Posts Tagged ‘Edward Snowden’

The Daily Bell – Edward Snowden: Limited Hangout or a Globalist Step-Back?

June 10, 2013


These guys at The Daily Bell always offer penetrating insight into the big stories that the Old Media plays up big. More often than not, there is more to the fact that it is a story in the corporate-government-media complex than meets the eye at first glance.


They don’t offer these ideas as just-so, or as if they were facts. Indeed they simply say this is what it looks like to us.


In my opinion, their ideas generally ring true…


Free-Market Analysis: You read it here first over the weekend: Like Julian Assange and Occupy Wall Street, Edward Snowden is likely part of a larger dominant social theme, a manipulation created and supported by globalists who have created the world’s mega-surveillance state and now want to publicly enshrine it.

See our two articles:

Reuters: People Demand Government Action to Subdue Internet Surveillance

Was Guardian ‘SpyGate’ Article Planted to Support Pending British ‘Snooper’ Law?

The Guardian, which broke the initial story utilizing Snowden as a source, is part of the mainstream media. The mainstream media is controlled and globalist in its outlook. If those controlling the Guardian and other mainstream outlets didn’t want Snowden on the front page, he wouldn’t be there.


read the rest of the article here…


Reminds me of something from the Isaac Asimov science fiction Foundation trilogy… The Second Foundation arranges to get itself discovered and sacrifices a few of its own to make the First Foundation think that the Second Foundation is extinguished…


False flag operations, the military calls them. Seems as though about half of the “terrorist” hits since 2001 that the FBI stopped were FBI false flag operations in the first place.

But stop the presses. The Daily Bell itself promotes throughout its web pages the theme that the Internet Reformation is a big challenge to the powers that be that they expend considerable intellectual effort exposing. There is Ron Paul praising Edward Snowden and saying we need many more of them. Whether or not Snowden and Julian Assange are meant as the first phase of a Hegelian exercise, it still remains that it does expose the spying.

Like Ezekiel wrote in his prophetic book, if the warning is sounded and you do nothing, it’s their fault, not yours. If you don’t sound the alarm, then it’s your fault, not theirs.

These rogue actors have sounded the alarm, Ron Paul of course more effectively than most of us in the context of the current state of the world.

But there is indeed something missing. We all need more Ron Paul’s all over the world. The rest of the world is none of America‘s business, meaning meddling is neither welcome or effective as a diplomatic tool. But what is more effective is communication among private individuals, which is exactly what the Internet enables. American fans of Ron Paul and the principles of liberty and respect, and individual rights, need to become more aware of international initiatives along these lines.

And for comic relief, we have a comment from Donald Trump on Fox News Channel.

Headline: Donald Trump calls Snowden a “grandstander”.

Really? Donald Trump calling Snowden a grandstander? Hello? Get it? Really? Are you kidding me?