Archive for February, 2013

Registering for confiscation : News : SunNews Video Gallery

February 10, 2013…n/2081848359001

When they say registration will never lead to confiscation, roll your eyes and roll them toward Canada.

They gave you thirty days to turn in your registered firearms. One control freak on one “leftist” web site is even laying out a plan for the government to do it. Whenever a “leftist” or “leftoid” complains about guns in the hands of just anybody, think back to when they clamored to protect all the civil rights of those same guys. Whenever the second amendment debate pops up in your view, ask yourself about the ACLU, that claims to defend constitutional rights in matters of press, assembly, search and seizure, all that. Against the government. These are individual rights of the people, they say, and when it comes to all of those that I jsut listed, they are right. They claim that they don’t go after individuals who censor their own publications because governments are the most dangerous and wield the most power and it’s for that reason. Up to there, they are right.

So if the ACLU has been on the right side of many of these constitutional rights, suing on behalf of individuals, then on the occasion of the gun debates, ask yourself why they are they against the Constitution in that case.

I ask that because I saw on their own web site their own explanations for why they don’t consider it important. It says the Second Amendment is to protect the government’s own right to form armies. SAY WHAT?!?!! Yes, you heard right. The Founders fought for the right of the “PEOPLE [my emphasis] to bear arms” because it was important to make sure that the GOVERNMENT could form armies.

In Canada it already happened. Now in Canada they have arrested a guy for defending his family and home against a guy who was trying to firebomb the house with them in it, caught on video.

In Canada they are moving to confiscate not only the firearms but also the house and car and property of a former gunsmith who fought the confiscation based on constitutionality.

So if all those other historical examples from Jews and Gypsies and Biblically-minded Christians in Germany, Armenians in Turkey, Ukrainians and Christians in Russia, educated Cambodians in Cambodia, then look north to your neighbors.

Judge Napolitano: DOJ Memo Claims Govt Can Kill US Citizens “Nowhere Justifiable Under Constitution” | Peace . Gold . Liberty

February 8, 2013!+Mail

Recently a judge told news organizations to go pound sand, because Obama’s DOJ told them the reasons for their policy of killing anybody they considered a threat had to be kept a secret. But she expressed heavy misgivings about her decision, saying she had no choice. (Why did she say that anyway?)

So after the federal government showed us all that they don’t have to tell us a single thing about anything it doesn’t want to, it went ahead and leaked to news organizations the legal documents with the summary of their legal reasoning.

Janet Napolitano earlier issued a memo to law enforcement centers saying that pro-lifers, constitutionalitsts, veterans, Ron Paul supporters, were all dangerous.

We all learned addition early in life, but it doesn’t take all that much to add this up…

Found on libertycrier: Supermarkets Cry Foul As FDA Proposes New Food Labeling Rule Under ObamaCare – Liberty Crier

February 8, 2013

If the Food and Drug Administration gets its way, your trip to the grocery store could get a tad pricier.

Supermarket owners argue a pending federal food-labeling rule that stems from the new health care law would overburden thousands of grocers and convenience store owners — to the tune of $1 billion in the first year alone.

Store owner Tom Heinen said the industry’s profit margins already are razor thin. “When you incur a significant cost, there is no way that that doesn’t get passed on to the customer in some form,” he said.

The rule stems from an ObamaCare mandate that restaurants provide nutrition information on menus. Most in the restaurant industry were supportive of the idea, but when the FDA decided to extend the provision to also affect thousands of supermarkets and convenience stores, the backlash was swift.

Oak Harbor, WA Gun Ban Repealed! City Council Meeting Turns Into Massive Pro-Gun Rally – Liberty Crier

February 8, 2013

One of the reporters called these regular everyday citizens by a special name. “Gun lobby”?! What a dork! They keep talking about the NRA lobby. Hah. The real lobby is citizens. Congressmen and gun owners are not fooled by this misdirection. That talk is meant for the gullible who buy into nanny state myths.

The last piece couples the Oak Hill gun ban repeal story with a guy in trouble for “illegal guns”. A psych trick of course.

And Jon Rappoport’s article blows the whistle on why schools across the country are cracking down very hard on little children with toy guns. A five-year old was “dispended” in one mind-blowing crazy thing. The kid said “I don’t know why I was dispended”. That was his word.

Daily Kos: How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process

February 4, 2013

Some guy who identified himself as “Sporks” wrote a long article for the plutocrat organ “daily kos” on how their masters in Washington, D.C. can confiscate all the guns in the country step by step and by sneaking it up on the victims. And the victims are the bad guys.

Major disconnect there though. This is the web site that thinks it is a major violation of human rights to prevent the Palestinians from arming themselves to defend against Israel. The United States government considers itself an ally of Israel and in fact, in the real world, does support them with material and intelligence. Yet this “Sporks” and the editors at daillykos trust them to disarm Americans and leave them defenseless.

Well. Oh yeah. This is the administration that supported dictator Zelaya and helped Hugo Chavez push the dictator back into power in Honduras.

Remember when they went all crazy over the Patriot Act and all the drones over there and the war machine? So where are they now?

The regime has made all that stuff bigger. Self-written warrants (no judges or justification necessary), even searches without warrants, complete electronic interception, indefinite detention codified into the law of the land (no more beating around the bush), extraordinary rendition, drones sent on secret evidence at whim at citizens and anybody else, without judges, trial or anything else.

C’mon folks. Get aware, stay aware. Get thinking. Form a pattern of skepticism. Like Einstein said, Question everything.

Presenting: A debunk of the mother of all “conspiracy theories”

February 3, 2013
English: Isaac Newton Dansk: Sir Isaac Newton ...

English: Isaac Newton Dansk: Sir Isaac Newton (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Allow me to debunk the mother of all “conspiracy theories” that says the disciples of Jesus Christ master-minded a hoax for the centuries to beat all hoaxes of all time.

One thing is that often “skeptics” make the same mistake that believing Christians often make. Many of them don’t bother with evidence, despite that fact that the very New Testament tells them to learn the evidence.

Simon Greanleaf, once known as the father of the rules of evidence, was the Dean of the Harvard Law School, one day declared he didn’t believe in the silly Resurrection story. A student challenged him to apply his own rule of checking the evidence before declaring confidence in something. He did and the result was “The Testimony of the Evangelists“, the subtitle declaring his newfound faith.

In Acts Paul shared the evidence in every testimony of his faith to rulers and kings, and eventually the Emperor. The New Testament has him debunking the accusation of fable, pointing out the fact of 500 witnesses. The gospels are a record of Thomas’ own testimony as to the evidence, and more blessed are those who must check the evidence of historical fact and logic, not just a thrust through the side.

Roman guards that fell asleep on the job or would allow the disciples to steal the body would be executed on the spot. How can the disciples steal the body right under their nose? Those Roman soldiers went to the priests instead of their commander for that very reason, and that’s why the priests took on the task of dealing with their commanders. That’s evidence that the HIGH PRIESTS KNEW he had risen from the dead too. Their cover story went into the Talmud, by the way, Jesus’ enemies confirm his miracles in the Talmud, claiming they were witchcraft of Beelzebub, like the Bible says.

The description of Jesus’ medical symptoms after the beatings, the sword thrust in the side, the blood and water, etc, confirmed by medical doctors today as accurately describing what the reaction would be to what he went through, including the death while still on the cross.a

The first witnesses to the resurrection were women, something culturally counter-intuitive at the time. Any hoax or made-up fable, even one that “evolved”, would have had men being the first ones to bear the news, not women.


God says this:

“Prove me now herewith”

“Concerning the works of my hands, command thou me”.

He commands believers to “have an answer” for those who question our faith. That means we must learn the facts that validate the faith.

The faith of Hebrews 11 describes a “fact-based” faith. We have learned so much to count on God’s Word to be true, that it surpasses everything else. So much evidence piles up. A spontaneous universe with dozens of precisely calibrated universal constants, and that cultivates spontaneous bio-generation of life, with its enormously programmed digital coded language and interpretation machinery, and saying nobody designed it, now THAT is truly BLIND faith.


Isaac Newton said it’s not for that time. Paul wrote 2Thessalonians 2 to DEBUNK the any-minute hysteria. For THEN. He said wait, the Antichrist comes first. (Contrary to the mythical Left Behind series fiction)

For two thousand years, Bible scholars said it “the End” would not happen until israel was reestablished as a nation. That’s only one reason so many evangelicals get their theology all screwed up and think God wants them to support the political and secular nation of Israel so much. Christian Zionists are as confused as some of the Jews.

Video: Angry New Yorkers Chewing Out Cops Over New Gun Law – Liberty Crier

February 3, 2013

Busted! -> State dept document-> “Freedom from War”

February 3, 2013

The link is to a 1961 document that has the “outline program for achieving general and complete disarmament”:

It refers to a United Nations based “International Disarmament Organization” such that:

The powers and responsibilities of the IDO shall be progressively enlarged in order to give it the capabilities to verify the measures undertaken in Stage II.

The United Nations has a history of embracing tyranny in its ranks while pretending to fight for the rights of the oppressed. Its administrations have pushed onto us treaties of its subject nation members that promote the very largest international corporate cartels at the expense of the smallest budding enterprises. The World Trade Organization is a part of the United Nations that purportedly supports “free trade” agreements, but those “free trade” agreements make no distinction between state-run manufacturing as in China from private concerns large or small elsewhere.

So we have, in the real world of 2013, arms control regimens run by a UN agency populated equally by tyrants and would-by tyrants, all of them telling the people of the world they just want to make the world a safer place for us and end war. Yeah, right. The rulers want to disarm the subjects. Haven’t we seen this movie before?

The world will have about a thousand years free of war, but the coming world government as predicted in Daniel and Revelation and in the Psalms will mean constant war on the populace and among the nations. Not until Jesus Christ returns will men beat their swords into plowshares.

But even after the thousand years men will follow their own corruptions again and arm themselves and surround the saints in Jerusalem. Then, after God himself cleanses the earth and the atmosphere, there will be a real heaven on earth and men shall “learn war no more”.

I got the link to this paper after noticing a mention on a “debunking’ web forum, in a response to somebody who scoffed at the idea that guns might be used to defend against a tyranny.

THE CONTEXT OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT is the Bill of Rights as a whole. Every one of the other pars of the Bill of Rights clearly, visibly, explicitly, and without equivocation, are written acknowledgements of an INDIVIDUAL person’s natural rights.

Therefore, those who would say it only establishes the right of the federal government to have state militias at its disposal have to suspend reason for the assertion.

qv: Liars, Gun Control and Money in a Culture of Violence

February 3, 2013
Russia Protest

Russia Protest (Photo credit: FreedomHouse)


Liars, Gun Control and Money in a Culture of Violence — Society’s Child —


There was a lot of thought and research and hard work that went into the article at the above link. The author examined a LOT of history, a LOT of facts, a lot of logical implications from the facts, and does not pretend that the manipulators of the gun-control arguments are being intellectually honest with us, even if some of them are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.


“What difference does it make?” asked Hillary Clinton when she was called out for blaming the Benghazi attacks on the video almost nobody has ever seen.The difference is that getting to the bottom of that very false spin would expose her future presidency to proper accusations of criminal negligence at best, and directly causing the deaths of the openly ambassador and others.


And the other difference that it makes is that it would expose their operation for sending jihadists to Syria, abundantly supplied by American largesse. It would lead Americans to ask why.


….And by the way, are the makers of that video still under arrest for making that video (under other pretense)?


Irony of ironies, the operation in Benghazi related to getting control over the arms and sending jihadists to Syria with them under American and NATO sponsorship.


That is the obvious takeaway from all the reports coming out of the area. It is public knowledge, everybody knows, that there are all kinds of jihadists among the “rebels” trying to overthrow the Syrian government. It is turning into Cold War surrogacy again, with Russia continuing to supply arms and armaments to Syria’s government and its president Assad while making statements that merely pretend a posture that says “aloof”, or “indifferent”, but complaining about the West anyway.  This one, by the way, comes after an intervention on behalf of the Russian zones of the Republic of Georgia, another recent Cold War-type confrontation.


One night there were guests on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News were Ossetians who had escaped the fighting and come back to America. The program probably thought they had an interesting story, but the interview ended when the mother and young daughter mentioned that they wanted to make clear that the bad guys who attacked first was the Georgian government. O’Reilly was obviously (to me anyway) flummoxed. I like it when I see these major spin zones turned on their heads.


And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. _ Isaiah 2:4




Frasier Institute “freedom index”, the USA and New Zealand, and the Second Amendment

February 3, 2013

I stumbled into a discussion on a web page. It seems like the owners of this web site are only interested in debunking any idea that goes against the official government narratives, or the official government fashion of the day.

For example, they instead of debunking the crazy idea that a command to the people to disarm would make criminals disarm themselves, or stop murders and violence, they debunk the logic of self-defense. They say your right to defend yourself is stronger if you disarm yourself.

[QUOTE=plane852;25139]I will add that despite a lack of right to “bear arms,” New Zealand was ranked the freest country in the world – 5 ranks above the United States.

From the Frasier Institute, the report that annoyed a good chunk of the American public:

Glancing at the Frazier Institute link, they apparently do have a good philosophical basis for their measure, although quantification of freedom seems to me a difficult thing to define. They have the starting point right, in that their “Overview” on how they measure it says it’s a “negative” definition of freedom, meaning, how much are you free of restraints on what you want to do.

That said, it is important to realize that the importance of the Second Amendment in the United States Constitution is not measurable. It is often said, including by both signers of the Declaration of Independence and by members of the Constitutional Convention and “founders” in general, in one way or another, that the Second Amendment is the guarantor of the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

The source of our rights, the razor d’être, the reason we have them, is not because a Constitution or amendment or law grants them, because they do not have the legitimate power to do so. There is no moral justification for allowing a government to be the final decision-maker on what rights you have or do not have. If you say the government by law or by representation or monarchy or “democratic” referendum is the final say on how much freedom of speech to allow you, or how much freedom to defend yourself from tyranny you are allowed, then all of your freedoms are exposed to violation.

An absolute monarch that lets his subjects rampant in your criticism of him as a matter of policy means that yes, you have that freedom, but by allowing that monarch to be an absolute monarch, you are exposing yourself to arbitrary loss of ALL such policies in the future.

To the extent New Zealand is exposed by restricting self-defense, its citizens are exposed to the changing winds of political weather. To the extent they depend on Australia’s benevolent friendship with them, they are exposed to the political winds of fortune outside their country.

My wife once stopped a kidnapper in his tracks who had started walking off with her son by pulling out her “concealed carry”, before we met. It might be a more respectful culture in New Zealand right now, but were individuals of the Maori people always respected? Their descendants would have very good reason to suspect any such false sense of security.

But the biggest danger is one that has inflicted Americans already. It is that content and gullible mentality that lets a people’s guard down, that “It can’t happen here” danger. Wherever “here” is.

The Jews of Germany –and Gypsies, and the handicapped, and genuine liberty-minded Christians– had plenty of reason to arm themselves against their own tyrannical government, but the government gave no overt signals of what was in the future. “It can’t happen here”, they said.

The Armenians had plenty of reason to defend themselves against the Turkish government.

The Ukrainians and all Russian subjects have every reason to suspect their government.

In the United States, lots of political and especially economic freedom is violated already, but the main reason that a Nazi-type regime or a Stalin-type regime is not a reasonable prospect right now is the fact that there are at least tens of millions of citizens that are decently well-armed and who are not in lock-step at any given time with their government.

All of the freedoms that a New Zealand-er has is worthless if he is attacked at a time he cannot defend himself. My wife had her means of self-defense. Te right to defend yourself against attack is the same as the right to defend your family, and that is the also the right to the tools necessary to defend your family.

My wife had every good reason to carry it. The more dangerous your town, your province, your country, your WORLD, the more need there is for people to have access to the products that are useful for doing so, against anything that might come at them.

New Zealand, for all its geographical advantages, is not immune. The Irish survived the Vandals ravaging the continent while St. Patrick’s followers saved many of the Roman and Greek classics, but a Papal army subjugated them again centuries later. China is not all that much across the water, and WW2 shows us that a country of that size is not incapable of invading an island nation even halfway around the world.

And by the way, many of us Americans are finding out –not just criminals– that any given individual in the police force or prosecutor’s office is not always such a great protector, either. The increasing disrespect for all rights in courts, law, foreign policy, search and seizure, Hollywood movies, these have had their parts in affecting the minds of many in law enforcement.