States independence, not constitutional convention

Mark Levin is a smart guy, but…

Please think before accepting a new constitutional convention.

One, if all three branches of the federal government have acted illegally and unconstutionally with impunity the entire history of the Republic, beginning with Hamilton’s execrable central bank, the Marbury v. Madison decision, then banning post office competition, and even an abominable war to overthrow state sovereignty, the claim that the income tax was ratified, and the rest, then rest assured, it is a useless exercise.

SCOTUS and gang could wait until you expend all that effort and money to then declare the effort itself unconstitutional. Then, you representatives would start backing off.

Two, it’s a Pandora’s box. You get scoundrels lying to get in, with betrayal and payoffs in mind. Think central bank. Think RINOs on steroids.

Three, there are two much better tactics for the goal of liberty.

Tactic one. Repeal of the 17th, to put the Senate back in the hands of the state legislatures. That returns some sovereignty to the states and even the people. Because you can tear into your state reps and senate easier than the U. S. Senator.

Tactic Two. Frame everything within the 10th Amendment.

Tactic Three. Make your state refuse federal strings attached money. It’s a stupid excuse for giving up your sovereignty for 30 pieces of silver. Call it that.

Four. Finally, yell and scream secession! The looney Left Coast have now made it even pc to talk about it. Advocate Calexit for starters. Secede. Free Florida. Georgia for Georgians. The Cajun Republic.


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