Posts Tagged ‘Susan Rice’

Hoosier judge: Why do they hate Americans. Really?

May 11, 2013
DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 27JAN10 - George Soros, Cha...

DAVOS, 27JAN2010 – George Soros, Chair, Soros Fund Mgt, USA, at the Annual Meeting 2010 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, 1/27/2010 (Wikipedia)

The author talks like America’s actions in foreign countries today are the same as Americans, and that nobody in the world has any legitimate reason to oppose the American government’s policies.

Who was begging Obama to bomb and invade Libya with surrogate “rebels” recruited from the CIA-created Al Qaeda and guided by special forces on the ground? and overthrow Gaddafi? Almost nobody..

A lot of conservatives agreed with me during the misnomered “Arab Spring” that the cheering for it was misguided, be careful what you wish for, all that. And now, instead of Gaddafi, who gave away his nuclear program and officially confessed his past support for terrorism and renounced it before the entire world –THE SOLE AND ONLY MUSLIM LEADER IN THE ENTIRE WORLD WHO HAS EVER DONE SO– is now gone, and replaced with one of the worst situations in the entire Middle East.

And now the NEW Libyan leader has EVERY reason in the world to HATE America for putting up with Susan Rice and the ANTI-AMERICANS IN THE WHITE HOUSE and in the State Department. They called him a liar and humiliated him before the world, and more importantly, before the Arab lands.

I know who DID demand Obama bomb and invade Libya and any other country in the world that he thinks doesn’t treat its people right, according to HIM, and that’s George Soros. He calls it the “duty to intervene”. This is one of the most blatant philosophies, pushed by very rich and powerful people with oversized political clout, pushing for wars of aggression everywhere and anywhere in the world.

Hondurans still love America, but not because they don’t have reason. American may have elected the guy in the White House who insulted them and lectured them on their own Constitution and why they should put the murderous dictator back in power, the piti-Chavez from the murderous family, whose name is notorious for the Los Horcones massacre of nuns and priests on his family’s property. Which he denies to this day.

Michael Scheuer, Number One OBL-hunter despite Hollywood’s revisionist movie on the story, answer the question of what makes them terrorists by saying “Because they don’t like the US bombing and invading their country”.

I told the leftist groupies in 2008 that Obama would continue the wars and add to them, he would make the Patriot Act worse than it was and pile on to it, and of course he did.

Warfare is cover for both parties to keep up the stealing and borrowing to finance both the welfare and the warfare state. Reality check.

IBD: Scapegoating Clapper only keeps Benghazi-gate going

November 21, 2012
"Dr. Coburn and Senator Obama look over t...

Coverup meets exposure: “Dr. Coburn and Senator Obama look over the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Elsewhere in the news, Benghazi-gate is not going away, as the story at Investors’ Business Daily points out:

Some Republicans may play along with their normal week squeaky protests against abuses of power in the White House, some will not.

They got a scapegoat but the White House still went for duck and cover behind the skirts of the United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, who is now caught with her hands in the cookie jar, but she was taking cookies for her boss! She was no doubt hoping for a good helping of promotion.

They let her go out there and blame free speech for the seven-hour full pitched battle in Benghazi –that they watched in real-time in the White House– in which there were so many attackers that the very capable American soldiers were not able to last longer than that.

What demonstration lasts seven hours with bullets and rockets and mortar fire flying all over the place?

How much is too much? When is enough, enough already!

With the re-appointment of Obama by powers unseen, and the help of Propaganda Media, they got him past the election and avoided very much scrutiny over the different places where election fraud apparently occurred. But it is a sign of the times that things have gotten so bad in America that people are able to see this as a credible election outcome.

But the coverups in the government-media complex expose an ugly underbelly here, and the way this re-election operation was executed shows a bit of hubris, in that they now know they have a major portion of the demographic, if not the majority, that they can count on to turn their thinking on a dime without really thinking [oxymoron intended] in true Big Brother fashion.

Those who can see –because they have their eyes open– have an obligation to spread the truth and repeat the truth because truth is the best antidote to a lie. You don’t need tricks and lies and coverups if you’re telling the truth. Those who don’t want the truth are like the guy who said, “Stop it! Don’t confuse me with the facts!”

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:10

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. – 2 Timothy 3:13

IT’s time for those who can prepare materially for what is inevitably coming to do so, and those who cannot to make sure they are prepared mentally, psychologically, with the knowledge of what is happening, and most importantly, spiritually.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. – Hosea 4:6

And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, [many] days. — Daniel 11:33

But even of the Antichrist, remember:

And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. – Daniel 11:45

Watch out for 666, avoid the embedded chip…