US History recap.. A lesson in George Orwell…

ISIS infiltrating.. Shades of 1984.. George Orwell speaking from his grave…

“We” (we who?) have always been at war against genocide (Nazis).. we had to help Stalin..

We have always been at war against imperialism (Japan)…
…so we had to choke off their oil supplies..

We have always been at war against authoritarians (Chinese Nationalists)… we had to block their weapons purchases to fight the Communists

We have always been at war against tyranny (Iron Curtain).. we had to support the Chinese Nationalists (Taiwan)

We have always been at war against Communists.. we had to install the Shah in Iran…

We have always been at war against Communists.. we had to support right-wing coups..

We have always been at war against right-wing coups.. we had to support dictator Manuel Zelaya in Honduras…

We have always been at war against centralized power.. we had to support Kosovo separatists and take the Kosovar Liberation Army off the drug-trafficking terrorist list..

We have always been at war against Russia… we had to create al Qaeda and the Taliban..

We have always been at war against al Qaeda… we had to support Pakistan..

We have always been at war against terrorists (Taliban)..
…so we had to take the Northern Army off the terrorism list and put a corrupt Westernized “selected” president in place…

We have always been at war against rebels and instability.. we had to install Saddam Hussein in Iraq..

We have always been at war against colonialism.. George Bush Sr had to have Ambassador April Glaspie tell Saddam we don’t care if he invades Kuwait..

We have always been at war against countries invading their neighbors.. we had to go to war against Saddam because he invaded Kuwait
(complete with Kuwaiti Ambassador’s teenage daughter fake river of tears over dead incubator babies..)

We have always been at war against terrorists (al Qaeda).. we had to support drones..

We have always been at war against dangerous dictators who demanded euros instead of dollars for his oil.. we had to say he had WMDs and invade Iraq..

We have always been at war against dictatorships..
…So we had to send special forces to organize and supply Al Qaeda in Libya to overthrow the guy who was a threat to the US dollar…

We have always been at war against governments killing rebels (Syria)…
..So we had to pour financing and arms into Syrian rebels’ hands, al Qaeda front brand, Free Syrian Army, now re-branded ISIS to detract from the Western financing of them…

We have always been at war against dictators..
..So we armed and financed ISIS in Syria..and tried to get public support for bombing Syria for them..

We have always been at war…with the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES and against freedom using the excuse that we have to go to war against everybody else.

USG poured arms and paid hordes to go to fight the Syrian government, the evil Syrian government.