Posts Tagged ‘Peggy Noonan’

Massachusetts Governor Slams People Who Want to Keep Their Insurance Plans | Free Enterprise

December 8, 2013

So now, the Democrats are the ones who are complaining about “free-loaders”? What a change of heart! So all you other guys, you can now stop calling them “bleeding-heart”! Call them stone-cold hearted!

First a few links that provide some reality perspective on the latest noise.

For example, Peggy Noonan points out that the attention is now starting to turn away from the obvious incompetence of government shown in the non-performance of the Obamacare web site, bad as it is, and is turning toward the actual Unaffordable Sick Care Act itself. (aka Obamacare). People are beginning to understand this reality, which I set apart for emphasis:

Obamacare is going to make a lot of people literally a lot more sick than they were.

Why? Because we are the subjects of this new kingdom where the monarch class (legislators, executives, and certain privileged parties) lives by its own privileged rules and gives us serfs a different set of rules.

Here’s another couple of truths most of us are aware of, and talk around it a lot, but here it is, telling it like it is:

Almost all congresspeople today do NOT believe in “equal treatment under the law”, because their actions speak louder than their words.

Most United States presidents in our lifetimes (I personally would say all of them) do NOT believe in “equal treatment under the law”, because their actions speak louder than their words.

Most United States Supreme Court judges (and most federal judges) in our lifetimes (I would say all of them) do NOT believe in “equal treatment under the law”, because their actions speak louder than their words.

See “Breaking: Harry Reid Exempts His Staff From Obamacare:


(And it isn’t even satire!)

Even the ones that loved Obama and rallied around the Obamacare flag, (well, almost none of us) really bothered to read the bill but just believed the promises, or the detractors, depending on which team in the perennial political popularity contest you preferred. (Never mind it did not even get the five days review time on a publicly available web site like Obama promised all legislation would get before it was passed or signed.)

But now it’s past the time to read the bill, and though some few hardy souls did read the bill early on, and even fewer hardy and brainier souls understood the bill, now the rubber hits the road and we see its damage up front and close.

Everybody is talking about it. Even the diehard reality-defying defenders of the bill admit the most acerbic and bitter criticisms.

They admit that the language of the promises was designed to deceive. The biggest and fastest lie was uncovered after getting past the attempt of a few mavericks and “young Turks” in Congress to signal their attempt to prevent the damage to the little guy from this “train wreck”.

The lie: “If you like it you can keep it”, the “it” being your insurance plan, your doctor, fill in the blanks. Never mind nobody who thought logically (who does?) should have believed it, because the other parts of the sales pitch made keeping that one impossible, like the detractors said.

In other words, without knowing it, right now, all kinds of media personalities that helped sell this, and are now shocked at the bills coming in from the Progressive Piper, well, in their own way, they are saying that the most “outrageous” voices against passage of Obamacare, were right.

Oh yeah.


Even the stalwart defenders are going down with the Fort like it was Alamo, convinced that their Great Leader is always right, just like in the Orwell novel, no matter what he says.


Oh, that’s okay, they say, that Obama lied so he could “Shanghai” us into his plans for central control dictates. And it’s better for you. (Later for that.) Even when they try to say it’s the insurance companies’ fault you had substandard plans or that you didn’t understand that her really meant the “grandfathered” plans you had before the passage of the bill.

Never mind he had to know that anybody listening in good faith (the listener not the propagandist) would take that to include the tweaks that come with all plans, or would take it as a stand-alone statement.

Sorry, the “mental reservation” excuse does not apply. Here’s a dictionary definition of a “lie”. The definition meets the reality:


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1912 test for 8th graders: Can you pass it?

August 18, 2013

FYI some more:

Can you pass this 101-year old test for 8th graders in Kentucky?

The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night” – (44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines):

….Me, I always wonder how many older folks are dying from the flu vaccine, vs. how many are dying from the flu….

The IRS Can’t Plead Incompetence –

If it’s incompetence, says Peggy Noonan, then why did they do it so well and so thoroughly?

And if it was to make it more efficient, like one of the more stupid excuses they used at first, then why did they drag their feet so much?

And if it was to treat them just like anybody else, then why did they have just conservative keywords for search?

If there was no politically motivated targeting for mistreatment, then why has NOT ONE “progressive” group complained, despite Republicans in Congress begging for EVEN ONE to come forth?

And if the IRS is concerned about political activity, then why is Media Matters a 501(c)3? A quick check of their web sites finds ONLY Republican candidates smeared, and no other subject matter.

Noonan also gives us a good explanation about why the Surveillance State should be stopped:

What we lose if we give up privacy:

Reagan is too much venerated by conservatives today, in my opinion, but if you are on the side of truth you don’t need lies to prop you up. I don’t need to lie about Obama to tell the truth, I don’t need to make up stuff about Nixon to tell the truth about him, but it seems like a great number of Ronald Reagan’s biographers are saying that this new film “The Butler” tells some lies by implication about his character.

Sounds like what they did with the Margaret Thatcher story.

You can’t trust Hollywood anymore.. It’s doing its own “McCarthy-like” witch hunts. Their statist ideas about taxation and regulation don’t have facts or logic to support it, so they can’t argue based on them. What they do lots of, though, is ad hominem arguments that don’t need facts or logic, plus throw in some lies here and there. Wrap the word “fiction” around them to avoid libel lawsuits and CYA.


Boy do we ever need Ron Paul’s homeschooling curriculum more than ever. It will even benefit government school students…