Posts Tagged ‘Margaret Thatcher’

1912 test for 8th graders: Can you pass it?

August 18, 2013

FYI some more:

Can you pass this 101-year old test for 8th graders in Kentucky?

The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night” – (44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines):

….Me, I always wonder how many older folks are dying from the flu vaccine, vs. how many are dying from the flu….

The IRS Can’t Plead Incompetence –

If it’s incompetence, says Peggy Noonan, then why did they do it so well and so thoroughly?

And if it was to make it more efficient, like one of the more stupid excuses they used at first, then why did they drag their feet so much?

And if it was to treat them just like anybody else, then why did they have just conservative keywords for search?

If there was no politically motivated targeting for mistreatment, then why has NOT ONE “progressive” group complained, despite Republicans in Congress begging for EVEN ONE to come forth?

And if the IRS is concerned about political activity, then why is Media Matters a 501(c)3? A quick check of their web sites finds ONLY Republican candidates smeared, and no other subject matter.

Noonan also gives us a good explanation about why the Surveillance State should be stopped:

What we lose if we give up privacy:

Reagan is too much venerated by conservatives today, in my opinion, but if you are on the side of truth you don’t need lies to prop you up. I don’t need to lie about Obama to tell the truth, I don’t need to make up stuff about Nixon to tell the truth about him, but it seems like a great number of Ronald Reagan’s biographers are saying that this new film “The Butler” tells some lies by implication about his character.

Sounds like what they did with the Margaret Thatcher story.

You can’t trust Hollywood anymore.. It’s doing its own “McCarthy-like” witch hunts. Their statist ideas about taxation and regulation don’t have facts or logic to support it, so they can’t argue based on them. What they do lots of, though, is ad hominem arguments that don’t need facts or logic, plus throw in some lies here and there. Wrap the word “fiction” around them to avoid libel lawsuits and CYA.


Boy do we ever need Ron Paul’s homeschooling curriculum more than ever. It will even benefit government school students…