qv: Liars, Gun Control and Money in a Culture of Violence

Russia Protest

Russia Protest (Photo credit: FreedomHouse)


Liars, Gun Control and Money in a Culture of Violence — Society’s Child — Sott.net:


There was a lot of thought and research and hard work that went into the article at the above link. The author examined a LOT of history, a LOT of facts, a lot of logical implications from the facts, and does not pretend that the manipulators of the gun-control arguments are being intellectually honest with us, even if some of them are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.


“What difference does it make?” asked Hillary Clinton when she was called out for blaming the Benghazi attacks on the video almost nobody has ever seen.The difference is that getting to the bottom of that very false spin would expose her future presidency to proper accusations of criminal negligence at best, and directly causing the deaths of the openly ambassador and others.


And the other difference that it makes is that it would expose their operation for sending jihadists to Syria, abundantly supplied by American largesse. It would lead Americans to ask why.


….And by the way, are the makers of that video still under arrest for making that video (under other pretense)?


Irony of ironies, the operation in Benghazi related to getting control over the arms and sending jihadists to Syria with them under American and NATO sponsorship.


That is the obvious takeaway from all the reports coming out of the area. It is public knowledge, everybody knows, that there are all kinds of jihadists among the “rebels” trying to overthrow the Syrian government. It is turning into Cold War surrogacy again, with Russia continuing to supply arms and armaments to Syria’s government and its president Assad while making statements that merely pretend a posture that says “aloof”, or “indifferent”, but complaining about the West anyway.  This one, by the way, comes after an intervention on behalf of the Russian zones of the Republic of Georgia, another recent Cold War-type confrontation.


One night there were guests on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News were Ossetians who had escaped the fighting and come back to America. The program probably thought they had an interesting story, but the interview ended when the mother and young daughter mentioned that they wanted to make clear that the bad guys who attacked first was the Georgian government. O’Reilly was obviously (to me anyway) flummoxed. I like it when I see these major spin zones turned on their heads.


And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. _ Isaiah 2:4




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