Posts Tagged ‘Michael Strong’


January 1, 2014

Mises Institute will broadcast this educational event live, presentations from a number of Austrian economists:


Some readers may be interested in this hit piece about the Honduras initiative to establish special economic zones, with a reply from Michael Strong:

–Michael Strong includes a few great links himself in his reply! I checked some of them and there’s a lot of interesting information.

Strong says there is an NPR program on Honduras about the special economic zone initiative that he says is fair. (See the article and video here) Wonders never cease, since they covered events in 2009 with shows that attempted to justify the attack by most of the rest of the world’s media and governments and social injustice blogs everywhere on Honduras sovereignty, constitution, and freedom:


Check it out, check “mailpile”, have your own mail server…


Good news for liberty, says the Lew Rockwell blog:

Russian saying they should follow American total surveillance example. Uh oh..

Who’s Behind the Terrorist Attacks in Russia?


Cold weather trapped a ship and stopped an icebreaker’s attempt to rescue it:
..And that’s in the Antarctica summer.. Algoreans are in deep freeze…


Obama the Merciless:


See this 8-page pdf document on the future of higher education. They think it looks good:


There’s going to be trouble, because the dollar is going to crash, and other events are being set up as we speak. But the long term prospects are good for those who love the truth.


Honduras’ Congress and the Supreme Court

December 15, 2012
The sign opposes Manuel Zelaya, Fidel Castro, ...

The sign opposes Manuel Zelaya, Fidel Castro, and Hugo Chávez. It supports Roberto Micheletti and democracy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Golly, the things they’re describing in Honduras about their Congress and President sound like The 2010 American Congress and the nationalization of the medical industry.

ABC is describing it as a big mess and they are even repeating the now discredited lie that Zelaya was ousted in his pajamas. In reality we now know he wore a suit as he left the presidential mansion, passing by statues of himself that he had used to decorate the place, because neighbors saw him in the suit. He changed into the pajamas in Costa Rica for a sympathy play.

It is ABC that has been flailing about in its own reporting. The things they criticize about Honduras are happening in their own base country of the United States and they could not be happier, it seems…

Well, looking at other news sources, it seems this story originated with the Associated Press, which served as the propaganda arm for the Zelaya-Chavez-Castro alliance effort to establish another permanent dictatorship in Latin America and call it “democracy”. They are back to bashing Honduras again.

They probably had to conduct ten interviews with citizens in the street before they found one that referred to the 2009 constitutional succession as a “coup”. It was Zelaya’s coup against his own government that was ousted along with him.

But the criticism is hypocritical, coming from ABC,  which joined all the rest of the world press in 2009 demanding that the master of presidency by decree and now ex-dictator Manuel Zelaya be restored to his throne to boss the country!

There is certainly more to the story than even what we’re seeing, and the guy that complains about the “Danza de Milliones” is protecting his own neck to by assuredly sitting on some truly damaging information about his peers –and they are doing the same thing no doubt the other way.

I know people who have served in that Congress, but the best ones only serve one term because you can only run around with wolves for so long before you start howling like one. Therein lies truly nasty stuff.

Thank God that the Honduran people were so outraged by the attempt to make the Chavez-Zelaya dictatorship permanent that they delivered some mighty blows back to the empire, the Congress had to channel the energy.

And hey folks, Michael Strong offered the best thing Honduras has had a chance at in centuries, and the Congress approved it, and the Supreme Court threw it out. Was it the same Supreme Court? If it was, then my doubt in this fight is toward whoever stopped it.

Because territorial integrity would have been preserved, there was no advocacy of presidential re-election, and the irrevocable guarantee of a republican form of government would also have been preserved intact. Those are the only three items that are irrevocable and immutable in the Constitution of Honduras.

Where were these international voices to defend the Supreme Court and the independence of the different branches of government when the Honduran Supreme Court did, with the Congress, against a dictator, exactly that in 2009? Where was this concern when Zelaya was issuing illegal and unconstitutional orders in his plan to consolidate permanent power?