Archive for February, 2015

American Inverventions are failing everywhere– No more war!

February 15, 2015

The United States delivered a blow against the Taliban and al Qaeda both after the towers fell, and could have declared victory and left. That would have been a boost in morale, respect worldwide, and meantime almost every nation in the world supported it.

Instead they stayed to nation-build, something GW Bush swore he would never ever do.

It did not work in Vietnam. Now the USA is the biggest trade partner with Vietnam.

American intervention failed miserably in Iraq. It failed because of what the CIA warned about: Blowback. That’s why George Tenet leaked all those disclaimers that warned us against going into Iraq, and that’s the message from the main CIA guy searching for bin Laden told every news program that invited him on.

American intervention failed worst of all in Libya.

American intervention has failed in Egypt. American intervention in Egypt was (quietly) in favor of the worst geopolitical enemies of the USA, just like intervention in Honduras was (quietly) also in favor of the worst geopolitical enemies of the USA. Mohamed Morsi said he was protected because Obama was “in my back pocket”. Socialist lifetime-dictator-wannabe Manuel Zelaya, Chavez puppet, tried an auto-coup and was dethroned, but the American Embassy did its best to support his fraud, stop his arrest, and then work with the Allende-socialist OEA Secretary General Insulza to demand –and work behind the scenes– to put him back in power.

American intervention is failing everywhere now.

It has had some pyrrhic successes, like the Spanish-American War, the ethnic cleansing of the Amerindian natives, the Honduras and Guatemala United Fruit interventions, the invasion of the Dominican Republic.

With the renegade alternative media that has broken out all over the Internet, now, they’re having trouble putting the demons they unleash back in the bottle. The news is out: BUSTED!

As we see in Libya, in Syria, in Saudi Arabia, in Iraq, in Iran, in Somalia, in Honduras, in Ukraine, all these interventions have nothing at all to do with democracy, or stopping an enemy the USA military could stomp out like a cockroach in two months if the American ruling cliques decided for real to do it.

The powers in the shadows that manipulated our *selected* representatives do not favor the USA at all. They began their overthrow of the USA in 1913 with the third central bank after two previous presidents (Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson) had killed it. Jackson called the bankers pushing it a “den of vipers and thieves”.

Most presidents have been Masons. As Masons rise in their levels, they learn their principles from “Morals and Dogma” by Albert Pike, who besides being a Colonel in the southern Confederacy, founded the Ku Klux Klan of the day.

Many recent presidents have been members of a very dark order, one that carries the deceiving name of a false label that means “enlightened”, but utilizes the darkest arts and the most evil occultism to accomplish its purposes.

Folks, it’s time for conservatives to join their fellow liberty-loving conservatives that are sick and tired of following along with these illusionist tricks.

America’s worst enemies are not overseas. Not for nothing the Founding Fathers of the United States –the ones that loved freedom– warned their descendants (you and me) against “entangling alliances” in foreign affairs, even while encouraging trade and commerce with any and all.

EXCLUSIVE: Sheriff Stands Up to IRS, Cancels Land Sale | Ben Swann Truth In Media

February 15, 2015

Finally, the Feds get some blowback from local law enforcement.

Sheriff London of Eddy County, New Mexico, faced off some IRS agents that came to “seize” (steal) a property from its owner, and evict anyone living there, and blocked their theft, telling them that they cannot seize it (steal it) while Mr. Carter’s appeal is pending.

Mr. Carter has made a long list of illegal (criminal) actions by IRS agents against him, and the assessments that they multiply against him without legal authority.

God bless and protect Sheriff London and Mr. Carter.

Is your Samsung Smart TV reporting on you?

February 15, 2015

Samsung’s SmartTV Disabling its eavesdropping could violate DMCA:


February 15, 2015


Love is believing, trusting, helping, encouraging, confiding, sharing, understanding, feeling, touching, caring, praying, giving. Love is communication. Love is an emotion. Love is passionate, alive, vibrant, and warm. Love is something that gets better all the time!

Love is the greatest need of mankind, so love is the greatest service to mankind. Love is spiritual, but is manifested in the physical. Love is seen as it is put into action. Love is thoughtfulness. Love is always. Love knows no hours or days. Love is always finding a way. Love is giving all. Love is rare—the unselfish kind. Love is priceless. Love is its own reward.

Love is sacrificial. Love is preferring the happiness of others to our own. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is merciful. Love can overcome any obstacle, heal any wound. Love is quick to forgive. Love is humble.

Love is never lost.—It always has its effect sooner or later. Love is forever.

Love is the name of God. Love is the power of God. Love is God, for God is love! God’s ultimate love is Jesus (1 John 4:8-9).

Cures for CFS, and does Leonard Pitts also call Barack Obama on his dozens of massively destructive lies?

February 14, 2015

Vision of society

Cure for chronic fatigue syndrome:

Gary North’s wife was cured. Many years agone she was cured. Feds shut it down.

The inventor, Evans Rapsomanikas, died in 2001. His machines have survived him.

Leonard pitts thinks Brian Williams’ lies are worse than Fox News’:

I’ve read some of Leonard Pitts’ columns. He’s based locally where I live. He does not call the biggest lies of all printed in his own home newspaper. I suspect he’s reprinted some of the most trusted lies of the nation today. How many lies has he called Obama on?

The myth that government created the internet

February 13, 2015

I wrote Michael S. Rozeff to thank him for his article, which shows that government was not necessary to create the Internet. I copied my message to him here below.

Hello Michael,

I react to your contribution:
The myth that government created the internet –

THANK YOU for writing this. I have already been telling people this for a very long time. Just the other day another Obama dupe pointed to it as something the government did well.

But you even left out something even more telling about it.

Before there was the Internet, remember, there was CompuServe, Prodigy, and don’t forget AOL. The last one did pretty well and even refused to be left behind with the Internet.

In fact it was one of those services, I think it was AOL, that in an obscure (probably “obfuscated”) news item in the local paper, I noticed that some judge somewhere ordered that ISP’s could no longer meter the time one was signed in to the Internet. The rationale was something like “the greater good”.

Those services would have grown. The telephone system already had T1 lines from a LONG time ago. SDLC I think it was, was somewhere between audio modems and high-capacity phone wiring. During the Internet rollout, my “employer” (I was contracting with them) had an SDLC line.

If I remember correctly, the word for the Internet was derived from Inter-Network, meaning a network of networks, and that’s all it is. In fact many companies using the standard TCP-IP protocols have their own mini-Internet, called Intranet, because they have a bunch of networks.

The Internet took over only because of the heavy installed presence of the biggest corporations that were big because of the usual factors, government intervention causing a tendency to favor size, and the military contractors, and the protocol. It was the biggest market the fastest.

Without a government, the fact that those earliest service companies (and the home-grown dial-in bulletin boards that popped up everywhere), shows that governments were completely unnecessary.

In fact, a spontaneous market-driven growth in communications would have probably grown in a more secure manner.

When the governments of this world and the world dictatorship of the Beast are no more, the infrastructure will still be there.

The brian Williams rip-off of LRC:

February 11, 2015

All about this 101 year old test for eighth graders in Kentucky:

Sew and reap.

He just didn’t want to give credit to Lew Rockwell. So he lied about who their source was. So much for the myth that they want to protect their sacred sources. They’ll blow the whistle on their own to push the left-fascist dystopia.

McCarthy was vindicated, Controlled Press changes history narratives

February 11, 2015

See the response to the attack by Edward Murrow from Joseph McCarthy, which is now available on-line (See the link below). As we see now, he was right, and he was vindicated by the Venona Papers released by Russia post-Glasnost.

Murrow was groomed in the government-media complex of the 1930s and 1940s, in which all the presstitute corps were required to be fans of “Uncle Joe” over there, who according to the New York Times at the time had a workers’ paradise going on. And there were no abuses.

Of course in true Orwellian fashion, after WWII, the FDR-era media image of a nice benevolent “Uncle Joe” went away, and so did all the historical memory of presstitute media ever praising him like they recently had.

McCarthy’s rebuttal is found here:

Needless to say, Murrow’s original broadcast and transcript, and his response to McCarthy’s rebuttal is easier to find in a web search than Joe McCarthy’s side of the issue. If you compare the two, however, avoided the actual accusations by making putting words in McCarthy’s mouth by way of slight misquotes so he could put down a straw man.

Murrow cynically used the questions about an Army Colonel to provoke patriotic reactions against McCarthy. The presstitute left-fascist press also persecuted into near-poverty the whistleblower that exposed traitor Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss was a confidant of FDR and helped architect the United Nations. He was fingered by a Soviet defector as a Soviet agent, and the Pumpkin Papers proved his Soviet agent credentials.

Ha. This man continued to be praised by all the usual left-fascists, except the repentant Whittaker Chambers who exposed him, and Richard Nixon. By the way, the American Communist Party later praised Nixon for implementing the Communist Party platform.

Sneaking toward the Mark

February 8, 2015

27 Ways to Accept Mobile Payments:

A story that I first noticed in the 1990s pointed to the official formats of the then recently new UPC code system for classifying all products made or sold in the USA.

There is a lot of detailed explanation at this link. In the text there are other links to more information about it:

Here is the scripture that associates the number 666 with the Beast:

Rev.13 [16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
[18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Go search these things to see if they be right.

Alliance for Prosperity? Please, not with the US!

February 6, 2015

As an American-Honduran (citizen of Honduras by marriage), and married to my Honduran sweetheart, and having been a missionary in Columbia, this article is a based on a bunch of baloney.

The stabilization in Columbia is ALL the doing of President URIBE, and nothing to do with Bush or Obama or $9 billion. They’ve always had ‘aid”. The violence is NOT worse AT ALL in Columbia. ALL my Columbian friends say so, and URIBE is their hero. One friend told me that she was friends with a journalist who got pictures of US regulars training GUERRILLAS.

The best thing the USA can do for my new country of Honduras is End. All. Drug. Wars. Right. Now. That is what creates more violence that anything else, plus the AMERICAN-bred gangs that were deported to Central America.

The US Ambassador did his best to make sure dictator Zelaya succeeded in becoming dictator-for-life, and Hondurans said NO. They do not want to become another Cuba or Venezuela.

If Honduras prospers, I suspect it will owe more to the ZEDE plan that opens up special economic zones to investment and low taxation. And a safe business environment. That worked with the China Hong-Kong-replication plan, worked in other places.

God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.