The wicked shall be turned into hell

May 17, 2024

Netanyahu: Hottest fires of hell await. Not even a believing Jew, he invoked the Amalekites so he could do a “reverse Holocaust” in Gaza.

Don’t look over there at the West Bank though. New “settlements” popping up on lands where “Amalekites” have been pushed out.

Ae least the most Orhodox Jews are condemning the Zionists, and calling them out by name!

One reason Netanyahu wants the US to go after Iran is that Iran has the most JEWISH SYNAGOGUES in the Middle East.

And shush about all those Palestinian Christians getting slaughtered in Gaza right now.

Time to tell dispensation-deceived Chrstians to study up on Cyrus Scofield, womanizer, twice divorced and according to the Bible worse than an infidel for abandoning his duty to support his ex-wives. Also jailbird for embezzlement and fraud. AFTER his fake conversion.

Co-conspirator with Charles Darby in mutilating the Word of God with those satanic “dispensations”.


Healing by faith

May 16, 2024

On a purportedly Christian web site, maybe it’s better to contrast the bad examples with good ones like William Branham, who prophesied a great future ministry at a meeting while looking directly at a disillusioned minister who had just been kicked out of his pastorate for bringing in Mexicans and Indians into the congregation. He went on later to start the earliest Jesus People movement in Huntington Beach.

A founder of a charismatic missionary movement told me once about hearing a talk from an evangelist from South Africa who told of William Branham inviting all the terminal cases from a medical facility near the venue of his tent revival meetins. Every single one went home healed.

A lady who fell on the ice in Minnesota when she was coming home after giving birth, and lost two or three vertebra. The Mayo Clinic told her to accept that she only had a few months and to move to a milder climate to be more comfortable.

Her devoted husband moved her to California but for five years brought to their home every minister he could find that would pray over her. Finally, she herself accepted Christ (she had not believed) and a few days later realized that the way it works is believe for the healing, not see the healing to believe. In a later church meeting a doctor publicly challenged her in church that she could not be walking around in her condition. He examined her and accepted the fact of her healing and condition.

Dom Lucre drops a historical bombshell!

May 13, 2024

A baby is a baby, not just a blob

May 11, 2024

Psalm 127 shows that the baby is a human being from conception. Period.

In the case of rape, having a baby is an example of what Joseph told his brothers: You meant it for evil, but God meant if for good. Now some pro-prenatal-infanticide reader may be tempted to react by accusing me of saying rape is good, but that’s willful ignorance, something else condemned in the Bible just like rape is.

The rape is evil, the baby is a good thing. Satan is the one who hates babies, because every baby is a potentially saved soul.

A Congressman many years ago accused a pro-life colleague of being a hypocrite because “I’ll bet his daughter has never been raped”. They then interviewed the pro-life senator who said, Yes, his daughter had been raped and she had the baby.

Death penalty for rape?

May 5, 2024

Death penalty for rape?

Why not apply the same penalties to male-on-male rapists?

Although being aware of the gross heinous abuses by prosecutors and lawmakers of judicial institutions, I’m not sure about the death penalty because it’s so final. DNA has exonerated many on death row.

If death is the penalty for such crimes, what about the criminals who have positions of prosecutors across the land who abuse their power to rack up successful prosecution totals to advance their careers? And how about the “Freemasons” and secret society members who take advantage of their club membership to twist the law? Or to twist lawmaking?

How about some sunlight on the lobby industry too? How much is paid to whom by whom for unfair legislation? How about ending “civil forfeiture” (also known as highway robbery)?

New variant name

April 30, 2024

The new variant name is bs24-7.

Thank you, Brenda Lee, who posted on “The Truth Barrier” (Celia Farber). whoever you are.

Propellantless Propulsion!

April 24, 2024

Look Ma! No fuel! I think it uses electrostatic forces for propulsion, and they’re going to do a test in space later this year, as they have succeeded in getting a 1G force.

This is big. I just hope the you-know-who’s don’t get to subvert it like they did some of Tesla’s inventions..

Snake handlers

March 30, 2024

I watched a segment that Dan Rather did once featuring a snake handler church in the Appalachians.

On camera, one of the faithful drank from a glass of water with strychnine dissolved in it. If they drink any poison it shall not hurt them. he showed a few clips of them handling the snakes.

With their permission, Dan Rather’s team took that same cup of poison water to a lab. The lab reported that the solution had enough of the poison to kill a horse.

I was surprised it got air time.

My father, a Pentecostal pastor, regarded the practice as “tempting God”, based on verses in the Bible. My view at this time at least, is that it is okay for the ones who practice this, as they do it for the glory of God, and it is a testimony at least among them.

Netanyahu and his “Amalekites”

March 27, 2024

There was Israel in the Bible but it was dissolved by the Romans in 70 AD and again in 120 AD, after rebellions by the Zealots. In 120 AD, the chief rabbi declared that the general leading the rebellion was the Messiah. All the Christian soldiers immediately deserted, and the rebellion was quashed, just like all the would-be messiahs during the time Christ walked the earth. 

Jesus had prophesied, lamenting that the Jews had rejected him, said that “your house is left unto you desolate”. He had already predicted (Matthew 24) that every stone of the temple would be thrown down, which they were. after the 70 AD rebellion. 

The other part of that prophecy was that the “kingdom will be taken from you, and given to a people bearing the fruits thereof”.  

The nation-state of Israel in the Middle East today was hatched by secular Zionist Jews, helped along by the Brits, and kept viable by Harry Truman and all US regimes since. The chief rabbi of Israel on a visit once said Miami Beach was part of Israel. Small thinking. Admiral Zumwalt once complained that Congress gave Israel whatever they wanted before the US generals could get it.

Israel is NOT of God, it does NOT represent God’s chosen, and even the Orthodox do not recognize it as the kingdom they wait for.

It is an evil nation. Netanyahu exposed himself nd his blasphemy when he referred to the Palestinians as “Amalekites”. That was the tribe that prophet Samuel told Saul to totally obliterate, because they had attacked Israel again and again, even after multiple defeats. Women and children too, because the women were raising the children to do the same atrocities. 

But now, it is Israel that is committing Amalek style atrocities. In other words, Netanyahu has pronounced the judgment that Israel will get. Sow and reap. God is not mocked. 

Trump cannot save us. Brace for impact.

March 11, 2024

IIRC Trump expressed doubt about the nine-eleven cover story, he did push the fauci operation to muzzle the hoi polloi, lock them in their homes, destroy the economy (especially the middle class) and inject the population with the poison jab. PLUS he loaded up his government with Swamp snakes. Robert F. Kennedy spent hours with him after the 2016 election, so he’s got no excuse for the killer jab op.