Posts Tagged ‘Iowa’

Ron Paul nearly tied for #1, surging in Iowa poll, as people hear his message

November 18, 2011

Ron Paul‘s poll numbers are surging as people discover what his message really is:

He’s within the 5-point margin of error for a tie with Herman Cain for first place in Iowa, according this new Iowa State University/Gazette/K

What this means is that when people get a chance to actually hear Ron Paul explain his positions, without the media filters, they respond to this message. Many realize he is speaking the same things they’ve been thinking all along, with others it’s like something they were thinking but now it’s like they have permission to think differently than they’ve been told and it resonates. Still others realize that his message of freedom makes sense.

And best of all for many, his record speaks louder than his words, or gives a perfect echo to his words. Here finally is a man we can trust based on his record to actually do what he says he’s going to do. He votes exactly as he says he will, with no turning and is considered the most honest man in Congress. If a bill is unconstitutional, he has sometimes been the lone single vote against it.

People know he’s not out there playing with his words to get votes like you sense with a lot of the other candidates. With him, it’s what you see is what you get.