closed case against members of the “New Black Panther Party” in a real-world case of voter suppression, that had won several court decisions.

(9) He refused to defend a high-profile law passed by Congress. It was the one relating to marriage, but who is he to decide what laws to defend or not, outside the veto power. He did not have that power over it.

(10) He multiplied the personal presidential dictatorial clout, bypassing the constitutional legislature vetting process by appointing more czars with near-cabinet level power than any other president in history.

(11) He pushed for power for the Muslim Brotherhood across northern Africa, and put Christian lives in danger, with scores of them them already dead. Jimmy Carter set a precedent for this when he pushed moderate Muzorewa out of the way to let the butcher socialist Mugabe take power, BUT THIS TIME THOUSAND OF BLACKS ARE MURDERED IN LIBYA by the ones Obama pushed into power.

(12) And they have come back to bite him in the rear with Bengazi-gate, in which he exposed his own administration’s push to expose official Americans to danger.

(13) Remember his 2008 promise to build a “civilian security force” that would get just as much funding and as much equipment and clout as the military? In other words, a police state to rival the military? He hasn’t done it yet, but then again he couldn’t make it blatant and formal, presumably because they are waiting for the right time, and they’re not sure they can keep a lid on Americans. Second amendment and all that….

(14) His administration not only pushed guns to one of the most murderous gangs in the world, they were exposed


Carter proves to be not only the worst president in history, but the craziest

September 25, 2012
A Political Map of North Korea

A Political Map of North Korea (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I”m sorry, but in the fine 2000-year-old tradition of calling whited sepulchres and snakes and vipers as they are. Well, maybe he’s the second worst now, we got another contender in 2008.

Carter: Foreign election system ‘best in world’:

The photo is very appropriate to this statement, he has an other-worldly look in his eyes, like he’s not seeing reality.

The US has one of the worst, he says.

He is now worthless. He came back from North Korea saying it wasn’t worth pressing North Korea to treat its citizens with more respect for their rights.

Paper receipts mean nothing if you have about 50% more registered voters than the demographics support, and if the opposition only has one channel that they can sometimes say something on, and if half the influential dissidents are in prison. That’s what is going on in Venezuela where the press is also under all kinds of regulations that control the content. It’s a farce.

John Lennon said Overpopulation is a myth, plus Kennedy, Elvis Presley, Abraham Lincoln

March 26, 2012
Česky: Oficiální portrét amerického prezidenta...

English: Official Portrait of President Ronald Reagan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

John Lennon – Overpopulation is a Myth – YouTube:

I think it’s becoming a pattern, you know. This was a surprise to me. I hadn’t heard it before.

If there’s an assassination or even attempt on a big-name personality, it seems worthwhile to find out what kind of changes in philosophy happened to that person in the days leading up to the killing.


In this one, John Lennon is saying on the Dick Cavett show “I think that’s a kind of myth thrown out to keep your mind off Vietnam and Ireland and all the important subjects”.

And here, at this blog, a Charles Pope writes about what John Lennon said in that interview, and more:

From an interview shortly before his death, going the rounds on the Net now, it looks like he disavowed the sentiments of the lyrics of his earlier atheistic and socialistic song, “Imagine“:

In his definitive song, “Imagine”….[Lennon] famously dreams of a world with “no possessions.” The mature Lennon explicitly disavowed such naïve sentiments: I worked for money and I wanted to be rich….What I used to be is guilty about money. … Because I thought money was equated with sin. I don’t know. I think I got over it, because I either have to put up or shut up, you know. If I’m going to be a monk with nothing, do it. Otherwise, if I am going to try and make money, make it. Money itself isn’t the root of all evil.

The man who famously called for imagining a world with “No religion” also jettisoned his anti-theism. “People got the image I was anti-Christ or anti-religion,” he said. “I’m not at all. I’m a most religious fellow. I’m religious in the sense of admitting there is more to it than meets the eye. I’m certainly not an atheist.”

Even more shocking to the idea of Lennon as a secular leftist, or a deep thinker, the man rejected evolution. “Nor do I think we came from monkeys, by the way,” he insisted. “That’s another piece of garbage. What the hell’s it based on? We couldn’t’ve come from anything—fish, maybe, but not monkeys. I don’t believe in the evolution of fish to monkeys to men. Why aren’t monkeys changing into men now? It’s absolute garbage.”

……His final interviews make clear he was above all concerned with his family. “I’m not here for you,”he said, speaking to his fans. “I’m here for me and [Yoko] and the baby.” He revered the institution of marriage, explaining how much it meant to get the state approving his union with Ono. “[R]ituals are important, no matter what we thought as kids. … So nowadays it’s hip not to be married. But I’m not interested in being hip.” [<a

Now that’s a different Lennon from the popular idea of him most of us have held up to now. In that interview, he disavows the socialist “imagine no possessions”, calls evolution “absolute garbage”, and talked up how much it meant to him to be officially married with Ono, and how his family came first before his fans or other things.

Not finished yet! Next we find reasons to think maybe “Lennon was a closet Republican” who supported Reagan. From the Toronto Sun:

Fred Seaman worked alongside the music legend from 1979 to Lennon’s death at the end of 1980 and he reveals the former Beatle was a Ronald Reagan fan who enjoyed arguing with left-wing radicals who reminded him of his former self.

In new documentary Beatles Stories, Seaman tells filmmaker Seth Swirsky Lennon wasn’t the peace-loving militant fans thought he was while he was his assistant.

He says, “John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter.

“He’d met Reagan back, I think, in the 70s at some sporting event… Reagan was the guy who had ordered the National Guard, I believe, to go after the young (peace) demonstrators in Berkeley, so I think that John maybe forgot about that… He did express support for Reagan, which shocked me.

“I also saw John embark in some really brutal arguments with my uncle, who’s an old-time communist… He enjoyed really provoking my uncle… Maybe he was being provocative… but it was pretty obvious to me he had moved away from his earlier radicalism.

“He was a very different person back in 1979 and 80 than he’d been when he wrote Imagine. By 1979 he looked back on that guy and was embarrassed by that guy’s naivete.”

Fred Seaman worked alongside the music legend from 1979 to Lennon’s death at the end of 1980 and he reveals the former Beatle was a Ronald Reagan fan who enjoyed arguing with left-wing radicals who reminded him of his former self.

In new documentary Beatles Stories, Seaman tells filmmaker Seth Swirsky Lennon wasn’t the peace-loving militant fans thought he was while he was his assistant.

He says, “John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter.

“He’d met Reagan back, I think, in the 70s at some sporting event… Reagan was the guy who had ordered the National Guard, I believe, to go after the young (peace) demonstrators in Berkeley, so I think that John maybe forgot about that… He did express support for Reagan, which shocked me.

“I also saw John embark in some really brutal arguments with my uncle, who’s an old-time communist… He enjoyed really provoking my uncle… Maybe he was being provocative… but it was pretty obvious to me he had moved away from his earlier radicalism.

“He was a very different person back in 1979 and 80 than he’d been when he wrote Imagine. By 1979 he looked back on that guy and was embarrassed by that guy’s naivete.”

That’s John Lennon.


Rick Stanley says that his half-brother Elvis Presley told him about Bible-believing Christians:
‘Ricky, those are the people who care.’ Then eight hours later, he passed away.”

After his brother’s death, Stanley filled with anger – anger at the God he had almost accepted and angry at everyone else. When Moye approached her friend at Elvis’ funeral, Stanley told her he didn’t want to hear another word about God, that he was mad at him.

“She didn’t even bat an eye,” Stanley said. “She said he can handle it.”
Read more: Thomasville Times – Local church to welcome minister Elvis’ brother

According to this next blog, his brother says Elvis Presley “recommitted his life to Christ” shortly before he died. One of his brothers said when they found him, there were two books open in front of him: The Bible, and a book about the scientific evidence for the Shroud of Turin.

Elvis had another step-brother, Rick Stanley, who today is a Baptist Evangelist that has spoken in over 4,000 churches. Rick Stanley has written a book, Caught in the Trap where he highlights many of the spiritual events and struggles in Elvis’ life. Stanley recalls when Elvis was in Las Vegas, he asked Evangelist Rex Humbard and his wife to be backstage with him. Elvis dedicated “How Great Thou Art” to Humbard that night. It was then that Elvis knelt down to pray with Humbard and recommitted his life to Christ. Elvis was talking about Jesus being the Truth the night before he died. It was Rex Humbard that conducted Elvis’ funeral.

What’s amazing is that these testimonies about Elvis are so ignored.


Billy Graham wrote in his autobiography about a prayer breakfast at the White House a few short days before John F. Kennedy’s trip to Dallas.

In it, he relates how Kennedy walked him to his car, and seemed troubled and pleaded with him to stay and talk for awhile.

Some people who have left one of Secret Societies that JFK had been one of their members and was killed because he had become a Christian.

That would be one of the reasons that he had issued an executive order(s) to issue US Treasury Notes, begin circulating silver certificate dollars, and so start a process freeing the nation from the false balance of fiat currency and from the Federal Reserve monetary system.

The movie made by Oliver Stone about JFK left out some very important details. Like Kennedy’s orders changing the currency.


Abraham Lincoln was known as an agnostic in most of his adulthood.

But when his son Todd died, he was devastated, but saw hope to see him again when a minister and friend spoke to him about heaven. He reported this conversation later.

At the time he was shot in the Ford Theater, he had already promised to give his conversion testimony at the next Sunday service, and he was telling his wife excitedly that they would visit the Holy Land during the next year when the shot rang out.