Posts Tagged ‘trojan horse’

The Natural Family and “77 Non-Religious Reasons”

April 6, 2013

Do Cochran’s blog inspired a reaction:

His blog was a reaction to the Ruth Institute’s list of “77 Non-religious Reasons to Support Man/Woman Marriage”:

One of the loudest advocates of same-sex marriage claims discrimination based on, so he says, 10,000 specific benefits that man-woman marriages get. Usually unspoken is the fact that those are *government-granted* “benefits. Why should *any* of us think government should give us permission to get married or to warp the land of marriage culture with it?

Marriage was always considered, including in pagan societies throughout history, as part of a natural family.

Same-sex marriage advocates always come back with this bogus “what is a family” anymore, and point at “non-traditional” families like mixed marriages (step-children all around, all that) as if the Ozzie and Harriet “ideal” is dead. That was even a Hillary Clinton reference circa 1992! But it’s not dead, she and other opponents of the NATURAL FAMILY, they just want to kill it.

Remind them that the supposedly new “non-traditional” families that *seem* successful are the ones that best emulate the *natural* family. Their own studies even show that the best adjusted kids are those that grew up in natural families, with a father and a mother. The worst thing that happened to especially the poor in America (not just black families) was the breakup of so many families.

It was in the Karl MarxCommunist Manifesto” after all. The main purpose behind this same-sex marriage noise is to push the idea that the children of any natural marriage belong to the state. The Powers That Be that have pushed almost the entire platform of the Communist Manifesto down our throats little by little and largely unnoticed, they HATE the natural family because it interferes with their indoctrination of the little ones.

Hillary Clinton once wrote a paper in college that denounced marriage as slavery. Some sharp reporter ought to ask her if she still believes that. (She’ll have to “kind of” renounce it, wink wink). I was a Communist youth myself, but facts, logic, truth have dragged me to where I am now. Marxists might call it slavery on a bad day, but they see no slavery in the fact that we are *forced* to labor for whoever commands the government du jour, for more than a third of our year, for them to decide who gets to have what.

So they are using the fact that Christians and others accepted the state taking over control of marriage as quite the Trojan Horse to try a Newspeak Dictionary tactic of making people forget the purpose of natural marriage, which has always been rearing children with the natural protection of the natural nuclear family of man, woman, and offspring.

Getting government back out of the business of controlling our lives by controlling marriage, and other collectivist ideas, is not an easy path, since state recognition has become in our minds apparently the definition of “legitimacy”.

Where Christian leaders have erred greatly was in using, or accepting, government license (control) over our lives in the first place. Mandating alcohol abstinence did not work at all, and other enforcement by the force of the gun of the law of religious doctrines will not work, other than for the protection of natural rights, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and yes, property (Thou shalt not steal).

Irish to banker crony government: No to more taxes! Stop wasting our money on deadbeat millionaires!

April 4, 2012

There go the Irish again! This kind of civil disobedience blowback needs more cross-border attention! The problem has been apathy in times of prosperity and relative comfort,  and re-electing corrupt representatives who go along to get along and to get more, and the suppression of the kinds of news we should be getting about them. With all the scandals that local press likes to cover, and national ones, you’d think they’d love to tell the readers and viewers what juicy banquet of pastries their Congressmen gave away to lobbyists bearing Trojan horse gifts.


The Bill of Rights has no catch-all “exception” clause: That’s why it’s “obsolete” for new governments

February 11, 2012
English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of...

Image via Wikipedia

More vindication for my protest against criticisms of the United States Constitution.

Be very skeptical of calls for some new constitution for America, a Trojan horse lies in wait therein. The powers that be have already shown in Iowa that they don’t mind rigging the results of caucus voting, and in Nevada it seems like it happened again, where Ron Paul was surging in the results and all of a sudden they stopped counting and CNN and the rest cut off reporting and they didn’t come back to reporting on it until the next day when the Party bosses’ favorite “won”.

Here is the key to what is wrong with all these “modern” constitutions. A puzzle for you puzzle-loving types: Where is the devil hidden in these details?


(The revisions guarantee equal rights for women and disabled people, allow affirmative action and require that those arrested be informed of their rights, among other things, but as Liptak notes, the Charter is also less absolute: Such rights are balanced against “such reasonable limits” as “can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.”)

Okay, I’ll clip out the bad part:

Such rights are balanced against “such reasonable limits” as “can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.”

Who decides what is “demonstrably justified”? That’s a loophole, and it’s big enough to drive a caravan of Mac tractor-trailers through, three abreast! That’s exactly what the Chinese premier quoted at Bill Clinton from the United Nations Declaration of Rights: “Except where prohibited by law”, or some other everything-goes legal escape clause.

Chavez got one of those clauses too, they included some UN stuff in Venezuela’s Chavista constitution.

Call it a “get out of respecting rights” clause. The rulers already have told us the Patriot Act is “constitutional”, even without such a diabolical catch. Gitmo, torture, targeting citizens on presidential whim, self-written warrants, search and seizure, government takings for private use, anything goes when they can make up some excuse as to why something might be “demonstrably justified” as protecting the “free and democratic society”, whatever they define that as.