Posts Tagged ‘Oval Office’

The Absurdity of the Modern Electoral Process, Well Said, Corbett

September 22, 2012
Ron Paul, member of the United States House of...

Ron Paul, member of the United States House of Representatives from Texas. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Corbett Report | Beyond Politics:

This is a bucket of cold water on the thought that getting to choose between two rulers to govern us, tax us, tell us what to do, send our sons to war, build up Wall Street, borrow and spend their dollar into oblivion… And trick the system…

$40 billion a day comes out of thin air, they don’t even need to calculate cost of ink, paper, design, plates, no, they just enter numbers into a secured software application, click a Transfer button to send it into a “member bank’s” reserves, masquerading as a purchase of secured loans and derivatives by the Not-Federal No-Real-Reserves Not-Bank.

The numbers of people who are becoming aware, though, is growing fast, everywhere in the world. It’s most visible in the USA, much more so because Ron Paul‘s presidential candidacy forced a discussion about reality into the conversation, about the Fed, about wars, the rule of law (does a Constitution matter), the differences between a “democracy” and a “republic”), and so on.

Many of us have free minds now, we see government for what it is. Some of us have been there for a long time. A very very fast-growing number of individual Christians are also having visions of what a free people would look like without the serfdom imposed by overbearing central command and control government.

Man, there is fresh air in that vision, a sense of freedom and liberty that no prison can take away. It’s just part of what Jesus Christ meant when he said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. Part of what he meant was that we are all sovereign individuals by birthright, and knowing that part of the truth makes us free in one sense.

It’s the freedom of knowing we don’t have to be dependent on a king or a ruler for either our sustenance or our freedom of person, life, liberty, trade, even if somebody attempts to take it.

The other part of what Christ was talking about was that with knowing there is a Creator God to give account to, who has declared us not guilty by reason of expiatory sacrifice, we can feel free from guilt, another ruler that bothers us. When I was in college we used to talk about “guilt trips”.

When you get an invitation to receive Christ, it’s the exact opposite of laying a guilt trip on anybody, it’s complete freedom from the slavery of guilt forevermore.

God bless you and thank you for reading my thoughts.

The Corbett Report | Beyond Politics:
12 Sep 2012
September 12, 2012

The sheer absurdity of the spectacle of the modern electoral process is nowhere more apparent than in the American presidential race.

Just like the Olympic games, every four years the presidential election comes around to distract and entertain the masses, and, just like the Olympic games, the proceedings are accompanied by much pomp, ceremony and pageantry and almost nothing at all of substance. The three-ring circus that is the race for the White House plays itself out with a tawdry predictability: the primaries energize the party base and introduce the key themes for the election cycle. Immediately, these are reduced in media coverage of the debates to memes, vague concepts and one-word appeals to the lowest common intellectual denominator: economy, jobs, defense, welfare. By the time the left-right farce of the two-way debates gets underway, any pretence that there are actual issues at stake have been brushed aside. It is no longer about politics, but vacuous slogans: “Hope and Change” vs. “Country First.” “Forward” vs. “Believe in America.” It might as well be red vs. blue, Coke vs. Pepsi, or fork vs. spoon.

Remarkably, no one even notices the sleight of hand by which the political class and the media manage to transform the contest for the Oval Office into a meaningless contest of party slogans and political platitudes.

Romney is the opposite of everything conservatives profess to hold dear: When governor of Massachusetts, he argued for the individual health care mandate he later pretended to oppose. In 2004, Governor Romney signed one of the toughest gun control laws in the country. In 2005 he advocated a cap-and-tax to combat anthropogenic global warming.

Obama, too, is the precise opposite of his supporters’ ideal: He supported the bailout of the “too big to fails” in the 2008 financial crisis. He campaigned on getting lobbyists out of Washington, and then appointed lobbyist after lobbyist to his administration. He expanded Bush’s war on terror into Pakistan and Yemen and Somalia, mainlined the use of drone strikes and enshrined in Libya the doctrine that the President no longer even needs Congress’ rubber stamp to start a war.

In his time in office he has started a presidential kill list that includes American citizens, and signed the NDAA, allowing the US military to arrest anyone, including Americans, anywhere, including on American soil, for any reason, and to detain them indefinitely without recourse to so much as a trial.

None of this matters to the vast majority of voters. They will lap it all up, mindless spectacle and all, following every move in the horse race, cheering when their erstwhile leader says something that sounds acceptable and jeering when the other team’s captain takes to the field. And when questioned on their own party’s platform, hardly one in ten will be able to accurately articulate it.