Posts Tagged ‘Domain name’

Why Ron Paul owns his own name vs. the Internet | Trutherator’s Weblog

May 27, 2013

I have added a page, where I parse out the issues that relate to the recent episode surrounding the Internet claim:

Anybody who claims that Ron Paul did this in bad faith, loses ALL claim to any moral high ground, and that applies ESPECIALLY to the group that grabbed the name when it became available.

And if the latest I have heard about is true, that group will now face a backlash from the people who were supporting them against what they thought was a misguided effort by Ron Paul.

What I heard was that they asked for a counter-judgment against Ron Paul for reverse domain-name squatting.

I sincerely hope that this attack against the character of Ron Paul, using the very UN they complained about when Ron Paul made the claim, does blow back against them.

It certainly exposes them as “sore winners”. Not content with blocking Ron Paul’s claim, they want to get a judgment to paint him as a bad guy.

So now tell me again why they want to keep ownership of his name and a web site for Ron Paul fans?

Watch them tell us it was for Ron Paul principles. Not so much anymore.. Which ones will be remembered for Ron Paul principles in history? We know who has lived out their character in public for the world to see. But we also know who ran to blast Ron Paul for taking their domain name and lied when they said he was running to the UN to get the domain. (Of course they did not mention that if true, it was they themselves who used the United Nation rules to lay claim to the name)

And since they will LOSE the name if they do not continue to pay the ongoing rent for use of the domain name, by the way, it is NOT a “property” issue. The only “natural” property issue that lies outside government rules and UN-blessed arbitration agencies, is to find who the name itself most “naturally” belongs to originally.


Ron Paul and The argument I haven’t seen out there

March 23, 2013
Ron Paul at the 2007 National Right to Life Co...

Ron Paul at the 2007 National Right to Life Convention, held at Crown Center Hyatt Regency in Kansas City, MO; June 15, 2007, (Photo credit: Wikipedia)






Good insight, Andrew. If ICANN is set up to enforce a government monopoly controlling domain names, which it is like Kinsella says, then the way Kinsella seems to be coming down on this is self-contradictory, as is the position of the supporters.


I heard Kinsella on the Adam Koresh youtube channel interview about this. After explaining how it is a government-mandated monopoly system under the cover of a quasi-private quasi-official organization like the Fed, and how there are some 30 government officials on the Board of it, he then goes on to refer to Ron Paul‘s actions in this matter as a taking, as if it stood in a vacuum outside of a government-enforced monopoly over domain assignments!

The Internet domain name claim system is LIKE FAKE FIAT FED CURRENCY. Use this or use nothing! If the government had stayed out of it, if there were no trademark law, and no ICANN rule-making body, then an interconnecting network of networks could have grown organically, Ron Paul would own his name and there would grow from the free market a way to see what he says without the ambiguities of who claims a monopoly right on the name first. That’s my opinion for a hypothetical obviously.

But like I have said elsewhere, get another perspective. As one who lost by two days of thinking about grabbing the URL for (arggh), just imagine the guys when they went looking for it. They could not BELIEVE their outrageous good luck in finding out that they got there before Ron Paul himself. Grab it quick, Jack, before Ron Paul figures it out!

Now they whine and complain that they want compensation for being first grabber of a trademark-law-guaranteed monopoly.

Either way this goes, I lean to the same Kinsella view of copyright, patent, and trademark laws. But it is blatantly self-contradictory to say you think trademark law is theft, and then support the monopoly control over it that he says he figures will go to the current “owners” of the name. He seems to agree that the claim is an attempt to seize private property, but he did hesitate a bit when he was asked that, directly by Koresh. But it is property with conditions. Under any “natural law” that might be analogous to trademark law considered here, Ron Paul has a higher claim on the political implications of his name than anybody. They rode Ron Paul’s name and his fame to their own claim.


Ron Paul a hypothetical plumber in Minnesota, could make a credible claim to the name factor that is being used to criticize the action, but that’s irrelevant here because the present “owners” of the URL do not carry that name except as a government-created fiction.

And Ron Paul is NOT “filing suit”, he is filing a claim. This is an administrative body but it is an arbitration process besides that.

ARE WE DISAPPOINTED WITH RON PAUL JUST BECAUSE HE USES FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES WHEN HE BUYS GAS??!! Or because he had to use the two-party duopoly to make his point and leave his legacy? You think his usurping the Establishment Republicans’ “rightful” ownership of the party deserves any more than a spitting glance?


Do YOU pay for your gas with fake counterfeit money?


I think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion by the savvy loud and fast blast of propaganda that “owners” executed masterfully and immediately.


They claim that they offered it free to Ron Paul without compensation, but this is a moot claim, since they obviously did not mean it. They wanted something in return, or otherwise they would just let him have it. Without monetary compensation, maybe, but they wanted something that, in my opinion, when we know exactly what it supposedly was, was something that was of convertible value. I suspect.


Again, we do not fault Ron Paul for using what he calls counterfeit money to negotiate for the fruits of his labor at the supermarket. Nor do we fault ourselves. It is simply does not cut so clearly in the present monopoly franchisee’s favor. We shall see how it falls, but the biggest problem is that this infighting over this issue is distracting attention from the bigger issues of the economic and social disaster fast coming, and all the issues of Ron Paul’s message.